Stage 22 Flashcards
adeptus, adepta, adeptum
- overtaken
- obtained
- having received, having obtained
amor, amōris, m.
- love
aureus, aurea, aureum
- Made of gold, golden; gilded.
- Of the color of gold, gold-colored; shining or glittering like gold.
- (figuratively) Golden, beautiful, splendid, magnificent, excellent.
- (substantive) A gold coin equivalent to 25 denarii, aureus.
avidē (comparative avidius, superlative avidissimē)
- greedily, avariciously
- hungrily, voraciously
- eagerly, desirously
caelum, caelī, n.
- (vault of) heaven
- sky
- atmosphere, climate, weather
dēcipiō, dēcipere, dēcēpī, dēceptum
- I catch, ensnare, entrap, deceive, trick, mislead, beguile, elude, cheat.
dīrus, dīra, dīrum
- fearful
- ominous
- (of character) dreadful, detestable, awful
- (New Latin) Used as a species epithet
dissentiō, dissentīre, dissēnsī, dissēnsum
- I dissent, disagree or differ
ēligō, ēligere, ēlēgī, ēlēctum
- I pluck or root out, extract.
2. (figuratively, of persons or things) I pick out, choose, elect.
exitium, exitiī, n.
- destruction, ruin
2. beginner, novice
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsum (limited passive)
- (transitive) I pour out, shed.
- (transitive) I found, make by smelting.
- (transitive, figuratively) I moisten, wet.
- (transitive) I extend, spread out.
- (transitive) I utter.
iactō, iactāre, iactāvī, iactātum
- I throw, cast, hurl.
- I scatter, toss.
- (figuratively) I disturb, disquiet.
- I utter, speak, throw out.
- I hurl insults.
- I boast, act conceitedly.
- I am officious.
incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum
- begin
ingressus, ingressa, ingressum
- entered, having entered
- engaged in
- begun, commenced
iniciō, inicere, iniēcī, iniectum
- I throw, cast, hurl or place in, on, into, upon, over or at.
- I take hold of, lay my hands upon.
- I seize, take possession of.
- I inspire, infuse, cause.
- I dwell or reflect upon.
- I suggest, mention.
lacrima, lacrimae, f.
- a tear (drop)
minimus, -a, -um (superlative of parvus)
- very little, least
molestus, molesta, molestum
- troublesome, irksome, grievous, annoying, tiresome
parcō, parcere, pepercī, parsum
- I refrain; I forbear
2. (with dative) I am lenient to; I spare
precātus, precāta, precātum
- beseeched, entreated
2. having prayed (to)
quantus, quanta, quantum
- how much, how many, how big
tardus, tarda, tardum
- slow, sluggish
- tardy
- late, lingering
- dull, stupid
tūtus, tūta, tūtum
- safe, prudent
- secure
- protected
virtūs, virtūtis, f.
- manliness, manhood, virility
- courage, resoluteness
- virtue, goodness
- character
- excellence
vītō, vītāre, vītāvī, vītātum
- I avoid
2. I shun
loquāx m.f.n., loquācis
- talkative
dīligentia, dīligentiae, f.
- diligence, hard work, care, attentiveness
2. economy, frugality, thrift
locūtus, locūta, locūtum
- spoken, having spoken.
fībula, fībulae, f.
1, clasp, buckle, brooch
modestus, modesta, modestum
- moderate, calm, restrained, mild
2. modest, reserved, discreet
quālis m.f., quāle n.
- what (kind of [e.g., man, thing])
fingō, fingere, finxī, fictum
- I shape, fashion, form.
- I adorn, dress, arrange.
- I dissemble; I alter the truth in order to deceive; feign; pretend.
- I train, teach, instruct.
bellum, bellī, n.
- war
mīlle c (plural mīlia n)
- (cardinal) thousand; 1000
occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsum
- I fell, cut to the ground; beat, smash, crush.
- I cut off, kill, slay, slaughter.
- (by extension) I plague to death, torture, torment, pester.
- (by extension) I ruin, undo, bring about the ruin of.
lēgātus, lēgātī, m.
- An envoy, ambassador, legate
2. A lieutenant, commander
alter, altera, alterum
- the other, the second
2. (gen. & dat. like 3D)
occurrō, occurrere, occurrī, occursum
- I run to; I go to meet.
- I charge, rush to attack.
- I meet, go to, come to.
- I resist, oppose, counterattack.
- (figuratively) I answer, reply, especially in objection.
- (figuratively) I present myself, suggest myself, appear, occur, especially to the mind.
- (figuratively) I reach, attain.
lacertus, lacertī, m.
- The muscular part of the upper arm, including the shoulder, biceps, and triceps.
- The arm
- muscle (strength)
bracchium, bracchiī, n.
- forearm
- arm (shoulder to fingers)
- limb of an animal (e.g. claw, tentacle)
- branch (of a tree)
- arm of branch of the sea
- (military) earthwork
- (military) arm of a catapult
bulbus, bulbī, m.
- bulb (especially an edible bulb such as the onion)
contemnō, contemnere, contempsī, contemptum
- I scorn, reject, despise
suspirium, suspiriī, n.
- deep breath
- sigh
- (figuratively) heart-throb
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctum
- (transitive) I touch, grasp.
- (transitive) I reach, arrive at.
- (transitive) I attain to.
- (transitive) I move, affect.
- (transitive) I come home to.
notō, notāre, notāvī, notātum
- I mark, make a mark.
