Staff Management
Code of Conduct
What is the SELF test ?
SCRUTINY = Would your decision or behaviour withstand scrutiny and be seen as appropriate by others
ENSURE COMPLIANCE = Does your decision or behaviour comply with the code and Police policy, GI’s and expectations
LAWFUL = Is your decision or behaviour lawful
FAIR = Is your decision or behaviour fair and reasonable
Staff Management
Code of Conduct
In considering breaches of the code, the factors we consider in our investigation are… ?
- Nature and circumstances
- Intent
- Your position, duties and responsibilities
- Your ability to fulfil duties and responsibilities
- The impact on organisation and relationships
- Impact on Trust and Confidence Police has on you
- How similar behaviour treated in past
Staff Management
Code of Conduct
What is serious misconduct ?
- Convicted of offence
- Corruption - accept bribe, inducement or reward
- Bullying or Harassment
- Sexual Misconduct
- Theft / Dishonesty of any kind
- Unauthorised access, disclosure of info in NIA
- Repeated Misconduct
- Knowingly make false declaration or statement
- Excessive unjustified violence
Staff Management
Performance Management
Is Performance Management a “disciplinary process” ?
NO …
That only occurs if Staff member has been unwilling, unable to satisfactorily improve following a PIP
Staff Management
Performance Management
Explain the steps for managing performance ?
Step 1 - Informal discussion
Step 2 - The Performance Meeting
Step 3 - The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
Step 4 - Completion of the PIP (Required Standard reached)
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Non Performance.
When an invite is arranged for a disciplinary meeting, who should be involved at this stage ?
The EPM must be involved
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Non Performance.
What is the purpose of the disciplinary process ?
To ensure breaches of Our Code are managed and dealt with fairly and in good faith with view to improving conduct.
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Non Performance.
Police, it’s employees and representatives must engage with “good faith”… what are these obligations?
- Engage openly, honestly and respectfully
- Responsive and communicative
- Active and constructive in maintaining productive employment relationship
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Guidelines
What is the purpose of an employment investigation ?
To establish what conduct has occurred and whether conduct is misconduct and seriousness of it
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Guidelines.
Possible pathways to deal with breaches of the code …
- No conduct/performance issues
- Potential misconduct/serious misconduct
- Performance issue
*No conduct or performance issues
= NFA, But if employee aware of issue, notify in writing
*Misconduct/Serious Misconduct
= Refer to HR to determine next steps. If Criminal, work with PPS
*Performance issue
= Manager to manage and may seek HR advice
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Guidelines.
If an employment matter is “confidential”, has a disciplinary process been commenced ?
NO, it’s handled sensitively and kept need to know basis
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Categorisation
Who categorises complaints ?
Generally between Manager and HR
If complex or serious, may include ER for guidance and if Criminal PPS
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Categorisation
What types of things are not categorised ?
- Poor performance
* One off low level misconduct or mistakes (can be dealt with by the manager)
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Categorisation
What types of possible outcomes are there from Code breaches ?
- Performance Management
- Employment Investigation
- Criminal Investigation
Staff Management - Performance Management
Disciplinary Process - Categorisation
Can an employment investigation that is NOT held in abeyance and is concluding before the criminal process be revisited ?
NO - and this is regardless of the criminal justice outcome
Staff Management - FEO
Who can work FEO
Any police employee
Staff Management
Why is FEO important
Working flexibly has a positive effect onward resulting in higher levels of engagement
Staff Management - FEO
What are the 4 main benefits of being able to work flexibly
- Enabling high performance
- Attracting and retaining top talent
- Accessing a broader talent pool
- Increased productivity
Staff management -FEO
What are the 4 main working arrangements/options available
- Working from home/alternative location
- Flexi time (set number hrs per week)
- Part time
- Condensed hrs (full time but shorter weeks)
Staf Management -FEO
How does a supervisor lead FEO in Police
- Team discussions (include in culture sessions/monthly chats)
- On the agenda (at leadership discussions)
- Educate others
- Advocate
- Challenge negativity toward it
- Role model
Staff management - FEO
How long do you have to consider/respond to an application?
1 month
Staff Management - FEO
Who can decline an application?
District Commander or National Manager
Managers can recommend that an application is not supported
Staff Management
Early Intervention Policy
What are the 4 phases of early Intervention?
Engagement / Interview
Feedback / follow up
Staff Management
Speak up
What are the three tiers to support you through your situation? (basic reporting)
Your supervisor
Proactive management
Active Intervention
Staff Management
Define Discrimination
is. .. directly/indirectly, sex, marital status, religion, belief, colour, disability, age, employment, family status or sexual orientation….
- refusing employment conditions available to others
- dismissing or subjecting to detriment
- retiring or causing to retire/resign
Staff Management - harassment
Define Harassment
Directing unwanted behaviour that is not legitimate
Unwelcome, intimidating, threatening and either repeated or significant.
Staff Management - harassment
What is not harrassment?
- Issuing reasonable instructions
- Warning or diciplining person
- Requiring reasonable standard of performance
- Legitimate criticism about performance
- parental leave provisions
Staff management - harassment
Define Racial harassment
Directly or indirectly
hostility against race, colour, ethnic or national origin
Hurtful, repeated or significant
Staff Management harassment
Define sexual harassment
when someone makes a request or suggestion for intercourse, contact or implied sexual activity with a promise for preferential treatment or threat of detrimental treatment
or significant unwelcome behaviour
Staff Management - harassment
Define Serious Allegations
A serious allegation that presents serious risk or emotional harm. May amount to serious misconduct if proved
What are the three steps in the disciplinary process
Initial assessment
Inclusion of the member
When a performance meeting follows an un-successful informal meeting, what are the steps required before a performance meeting
Identify minimum standards
Send letter of invitation
Discuss with HRM and consider possible remedy
Draw up checklist of items to discuss
If further support required obtain names/contacts
What are the 5 steps to a performance meeting
Provide information
Give opportunity for response
Problem solving
Record keeping