Kidnapping / Abduction Flashcards
Unlawfully + Defence
without lawful justification or excuse.
s210A - Good Faith – claiming in good faith a possessory right to the person under 16.
Intent (Kidnapping/ Abduction)
Intent – means an act/omission was done deliberately, must be more than involuntary or accidental.
both to:
commit the act
Get a specific result
R v Collister
R v Mohi
R v Collister
intent can be inferred from circumstantial evidence, including the offender’s actions, words before/after the event, surrounding circumstances, and the nature of the act itself.
R v Mohi (Abduction/Kidnapping)
do not need to prove that the offender intended to do (a), (b) or (c). The offence is complete at the time of taking away so long as there was an intention to “take away”.
Taking away + Defence
physically removing a person from one place to another.
R v Crossan
R v Wellard
s209A – Consent not a defence. Young person cannot consent to being taken away.
R v Crossan
Taking away and detaining are two separate offences.
R v Wellard
the essence of kidnapping is the deprivation of liberty coupled with a carrying away from the place where the victim wants to be.
Detains + Defence
is an active concept and requires DOING SOMETHING to impose a constraint.
R v Pryce
Timeframe: question of fact, not defined.
s209A – Consent not a defence. Young person cannot consent to being taken away.
R v Pryce
the active concept of detaining means “keep in confinement or custody” and is to be contrasted with the passive concept of “harbouring”, or mere failure to hand over.
gender neutral. That the victim is a person is accepted by Judicial Notice or proved by circumstantial evidence.
conscious / voluntary agreement to something proposed by another. Needs to be true and valid.
R v Cox
Consent obtained by Fraud or Duress
Consent – conscious / voluntary agreement to something proposed by another. Needs to be true and valid.
Fraud – ie deceiving by misrepresenting the facts or intentions.
Duress – ie agreement based on fear of consequences if they refuse. May arise from actual or implied threat. Did the threats destroy the reality of consent and overbear the will of the victim?
R v Cox
Consent must be full, voluntary, free and informed given by a person in a position to form a rational judgment.
Sexual connection
the introduction of any part of the body into the vagina anus of another person.
Ransom or service
Ransom – sum of money demanded for the release of a person being held captive.
Service – eg servant, slave
Cause to be confined or imprisoned
Cause to be confined – restricting movement to within an area, curtailing their activity and exercising control and influence over them.
May be caused indirectly or by another person.
Imprisoned – narrower meaning than ‘confine’, means being locked in eg a room or car.
Sent or taken
Sent – leaves, includes where the victim leaves on their own eg as a result of a threat.
Taken – victim is accompanied out of NZ by a person.
Possession / R v Cox
Possession - R v Cox – proving possession requires proof of both the physical element of actual/potential possession (eg eg in their pocket or in a house he had keys for), and the mental element of knowledge that the substance is in his possession AND is a controlled drug, and an intention to exercise possession.
Intend to Deprive
Intent to deprive - it does not matter that the motive of the offender may have been innocent or that the time taken away is short.
Young Person and Proof of Age
Young person – under 16.
Proof of age – R v Forrest & Forrest – in attaining proof of age, the Prosecution should use the best evidence possible in the circumstances.
Takes Away, Entices + Defences
Takes away, entices – to take or tempt away.
S210(3)(a) – Consent by young person is not a defence.
S210(3)(b) – No defence having believed the young person was over 16.
Receives + Defences
Receives – receiving physical custody if it can be shown that the Reiver knew the child was taken unlawfully, they may be liable to this.
S210(3)(a) – Consent by young person is not a defence.
S210(3)(b) – No defence having believed the young person was over 16.
s208 - Abduction
Takes away OR detains
A person
Without their consent / consent obtained by fraud or duress
With intent to
a) go through a form of marriage / civil union.
b) have sexual connection with that person.
c) Cause the person to go through a form of marriage / civil union / sexual connection with another person.
s209 - Kidnapping
Takes away OR detains
A person
Without their consent / consent obtained by fraud or duress
With intent to
a) hold them for ransom / to service.
b) cause them to be confined / imprisoned.
c) cause them to be sent or taken out of NZ.
s210(1) - Abduction of a Young Person Under 16
Takes away / entices away / detains
A young person
With intent to
Deprive a parent / guardian / other person having lawful care or charge of the young person
Of the possession of the young person.
s210(2) - Abduction of a Young Person Under 16
A young person
Know that they were unlawfully taken / enticed away / detained
With intent to