CC 102 U. S. Navy Organization Fundamentals Flashcards
Discuss the responsibilities and identify the name of each of the following positions in the Chain of Command: Commander in Chief (President) - Barack Obama
is the head of the Armed Forces as mandated by the Constitution. He is responsible for initiating military action in support of our national interests. He can submit to Congress the intent to declare war which Congress must approve in order to actually wage war.
Discuss the responsibilities and identify the name of each of the following positions in the Chain of Command: Secretary of Defense – Hon. Chuck Hagel
The Secretary of Defense is the principal defense advisor to the President. They are Responsible for the formulation of general defense policy and policy related to DOD.
Discuss the responsibilities and identify the name of each of the following positions in the Chain of Command: Secretary of the Navy – Hon. Ray Maybus
The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) of the United States of America is the head of the Department of the Navy, a component organization (military department) of the Department of Defense. Specific responsibilities of the SECNAV are: recruiting, organizing, supplying, equipping, training, mobilizing, and demobilizing. The Secretary also oversees the construction, outfitting, and repair of naval ships, equipment and facilities.
Discuss the responsibilities and identify the name of each of the following positions in the Chain of Command: of Naval Operations (CNO) - ADM Jonathan Greenert
The CNO reports directly to the Secretary of the Navy for the command, utilization of resources and operating efficiency of the operating forces of the Navy and of the Navy shore activities assigned by the Secretary
Discuss the responsibilities and identify the name of each of the following positions in the Chain of Command: Fleet Commander (COM)
Operating forces - ships, crafts classified and organized into command by type.
Discuss the responsibilities and identify the name of each of the following positions in the Chain of Command: Type Commander (TYCOM)
Responsible for the ships that make up the operational numbered fleets.
Discuss the responsibilities and identify the name of each of the following positions in the Chain of Command: Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC)
The ISIC monitors and provides overall supervision for the conduct of each assigned unit’s progress throughout the training cycle and participates in selected evolutions.
Discuss the roles, responsibilities, and identify the name of each of the following: Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON)
The MCPON is the Navy’s senior enlisted member. They serve as the senior enlisted rep of the Navy and as senior enlisted adviser to the CNO in all matters pertaining to enlisted personnel and their families.
b. Fleet Master Chief - He or she is the principal enlisted advisor to the Fleet CINC.
Discuss the roles, responsibilities, and identify the name of each of the following: Fleet Master Chief
He or she is the principal enlisted advisor to the Fleet CINC.
Discuss the roles, responsibilities, and identify the name of each of the following: Force Master Chief
Principal enlisted advisors to commanding officers. Have the responsibility of keeping the CO up to date on situations, procedures, and practices that affect the welfare, morale, and well-being of the enlisted crew.
Discuss the roles, responsibilities, and identify the name of each of the following: Command Master Chief (CMC)
Enlisted adviser to CO. Keeps the CO up to date on situations, procedures, and practices that affect the welfare, morale, and well-being of the enlisted crew and their families.
Discuss the function of following operational commands: US Fleet Forces Command (LANT/PAC)
The United States Fleet Forces Command (USFLTFORCOM) of the United States Navy is the part of the Navy responsible for operations in and around the Atlantic Ocean. Originally formed as United States Atlantic Fleet (USLANTFLT) in 1906, it has been an integral part of the defense of the United States of America for most of the 20th century.
Discuss the function of following operational commands: Naval Forces, Europe
United States Naval Forces Europe is the United States Navy component of the United States European Command and provides forces for United States African Command. Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe (COMUSNAVEUR) provides overall command, operational control, and coordination of U.S. Naval Forces in the European Command area of responsibility. As the Navy component in Europe, COMUSNAVEUR, plans, conducts, and supports naval operations in the European theater during peacetime, contingencies, in general war and as tasked by Commander, U.S. European Command. Its headquarters is located in Naples, Italy.
Discuss the function of following operational commands: Central Command
The United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) is a theater-level Unified Combatant Command unit of the U.S. armed forces, established in 1983 under the operational control of the U.S. Secretary of Defense. It was originally conceived of as the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF). Its area of responsibility is in the Middle East, including Egypt, and Central Asia.
Discuss the function of following operational commands: Southern Command
The United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), located in Miami, Florida, is one of ten Unified Combatant Commands (COCOMs) in the United States Department of Defense. It is responsible for providing contingency planning and operations in Central and South America, the Caribbean (except U.S. commonwealths, territories, and possessions), Cuba, their territorial waters, and for the force of U.S. military resources at these locations. USSOUTHCOM is also responsible for ensuring the militarization of the Panama Canal and canal area.
Discuss the function of following operational commands: Military Sealift Command (MSC)
The Military Sealift Command (MSC) is a United States Navy (USN) organization that controls most of the replenishment and military transport ships of the Navy. It first came into existence on 9 July 1949 when the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) became solely responsible for the Department of Defense’s ocean transport needs. The MSTS was renamed the Military Sealift Command in 1970.
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: 2nd Fleet
Atlantic Ocean. Headquarters is in Norfolk, Virginia.
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: 3rd Fleet
Pacific and Indian oceans. 3rd fleet headquarters is in San Diego, California
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: 4th Fleet
Fourth Fleet is based at Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Florida and is responsible for U.S. Navy ships, aircraft and submarines operating in the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: 5th Fleet
Persian Gulf. Headquarters is in Manama, Bahrain.
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: 6th Fleet
Mediterranean. Headquarters is in Naples, Italy.
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: 7th Fleet
Pacific and Indian oceans. Headquarters is in Yokosuka, Japan.
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: 10th Fleet
Tenth Fleet was reactivated January 29, 2010 as U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet at Fort Meade, Maryland.
State the geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) for the following: Military Sealift Command (MSC)
Worldwide. Headquarters is in Washington DC.
State the purpose and content of the following: Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy
The Standard Organization and Regulations of the navy outlines and provides all units with the same basic organization, regardless of their mission.
State the purpose and content of the following: UCMJ - The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, 64 Stat. 109, 10 U.S.C. Chapter 47),
64 Stat. 109, 10 U.S.C. Chapter 47), is the foundation of military law in the United States. It was established by the United States Congress in accordance with the authority given by the United States Constitution in Article I, Section 8, which provides that “The Congress shall have Power to make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces.” The UCMJ was passed by Congress on 5 May 1950, signed into law by President Harry S. Truman, and became effective on 31 May 1951. The word Uniform in the Code’s title refers to the congressional intent to make military justice uniform or consistent among the armed services.
Discuss the following: Navy Reserve
Mission is to provide trained units and qualified individuals for active duty in time of war or national emergency and at other times required by national security.
Discuss the following: Fleet Training and Support (FTS)
Provides training activities and support to the Navy
Discuss the following: Individual Augmentation
Individual Augmentees (IAs) are Sailors who support or “augment” another Navy, Marine Corps or Army command. Sailors usually go to their IA assignment on temporary or TAD orders and return to their current or “parent” command once they complete their assignment. Assignments vary in length from a few months to a year or more.
Discuss the following: GSA
Global War on Terror Support Assignment (GSA) is a detailing concept that allows Sailors to negotiate for an Individual Augmentee billet when it fits their needs. Eventually it will replace the need to pull Sailors from other assignments mid-tour in order to fill an IA.