SSA Flashcards
- the land immediately surrounding a house, including associated buildings, excluding open fields beyond.
- the boundary in which a home owner can have a reasonable expectation of privacy, where common daily activities take place.
Visual surveillance device (VSD - visual)
Electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, electro-optical instrument capable of observing and/or recording a private activity.
Does not include spectacles or contact lenses.
Interception device (ID - hearing)
electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical or electro-optical instrument capable of being used to intercept/record private communication.
Excludes hearing aids
Tracking Device (TD)
A device that can help ascertain by electronic or other means, the location of a person/thing, or whether a thing has been opened or tampered or dealt with.
Does not include a vehicle, boat or helicopter.
S46 SSA - Surveillance Device Warrant Requirement
s46(1) Need a surveillance device warrant for:
a) - use of an ID to intercept PRIVATE COMMUNICATION
b) - use of a TD (unless doing it to ascertain if property on own land (no trespassing) has been opened/tampered with)
c) - observation/Visual recording of private activity in private premises
d) - use of any Surveillance Device that requires trespass on land/trespass to goods
e) - observation/visual recording of private activity in curtilage of private premise if it is longer than:
i) 3 hours in a 24 hour period
ii) 8 hours total
s47 SSA - Activities that don’t require a SDW
s47(1) - No warrant required if:
a) Officer lawfully in a private premise AND only records what observes without a surveillance device
b) covert audio recordings between two people if one person consents
s48 SSA - Emergency recording powers
NOT IN EXAM but good to know
s48(1) - No warrant needed if could apply for warrant but it is impracticable to do so AND
2)(a) - Officer has RGS an offence punishable by 14+ years prison has been/is being/is about to be committed, AND the use of the SD would obtain EM in relation to the offence
s15 SSA - Entry & Search Powers - 14+ years
s15(1) - A constable may enter and search a place without a warrant if
(a) - RGS offence punishable by 14+ years imprisonment has been/is being/is about to be committed AND
(b) - RGB (very high standard) EM is in that place AND
(c) - if entry delayed, EM will be CADD.
s16 SSA - Person Search Powers - 14+ years
s16 - A constable may search person without warrant in a public place if RGB person in possession of EM relating to a 14+ year offence.
s17 SSA - Vehicle Search Powers - 14+ years
s17 - A constable may without warrant enter + search a vehicle in a public place if RGB EM relating to 14+ offence is in or on the vehicle.