Staffing Flashcards
Give some features of staffing?
Staffing is a continues process. It helps the firm in achieving its goals.
What kind of requirement does staffing try to fulfill?
The Human Resource requirement.
What does staffing try to do?
Staffing tries to fill the jobs with right kind of people available at the right amount at the right time and prompting those people to show higher productivity and quality by giving them good compensation
What is the most important asset for a company and why?
Human resource. Because the ability of a firm to achieve its goals depends on the human resources of that company.
What are the importance of staffing?
It helps find competent staff. Increases Performance. Ensures survival of the firm by having a successor for the leader. Ensures optimum utilization of staff. Improves job satisfaction.
How does staffing ensure optimum utilization of human resource?
It helps avoid over-manning and prevents under utilization. And avoids under-manning and prevents disrupting operation.
How does staffing increase performance?
By putting the right person for the right job.
How does staffing ensure job satisfaction?
Through objective assessment and giving fair reward for their contribution.
What determines the success of a company in achieving its goals?
It’s determined by the competence and motivation and performance of its human resource.
Wha does the staffing function deal with?
It deals with the human element of management.
Who is a human relations officer and why does a firm need a human relations department?
A human relations officer is the person who takes care of recruiting, training and improving the performance of an employee.
As the employees play a key role the HR department was created to manage people in the firm.
What all duties does an HR have?
Analyzing jobs in the firm to create a job description. Recruiting training and developing employees. Making an incentive for employees. Maintaining worker rations and providing social security to employees. Handling complaits. And defending the company in lawsuits.
Explain the evolution of human resource management?
The idea of a labour officer was first made way back when trading Unions were set up but they never played an important role. As the number of workers increased the role of a personnel manager was brought to take of the workers. As the scope of work increased the human resource manger was brought in place.
What has brought the need for a human resource manager?
As the importance of the workers and scope of work increased the need for a human resource manager came up.
Is staffing both a function of management and a functional area like marketing?
From where does a need for staffing arise?
It may arise in case of staring a new business or expanding the old one. Or replacing a staff who quit or was fired or promoted.
Where does the process of staffing begin?
It start from understanding manpower requirements and finding out the source from where it can me met (internally or externally).
What are the three main aspects of staffing?
Recruiting, Selecting and Training&Development.
What are the steps in the process of staffing?
Estimating manpower requirement. Recruitment . Selection. Placement and Orientation. Training and Development.
(The following are done by HRs only in small firms)
Performance Appraisal. Promotion and career planning. Compensation.
(In big firms the last three steps are not included)
What is estimating manpower requirements?
It’s understanding the number of people needed to fill in the positions in the organizational structure and understanding the specific skill needed by them to do the tasks that is to done at that level in the organizational structure.
What are the two analysis that have to be done to find out manpower requirements?
Workload analysis and Workforce analysis.
What is workload analysis and workforce analysis?
Workload analysis gives you the number and type of people you NEED to finish a task.
Workforce analysis gives you the number and type of people you HAVE to finish a task.
How does workload and workforce analysis help in finding man power requirements?
The difference between workforce and workload will give you the manpower requirements.
What is the one thing to be done before recruitment but after estimation of worker requirements?
It’s important to translate the manpower requirements into specific job descriptions with the desirable profile of the occupant.
What are the bases when looking for potential employees?
Job description and candidate profile.
What is recruitment?
It’s the process of searching for potential employees and stimulating them to apply for the job.
Explain the step of recruitment?
Job description and candidate profile requirements are advertised. Thus searching for potential employees and stimulating them to apply.
The source of recruitment whether internal or external is also decided in this step.
What is Selection?
It’s the process of selecting from among the pool of prospective job candidates that were formed in the step of recruitment.
What are two important things that election does?
It ensures that the firm only gets the best out of the pool of candidates.
It enhances the confidence of the selected candidate and conveys the seriousness of his job.
Explain the step of Selection?
This is the process after recruitment. This is where the candidates are tested for their ability in different fields and the best among them is selected. The tests involve interviews I.Q tests etc.
Why is Recruitment a positive activity and Selection a negative activity
In the process of recruitment there is pooling up of candidates thus it’s a positive activity.
In Selection there is an elimination of candidates and that is a negative activity.
What is staffing ?
It is the managerial function of filling and keeping filled the positions in the organization structure.
Wha is placement and orientation?
Placement refers to the employee occupying the position to which he was appointed.
Orientation refers to introducing the employee to other employees and familiarizing him with the rules and policies of the firm.
What is the step of placement and orientation?
This step is where the employee socializes to the workplace. Goes through a brief introduction to the firm and is introduced to his superiors, subordinates and to his colleges. He is taken around the place and is given placement and orientation.
What is the step of training and development?
Employees always seek to better their career and the best way to provide such an opportunity is to facilitate employee learning. By this the organization seeks to enhance the skill of its employees, thereby increasing efficiency and effectiveness of its employees.
Why are performance appraisal, promotion and career plans, compensation not included in a big firm and included in a small firm?
In a big firm there will a separate HR department to take care of the staffing function.
But in a small firm the manager is required to take of all the management functions including the staffing function and in that case the last three steps are added.
What is the step of performance appraisal?
After the employee is done with training and has been at the job for some time his performance base to be evaluated.
Performance Appraisal means evaluating the employees current or past performance with the companies predetermined standards.
What is the step of Promotion and career plans?
This is the step where the managers address the career address issues of emloyees. Promotion is what employees are looking in the long term. It means they get more job satisfaction, responsibility and more pay.
How is promotion good form employees?
Promotion satisfies the employees long term interests and their need for more pay and responsibility.