Stability Flashcards
The contribution of the wing to the static longitudinal stability of an aeroplane: depends on CG location relative to the wing ___ ____.
aerodynamic centre.
Long period oscillations involves slow changes in altitude and ___.
The stick force gradient is the force required to change the __ ___ of the aircraft a given amount
load factor
A negative contribution to the static longitudinal stability of conventional jet transport aeroplanes is provided by:
a) the fuselage
b) the tail
a) the fuselage
A high limit load factor enables the manufacturer to design for a __ stick force per g.
The purpose of the horizontal stabilizer is to give the aeroplane sufficient longitudinal ___.
An aeroplane is longitudinally stable. When the angle of attack increases the change in total aeroplane lift acts __ of the CG.
If a stick force of 20 lbs is required to pull 3g from the position of trim, the stick force gradient is __ lbs/g
þetta g er “gee’s” ekki “grams”. Þú ert nú þegar með 1G og ertu að skoða m.v. 2g sem er aukningin
Hvað gerist fyrir stick force stability og manoeuvre stability ef þú setur CG fram?
aukast bæði.
Hvernig breytist stick force per G með hæð?
breytist ekki
What effect does an elevator trim tab have on static longitudinal stability?
no effect
What is correct:
a) A short period oscillation should always be heavily dampened
b) Aeroplanes can easily cope with slightly unstable short period oscillations
a) A short period oscillation should always be heavily dampened
Hvað gerist ef þú færir CG fyrir aftan neutral point?
Vél verður longitudinally unstable
An aeroplane with CG behind the CP can only maintain straight and horizontal flight when the horizontal tail loading is a) upwards b) upwards or downwards depending on elevator deflection
a) upwards
Increasing the size of the fin
a) increases directional stability
b) increases lateral stability
a) increases directional stability
Which statement concerning sweep back is correct?
a) sweep back is mainly intended to increase static directional stability
b) sweep back provides a positive contribution to static lateral stability
b) sweep back provides a positive contribution to static lateral stability
Sweep back of a wing positively influences
a) static longitudinal stability
b) static lateral stability
c) dynamic longitudinal stability
b) static lateral stability
Positive static lateral stability is the tendency of the airplane to
a) roll to the left in case of a sideslip (with the airplane nose pointing to the left of the incoming flow).
b) roll to the left in a right turn
a) roll to the left in case of a sideslip (with the airplane nose pointing to the left of the incoming flow).
Held að þetta eigi ekki við í venjulegum beygjum því að þetta er svolítið öfugsnúið eitthvað.
Lateral static stability is determined by:
a) aircraft response to sideslip
b) wingspan
a) aircraft response to sideslip
Static lateral stability should not be too small because
a) the aeroplane would show too strong tendency to dutch roll
b) the aeroplane would show too strong a tendency to spiral dive
b) the aeroplane would show too strong a tendency to spiral dive
An example of a combined lateral and directional aperiodic motion is a:
a) spiral dive b) Dutch roll
a) spiral dive
One advantage of mounting the horizontal tailplane on top of the vertical plane is to:
a) Decrease the susceptibility of a deep stall
b) improve the aerodynamic efficiency of the vertical fin
b) improve the aerodynamic efficiency of the vertical fin