SS 1-4 Flashcards
What does SS stand for?
Sustainable Sites
What is the SS prerequisite?
Erosion and sedimentation control.
What is the intent of the SS prerequisite?
Reduce negative impacts on water and air quality.
What documents define best management practices?
EPA Storm Water Management for Construction Activities, EPA Document No. EPA-832/R-92-005,(September 1992) Storm Water Management for Construction Activities, Chapter 3, OR local Erosion and Sedimentation Control codes.
An erosion and sedimentation control plan must meet what objectives?
Prevent loss of soil during construction. Prevent sedimentation of storm sewer or receiving streams. Prevent polluting the air with dust and particulate matter.
What are strategies that might be incorporated into a site erosion and sedimentation control plan?
Seeding; mulching; earth dikes; silt fencing; sediment traps; sediment basins.
What is SS Credit 1 called?
Site Selection
What is the intent of the Site Selection Credit?
Avoid development of inappropriate sites and reduce the environmental impact.
What are some strategies to consider to minimize site disruption?
Stacking the building program, tuck-under parking, share facilities with neighbors.
How many points are available for Site Selection?
What are some characteristics of sites inappropriate for sustainable development?
Prime farmland; elevation lower than five feet above the 100-year flood; habitat for threatened or endangered species; within 100 feet of a wetland; previously public parkland.
What is SS Credit 2 called?
Development Density
What is the intent of the Development Density Credit?
Channel development to urban areas with existing infrastructures.
How many points are available for Development Density
What minimum site density determines that a site will qualify as Development Density?
60,000 SF per acre (roughly equivalent to 2-story downtown development)