SSWH Flashcards
What is LNOB (leave no one behind)?
Leave no one behind (LNOB)is the central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It represents the unequivocal commitment of all UN Member States to eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that leave people behind and undermine the potential of individuals and of humanity as a whole.
Social Sustainability in ‘Traditional’ global perspective?
Focus on wellbeingand social captial:
. Access to housing
. Access to education
. Focus on employment
. Focus on income
. Focus on social justice
. Focus on human rights
. Focus on povertyreduction
Social Sustainability in
‘Scandinavian’ welfareperspective?
Focus on wellbeingand social capital:
. Access to sharedcommunityfacilities
. Access to healthcarefacilities
. Access to social services
. Focus on social mix and coherence
. Focus on culturalidentityand placebelonging
. Focus on empowermentand participation
. Focus on safetyand security
. Focus on qualityof lifeand happiness
. Focus on inclusivityand human diversity
what is health and well being?
“health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” - World Health Organization, 1946
”Health is the perfect,
continuing adjustment of an organism to its environment”
(Wiley, 1970)
”Wellbeing is a positive state experienced by individuals … similar to health, it is a resource for daily life …”
(WHO Glossaryof terms 2021)
how is health and well-being theorized,
observed etc.?
using a wide-range
of research perspectives and instruments
. Medicine, Psychology, Sociology,
Anthropology, Sensory & Cognitive Science,
Public Health, Care & Caring,
definition: DISABLED
DISABLED: limited by a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition:affected bydisability
incapacitated by illness or injury
definition: IMPAIRED
IMPAIRED: being in an imperfect or weakened state or condition (can be temporary)
definition: SICK
SICK: affected with disease or ill health
definition: TRAUMA
a:an injury (such as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent
b:a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury
how is the built environment experienced?
Children, adolescents, young, aging, disabled, impaired, or peoplewith neuro-diversities
presumablydo not experience built environmentin the same way,
because they often have different body-states and different feeling-states.
how do you work with human diversity
- More awernesson human diversity and individual needs as wellas body abilities
- More attention to human behaviors, experiences, emotions, and body diversity
-Behavior, needsand emotions can change and alter from situation to situation
-Human decisions, habits, and wellbeing are related to their experiences and emotions - Implementationin early design phases
how can one consider the human spectrum
- We need to thinkaboutthe disabling effectsof the builtdesign (ourideas, strategiesand tactics)
- Weneedto thinkaboutourconceptsand ideasaboutthe human body, embodimentand affect
- Weneedto thinkaboutthe manydiverse narratives and coping-strategiesto survivein an unequalworld
- Weneedto break out of binaryoppositions like: disabled/abled, mind/body, art/science, ideas/practices –challengingthe verystructureof our(design)language!
what is social sustainability NOT?
The most common misunderstanding is that compliance with the requirements of the local building code and its accessibility standards is enough to satisfy all user perspectives
how can one work with the human spectrum?
1. Focus on a human-centredperspective
2. Focus on a research-informedperspective
3. Aimto promote social equityin architecture
4. Goalto ensurequalityof builtenvironment
5. Train to raiselevelof design standards
6. Train to push technicalstandards and