Stage 1 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of a monocoque airplane structure?
Almost all structural loads are carried by the outer skin of the airplane.
Which control surfaces are usually located on the empennage?
Rudder elevator stabilator
What condition must be present for carburetor ice to form?
High relative humidity
A power loss occurs when you apply carburetor heat because
less dense air is entering the engine.
Detonation can be described as
fuel in the cylinders exploding instead of burning smoothly.
If the engine magneto switch is turned to the ‘OFF’ position but the engine continues to run the probable cause is
a broken magneto ground wire.
Excessive cylinder head and engine oil temperatures can be caused by
using a lower-than-normal fuel grade.
The three pressure instruments connected to the pitot-static system are the
airspeed indicator altimeter and vertical speed indicator.
According to the markings on the accompanying airspeed indicator what is the maximum speed with flaps fully extended?
85 knots (white arc)
Assume that you land at an airport with the altimeter set to 29.92 instead of the current setting of 30.00. What will the altimeter read if the field elevation is 2 000 feet MSL?
2 080 feet MSL (10 feet per .01 in. Hg.)
The turn coordinator provides a direct indication of aircraft
rate of turn.
The attitude indicator reflects the airplane’s movement about the
longitudinal and lateral axes.
How often should you check the heading indicator and align it with the magnetic compass?
Every 15 minutes
After departing runway 36 you make a left turn to a heading of 180º. If the magnetic compass initially indicates a turn in the opposite direction you should know that this reaction is
normal for all magnetic compasses under similar conditions. (magnetic dip)
What two conditions normally cause an increase in lift?
Increased angle of attack and increased speed
What causes the separation of air over the wing during a stall?
The angle formed by the wing chord line and the relative wind is excessive regardless of airspeed or altitude.
How are the lift and drag components of the wing affected when you lower the flaps?
Both lift and drag increase
Wingtip vortices contribute to the production of
induced drag.
What are the control characteristics of an aircraft with the CG forward of limits?
Very stable pitch inadequate elevator control for landing longer takeoff run and greater nose-over tendency.
Dihedral is used to stabilize the airplane about the
longitudinal axis.
P-factor is one of the forces that causes the airplane to
yaw to the left.
What is the primary force that causes an airplane to turn?
Horizontal component of lift.
The recommended method of scanning for other aircraft during the day is tu use
a series of short regularly spaced eye movements to search each 10º sector of the viewing area.
The most practical way to compensate for blind spots in aircraft design while climbing or descending is to make
shallow S-turns.
Except when necessary for takeoff and landing when you fly over congested areas you must maintain an altitude of at least 1 000 feet…
above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 2 000 feet of the aircraft.
Refer to the illustration and determine the appropriate landing runway and traffic pattern direction.
Runway 36 right-hand traffic
The purpose of a displaced threshold is to
cause the aircraft to touch down farther down the runway
A large letter ‘X’ placed near the runway threshold indicates the
runway is closed
An airport beacon with two white flashes and one green flash indicates
a military airport
When using two-bar VASI lights what will you see when you are on the proper glide slope?
Near bar white far bar red
The symbol of runways enclosed in a dark circle is used on sectional charts to represent an airport which has
a hard-surfaced runway between 1 500 and 8 069 feet long.
What is the minimum ceiling requirement for VFR operations in the airspace represented in C?
1 000 feet
What requirements must be met before you enter the airspace represented in D?
Two-way radio communications (Class D airspace)
What are the basic VFR weather minimums if any for flight at 6 500 feet MSL in the airspace shown by A?
Clear of couds with three miles visibility (Class B airspace)
What action if any is required when you are departing a satellite airport located within Class C airspace?
Contact ATC as soon as practicable
What are the special VFR weather minimums for flight within Class D airspace?
Clear of clouds with one statute mile visibility
On a sectional chart what does ‘NO SVFR’ above the airport name indicate?
No special VFR operations are permitted at anytime.
What VFR weather minimums are required to take off from Salina Airport (Class D)?
Visibility three miles and a ceiling of 1 000 feet or special VFR.
Penetration of active warning areas by nonparticipating aircraft should be avoided because of
unusual often invisible hazards such as aerial gunnery or guided missiles.
A controller may issue a safety alert to an aircraft under his control when that aircraft is
unsafe proximity to terrain obstructions or another aircraft.
When in radar contact who is primarily responsible for VFR aircraft separation?
The controller in terminal areas and the pilot when enroute.
When approaching an airport with an operating control tower you must contact the tower before entering the
Class D airspace.
At nontower airports without an FSS or UNICOM the CTAF usually is
122.9 MHz.
The VHF emergency frequency monitored by most ground facilities is
121.5 MHz.
When you use the words ‘PAN-PAN’ in a radio message it indicates you have
a distress condition an require immediate radio silence and assistance.
What frequency should you use to announce your position during an approach for a landing at Taos Municipal?
122.8 MHZ.
The length of the longest runway at Portland International Airport is
11 000 feet.
When departing to the north the proper frequency for departure control is
What information concerning Greater Cincinnati Airport in Covington Kentucky is contained in the accompanying NOTAM excerpt?
the airport has an experimental lighting system.
FAA Advisory Circulars provide what type of information?
Nonregulatory but necessary for good operating practices