Stable Ischemic Heart Disease Lec notes Flashcards
chest pain which can be described as squeezing, heavy, suffocating, grip like
Stable angina is also called _____________
and is defined as ____________
what is the common cause?:
(SIHD) Stable Ischemic Heart Disease
-predictable chest pain brought on by exertion or stress that is reliably relieved by NTG (nitroglycerin) or rest
-due to atherosclerosis
Is different from unstable angina
What is the difference between the atherosclerotic plaques within the coronary arteries for someone with stable angina vs unstable angina?
In Stable Angina (aka SIHD) Stable ischemic Heart disease: the buildup of plaques in the coronary arteries overtime reaches a point where is forms a stable fixed atherosclerotic plaque with a thick fibrous cover on it. But, when a patient exercises or experiences stress because there is a narrowing of the artery for the blood to move through, you can get lack of oxygen delivery to the heart, and this can cause chest pain.
In Unstable Angina: the buildup of plaques in the coronary arteries gets disrupted or is ruptured due to being an unstable plaque. This leads to platelet aggregation and formation of a thrombus (clot), which can potentially move and block off the entire coronary artery.
How do we manage predictable chest pain and chronic stable angina?
Prinzmetals angina:
-due to vasospasm
-can occur at rest
-here you have a coronary artery but with no atherosclerotic plaque present blocking blood flow. Instead the vessel is inspasm, being constricted cutting off the blood supply. Which can cause ischemia, or chest pain, due to the lack of oxygen delivery to the heart.
Pathophysiology of SIHD
Why does chest pain occur?
Chest pain occurs when there is an imbalance between myocardial oxygen demand and supply. In someone who has (CAD) coronary artery disease.
someone with atherosclerosis is said to have CAD
What impacts oxygen supply to the heart primarily??
blood flow
Myocardial oxygen demand will go up when:
heart rate is increased.
blood pressure is increased
contractility is increased
SVR is increased
In someone who has ASCVD the coronary artery can’t dilate as easily when there is a build up of plaque, so body can’t compensate fully like it normally could.
The oxygen demand is not being meet. and so patient gets chest pain.
Diagnosis of SIHD
- often patient will present and will not have any sign or symptoms upon presentation
- so important to do a complete history and exam
- LOOK for risk factors: _______
Lab tests to check for certain risk factors
-family history of CAD
-overweight or obese
- do they have high BP
- do they have high cholesterol
- do they have diabetes
what is the classic test used for diagnosis of stable angina?
Cardiac stress test
-patient will be exercising while ECG is being monitored, watching heart rate/blood pressure/and patient seeing if chest pain is brought on by exertion.
Some patients may not be able to exercise on a walking treadmill or pedal on a bicycle for a cardiac stress test. So in these situations we can use a _____________
pharmacological stress test (drug induced stress test)
what medications can we use to do a drug induced stress test?
To really determine if a patient has atherosclerosis, have to look inside the coronary arteries, so patient will need to have __________
cardiac catheterization/angiography
For Treatment of chronic Stable angina:
“ABCDE model”
A- antiplatelet AND antianginal drugs
B- blood pressure AND beta-blocker
C- cholesterol AND cigarette cessation
D- Diet AND diabetes Tx
E- exercise and education
Core drug Tx:
beta blocker + CCB + nitrates + ranolazine
ASA (if contraindicated then clopidogrel)
nitroglycerin SL PRN
Chronic Stable Angina is a clinical ASCVD condition, so patients should be on _______
statin treatment “typically high intensity statin medications”
Core Drug treat for SIHD
1st line beta blockers, if patients continue to have pain episodes on a beta blocker, then a CCB or a nitrate or ranolazine can be added.
aspirin is 1st line antiplatelet agent
Then it is important that every patient gets a SL nitrate to keep at home and or on them, in the event they have acute chest pain, for relief.
these drugs work by altering that myocardial oxygen demand and supply balance.
Antiplatelet agents
1st line:
Side effects:
Drug-Drug Interactions:
Dose range: 75-162mg
MOA: inhibits COX enzymes, in platelets primarily COX1 which prevents the production of Thromboxane A2
Contraindications: salicylate allergy
Be aware of Reyes Syndrome, those most at risk are the teenagers/adolescents with viral infections.
SE: dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea, bleeding
Thromboxane A2 is a potent _______ & ______
vasoconstrictor & platelet aggregator (it continuous to activate more platelets)