SS 117 Communications Fundamentals Flashcards
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: frequency
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: Transmitter are called…
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: receivers are called…
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: how many baseband transmitters do we have?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications:how many narrowband transmitters do we have?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: where are our transmitters?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: how many receivers do we have?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: where are our receivers?
radio receiver room
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: receive antennas have what color base?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: transmit antennas have what color base?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: bullhorn antennas have what color base?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: fan wire antennas have what color base?
no color
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: AS-3771 is what kind of antenna?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: AS-3772 is what kind of antenna?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: AS-3773 is what kind of antenna?
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: OE-492(v) is what kind of antenna?
fan wire
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: receive antenna is also called…
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: transmit antenna is also called…
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: bullhorn antenna is also called…
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: fan wire antenna is also called…
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: How many transmitter antennas do we have and where are they?
4; one bullhorn center on main deck forward and 3 whip antennas forward of the superstructure
Discuss high frequency (HF) communications: How many transmit/receive antennas do we have and where are they?
one; connected from the mast to the corner of the bridge wing
Discuss very high frequency (VHF) : What is the frequency range?
30 MHz - 300 MHz
Discuss very high frequency (VHF) : Where are the antennas located?
one on VHF tower, one on each side of yardarm
Discuss very high frequency (VHF) : What is the antenna nomenclature?
Discuss very high frequency (VHF) : How many GRC-211 radios do we have?
Discuss very high frequency (VHF) : How many AN/SRC-54C (SINCGARS) radios do we have?
Discuss very high frequency (VHF) : Frequency for GRC-211?
121.5 MHZ
Discuss very high frequency (VHF) : What is used for IAD?
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) line of sight (LOS) communications : Frequency range?
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) line of sight (LOS) communications : Transceivers are called …
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) line of sight (LOS) communications : How many WSC-3s do we have and where?
We have 26 total. 12 in U-1, and 14 in U-2
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) line of sight (LOS) communications : Christmas tree nomenclature.
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) line of sight (LOS) communications : stovepipe nomenclature
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) line of sight (LOS) communications : How many SRA-62s do we have and where are they?
Two antennas to a platform; three platforms on all four side of the superstructure, giving you total of 24 antennas.
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) line of sight (LOS) communications : How many AS-1018s do we have and where are they?
There are 7 total
a. Three are located on the backside of the miser Tower.
b. Three are located on the front side of the miser Tower.
c. One is located on starboard mast yardarm.
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) satellite communications (SATCOM) :1.) Transceivers
- ) Transceivers are called WSC-3
a. ) 12 total
b. ) 6 in upper miser tower
c. ) 6 in lower miser tower
Discuss ultra high frequency (UHF) satellite communications (SATCOM) :2.) Antennas
a. ) Two OE-82B (waffle irons) located on side of miser tower
b. ) 2.) Two OE-82C (trash cans) located on top of miser tower
c. ) Four AS-2815 (eggbeaters)
1. One by port side between miser tower and superstructure
2. One by Starboard steam stack
3. One underneath the HF bullhorns
4. One on starboard side between miser tower and superstructure
Discuss super high frequency (SHF) 3GHz-30GHz :two systems onboard
- ) WSC-6/D.S.C.S. (Defense Satellite Communication System)- military
a. Antenna is OE-558
b. 2 shots, each 8 Mbps total of 16 Mbps - ) WSC-8/CBSP (Commercial Broadband Satellite Program) – commercial
a. Antenna is Marcus Marconi
b. 1 shot, 4-8 Mbps.
Discuss super high frequency (SHF) 3GHz-30GHz :2.) Where are the antennas located at
- ) WSC-6 on top of the miser tower
2. ) WSC-8 is centerline forward of the superstructure between the doghouses
Discuss super high frequency (SHF) 3GHz-30GHz : What type of modems do we use with WSC-6 and C.B.S.P.
1.) E.B.E.M. : Enhanced Bandwidth Efficiency Modem
Discuss extremely high frequency (EHF) 30-300 GHz : transceiver
a.) USC-38(V)9 (dual) – system #1 – low data rate & med data rate (LDR/MDR)
Discuss extremely high frequency (EHF) 30-300 GHz :2.) Antennas
a. ) For system # 1
1. Four AS-4540 (Snow cones)
Discuss extremely high frequency (EHF) 30-300 GHz :3.) Location of both antennas are
a. ) One of each located on port signal shack
b. ) One of each located on starboard signal shack
Discuss extremely high frequency (EHF) 30-300 GHz :4.) What is unique about EHF
a.) It is able to detect an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) and shut down, so you will be able to communicate after it has pass.
7.) Discuss the purpose of NAVMACS
a. ) Used to send and receive messages at sea and in-port.
b. ) Naval Modular Automated Communications System.
8.) Discuss another way of sending/receiving message and when it is used
a. ) F.S.M. – Fleet SIPRNET Messaging –
1. Primary means of receiving Traffic only while in-port or at sea.
b. ) C.U.D.I.X.S. – Common User Digital Information Exchange Sub-System.
1. Second means for receiving traffic in-port or at sea
2. Secondary means for sending traffic in-port or at sea
3. Only system able to send and receive Top Secret messages.
c. ) Fleet Broadcast –
1. Third way of receiving traffic only while in-port or at sea.
d. ) UHF/HF TTY –
1. Fourth Way to send and receive message traffic at sea.
9.) Name three emergency equipment and their modes
a. ) PRC-77; voice and Morse code
b. ) PRC-96; voice, beacon and Morse code
c. ) E.P.I.R.B. (Emergency Position Indicator Radio Beacon); Salt Water or Manual emergency beacon.
Discuss the local area network:1.) Operating system –
a. ) Server: Windows 2003 Server
b. ) Workstation: Windows XP
Discuss the local area network:2.) Topology
Discuss the local area network:3.) Servers
- ) DC1 (Domain Controller)
- ) DC2 (Domain Controller)
- ) EX1 (Exchange Server)
- ) EX2 (Exchange Server)
- ) NM1 (Network Management Server)
- ) VC1 (Virtual Center Server)
Discuss the local area network:4.) Three different systems of LAN
a. NIPRNET– Unclassified
b. SIPRNET– Classified
c. CENTRIX- Classified
Discuss the local area network:5.) Two different types of network switches
a. ) ALCATEL OS9700 – Backbone switches
b. ) ALCATEL OS6850- Edge Switches
11.) Discuss Automated Information Systems Security (AIS) onboard regarding the following:1.) Classification markings:
a. ) Orange – Top Secret
b. ) Red – Secret
c. ) Blue – Confidential
d. ) Green – Unclassified
e. ) White – NATO
f. ) Yellow-SCI (Sensitive Compartmentalized Information)
11.) Discuss Automated Information Systems Security (AIS) onboard regarding the following:2.) Data back-up media / method
a. ) Daily Snapshot backups of servers take on VC1 and stored on the FAS270.
b. ) FAS270 Backups are stored off site onto the FAS2020
11.) Discuss Automated Information Systems Security (AIS) onboard regarding the following:3.) Password security
a.) 128 bit encryption / 14 character combination of upper/lower case along with numbers and special characters.
11.) Discuss Automated Information Systems Security (AIS) onboard regarding the following:4.) Virus protection
a.) Symantec Endpoint enterprise edition
11.) Discuss Automated Information Systems Security (AIS) onboard regarding the following:4.) cabling
1.) Fiber-optic, twisted pair.