SSTC - Finish that quote Flashcards
Town vs country
“Is there a creature in the whole country, but ourselves…”
“that does not take a trip to town now and then, to rub off the rust a little?”
- Mrs Hardcastle, Act 1
Immediately characterises Mrs Hardcastle as vain and desiring to be part of the upper-class town folk.
“Ay and bring back…”
“vanity and affectation to last them the whole year. I wonder why London cannot keep its own fools at home.”
- Mr Hardcastle, Act 1
“Here we live in this old rambling mansion…”
“That looks for all the world like an inn, but that we never see company.”
-Mrs Hardcastle Act 1
“I hate such…”
“old fashioned trumpery”
-Mrs Hardcastle Act 1
“Add twenty to twenty and make money of that.” Mrs Hardcastle
Mr Hardcastle “…
“Let me see; twenty to twenty, makes just fifty and seven.”
-Mr Hardcastle Act 1
“Goodness! What a quantity of…”
“Superfluous silk hast thou got about thee girl!”
- Mr Hardcastle Act 1
“It’s a thousand to one that I shan’t like him;…”
“our meeting will be so formal, and so like a thing of business, that I shall find no room for friendship or esteem.”
- Kate Act 1
“Yet can’t he be cured of his timidity…”
“by being taught to be proud of his wife?…But I vow I’m disposing of the husband, before I have secured the lover.”
- Kate Act 1
“Among women of reputation and virtue, he is the modestest man alive ; but…”
“his acquaintances give him a very different character among creatures of another stamp.”
- Constance Act 1
“Let schoolmasters puzzle their brain…”
“with grammar, and nonsense and learning; good liquor I stoutly maintain / gives genus a better discerning.”
- Tony Act 1
“The daughter, a tall, traspesing, trolloping, talkative, maypole - “
“the son, a pretty, well-bred, agreeable youth that everybody is fond of.”
- Tony Act 1
“The landlord is rich, and going to leave off business; …”
“so he wants to be thought a gentlemen, saving your presence.”
- Tony Act 1
“My life has been chiefly spent in a college, or an inn…”
“in seclusion from that lovely part of creation that chiefly teach men confidence.”
-Marlow Act 2
“But in the company of women of reputation I never saw such…”
“an idiot, such a trembler ; you look for all the world as if you wanted an opportunity of stealing out the room.”
- Hastings Act 2
“An impudent fellow may counterfeit modesty…”
“but I’ll be hanged if a modest man counterfeit impudence.”
- Marlow Act 2
“Why, George, I can’t say fine things to them…”
“They freeze, they petrify me.”
- Marlow Act 2
“Mr Marlow - Mr Hastings - gentlemen pray be under no constraint in this house…”
“this is Liberty Hall, gentlemen, you may do just as you please.”
- Mr Hardcaslte Act 2
“I see this fellow wants to give us his company, and forgets that he’s an innkeeper…”
“before he has learned to be a gentlemen.”
- Hastings Act 2
“The devil, sir, do you think we have brough down the whole joiner’s company, or the corporation of Redford…”
“to eat up such a supper? Two or three little things, clean and comfortable will do.”
- Marlow Act 2
“Their impudence…”
“confounds me!”
- Mr Hardcaslte Act 2
“I shall be as much at a loss in this house as at a green and yellow dinner at the French ambassador’s table…”
“I’m for plain eating.”
- Hastings Act 2
“I have often told you, that though ready to obey you…”
“I yet should leave my little fortune behind with reluctance.”
- Constance
“Perish the baubles!…”
“your person is all I desire.”
- Hastings Act 2
“I have lived, indeed, in the world, madam; but I have kept very little company…”
“I have been but an observer upon life, madam, whilst others were enjoying it.”
- Marlow Act 2
“You mean that in this hypocritical age there are few…”
“that do not condemn in public which they practice in private.”
- Kate Act 2
“Was there ever such a…”
“sober, sentimental interview? I’m certain he scarce looked in my face the whole time.”
- Kate Act 2
“There is nothing in the world I love to talk so much as…”
“London, and the fashions, though I was never there myself.”
- Mrs Hardcastle Act 2
“I’m in love with the town…”
“and that serves to raise me above some of our neighbourimng rustics.”
- Mrs Hardcastle Act 2
“If I am a man…”
“let me have my fortin [fortune]”
- Tony Act 2
“I never saw such a…”
“bouncering, swaggering puppy since I was born!”
-Mr Hardcastle Act 3
“Ask me no questions…”
“and I’ll tell you no fibs.”
- Tony Act 3
“If I had not a key to every drawer in my mother’s bereau…”
“how could I go to the ale-house so often as I do.”
- Tony Act 3
“We are robbed, my bureau has been broken open, the jewels taken out, I am undone!” - Mrs Hardcastle Act 3
“Oh! Is that all?…”
“I never saw it acted better in my life.”
- Tony Act 3
“I can bear…”
“witness to that!”
- tony Act 3, continuing to pretend that he doesn’t know the jewels are gone
“Then as I live…”
“I’m resolved to keep up the delusion.”
- Kate Act 3
“And like an invisible champion of romance…”
“examine the giant’s force before I offer to combat.”
- Kate Act 3
“Suppose I should call for a taste; just by way of trial,…”
“of the nectar of your lips.”
- Marlow Act 3
“At the Ladies’ Club in town I am called their…”
“agreeable rattle.”
- Marlow Act 3
“Sir, I ask but this…”
“night to convince you.”
- Kate Act 3
“This little barmaid though runs in my head most strangely…”
“… She’s mine, she must be mine, or I’m greatly mistaken.”
- Marlow Act 4
“we all know the honour of a barmaid of an inn…”
“[…] there’s nothing in this house I shan’t honestly pay for.”
- Marlow Act 4
“From your father’s letter to me, I was taught to expecy a well-bred modest man…”
“[…] but now I find him no better than a coxcomb and a bully.”
- Mr Hardcastle Act 4
“By heaven, she weeps. This is…”
“the first mark of tenderness I ever had from a modest woman, and it touches me.”
- Marlow Act 4
“But I owe too much to the opinion of the world…”
“too much to the authority of a father.”
- Marlow Act 4
Reading the letter
“Dispatch is necessary, as the…”
“hag, - ay the hag - your mother will suspect us.”
- Mrs Hardcaslte Act 4
“If you and my papa, in about half-an-hour…”
“will place yourselves behind that screen, you shall hear him declare his passion to me in person.”
- Kate Act 5
“My guess, we should be upon…”
“Crackskull common, about fourty miles from home.”
- Tony Act 5
“Ecod, mother, all the parish says you have spoiled me…”
“and so you may take the fruits on’t.”
- Tony Act 5
“What at first seemed rustic plainness, now appears…”
“refined simplicity.”
- Marlow Act 5
(kneeling) “Does this look like security?…”
“Does this look like confidence?”
- Marlow Act 5
“In which of your…”
“characters sir, will you give us leave to address you?”
- Kate Act 5
“I must now declare…”
“you have been of age these three months.”
- Mr Hardcastle Act 5
“Pshaw Pshaw, this is all but…”
“the whining end of a modern novel.”
- Mrs Hardcastle Act 5