- I write, jot down, especially in shorthand.
- I write remarks or notes.
- I signify, denote.
- (figuratively) I hint at.
- (figuratively) I mark, note, observe.
- (figuratively) I brand as infamous; I censure.
summa, summae, f.
- top, summit, highest point or place
- the principal or main thing
- sum, summary, total
ratiō, ratiōnis, f.
- reason
- calculation, computation
- sum, number
- method, order
- system, theory
rēctē (adv.)
- correctly
inquam (defective vb)
- I said
grātīs (not comparable)
- out of favor or kindness, without recompense or compensation, gratuitously, free
colloquium, colloquiī, n.
- conversation, talk, chat
- discussion
- interview
- conference
- parley
nimis (not comparable)
- too, too much, excessively
īnsum, īnesse, īnfuī, īnfutūrus
- to be in, to be on
2. to belong to, to be involved in or with.
tamquam (not comparable)
- as much as, so as, just as
- as if, so to speak
- as, like
dēfixio, dēfixiōnis, f.
- curse tablet
2. vocative singular of dēfixio
ōmen, ōminis, n.
- an omen
gutta, guttae, f.
- a drop or droplet (of fluid)
- (in the plural) spots or specks (of an animal or stone)
- (architecture) a small ornament under the triglyphs of a Doric column
ālea, āleae, f.
- (games) a die
- (games) any game involving dice
- (gambling) the game of chance
lūdō, lūdere, lūsī, lūsum
- I play (a game or sport).
- I frolic, behave playfully.
- I practice, amuse myself with.
- I sport, play amorously.
- I mock, mimic.
- I tease, ridicule.
- I deceive, trick.
praesertim (adv.)
- especially
2. particularly
arrogantia, arrogantiae, f.
- An assuming, presumption; arrogance, conceitedness
- Pride, haughtiness, insolence.
- Obstinacy, stubbornness.
ōdī (present infinitive ōdisse, supine ōsum, defective)
- I hate, detest.
2. I dislike; I am displeased by.
tabula, tabulae, f.
- tablet, sometimes a tablet covered with wax for writing
- board or plank
- (by extension) map, painting, document or other item put onto a tablet
imprecātiō, imprecātiōnis, f.
- The act of imprecating, or invoking evil upon someone; a prayer that a curse or calamity may befall someone.
- A curse
dīlaniō, dīlaniāre, dīlaniāvī, dīlaniātum
- I shred, tear to pieces
2. I rend asunder
ēiciō, ēicere, ēiēcī, ēiectum
- I cast, thrust or drive out, expel, throw out, eject; reject.
- I rush out.
- I drive a ship to land; run aground, cast ashore, wreck, strand.
humī (not comparable)
- on the ground.
2. to the ground.
molliō, mollīre, mollīvī, mollītum
- I soften.
- I make calm, soothe, moderate, mitigate.
- (figuratively) I make unmanly or effeminate.
clēmēns m.f.n., clēmentis
- merciful, lenient
- mild, gentle, quiet, peaceful, easy, moderate
- compliant
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victum
- to win, to conquer
sēcrētus, sēcrēta, sēcrētum (part.)
- put apart, sundered, severed, separated, having been separated
- (figuratively) disjoined, parted, dissociated, having been parted
- (figuratively) distinguished, discerned, having been discerned
- (figuratively) set apart, rejected, excluded, having been excluded
- (figuratively) secluded, deserted, having been secluded
- (figuratively) confided only to a few, secret, hidden
neglegō, neglegere, neglēxī, neglēctum
- I am indifferent to, disregard, ignore, slight, neglect.
- I overlook, pass over, neglect.
- I despise, condemn.
gressus, gressa, gressum (part.)
- Stepped, walked, having stepped or walked.
2. Advanced, gone, having advanced or gone
pallium, palliī, n.
- cloak
2. coverlet
vestīmentum, vestimentī, n.
- clothes
2. garment, robe
“persōnam (gen. noun) agere”
“to play the part of”
brevis m.f., breve n.
- (of distance) small, little, narrow
- (of height or depth) short, low, shallow
- (of time) brief, short
- (phonology, of a syllable) short
praetereā (not comparable)
- besides, moreover
- thereafter, henceforth
- in addition
mōmentum, mōmentī, n.
- movement, motion, impulse; course
- change, revolution, movement, disturbance
- particle, part, point
- (of time) brief space, moment, short time
- cause, circumstance; weight, influence, importance, moment
tenebra, tenebrae, f.
- (almost always plural) darkness, shadow, gloom, obscurity
- ignorance
- concealment
siccō, siccāre, siccāvī, siccātum
- I dry, drain, exhaust
auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum
- I take away, carry off, remove, withdraw; separate, sever, divide.
- I take or snatch away, take by force or violently, abduct, rob, steal, snatch.
- I bear, carry, waft or sweep away.
- I carry away, mislead, deceive.
- I banish, dispel.
- I take off or away, destroy, kill, slay, consume.
- I cease from, desist from, leave off.
- I obtain, gain, get, receive, acquire.
longē (comparative longius, superlative longissimē)
- (of space) long, a long way off, far, far off, at a distance
- (of time) long, for a long period of time
- widely, greatly, much, very much
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātum
- I go astray, make a mistake, err
exuō, exuere, exuī, exūtum
- I extract, take out.
- I free.
- I take off (clothes, shoes)
- I refuse.