Sructural design patterns Flashcards




is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate.

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Adapter problem


Imagine that you’re creating a stock market monitoring app. The app downloads the stock data from multiple sources in XML format and then displays nice-looking charts and diagrams for the user.

At some point, you decide to improve the app by integrating a smart 3rd-party analytics library. But there’s a catch: the analytics library only works with data in JSON format.

You could change the library to work with XML. However, this might break some existing code that relies on the library. And worse, you might not have access to the library’s source code in the first place, making this approach impossible.

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adapter solution


You can create an adapter. This is a special object that converts the interface of one object so that another object can understand it.

An adapter wraps one of the objects to hide the complexity of conversion happening behind the scenes. The wrapped object isn’t even aware of the adapter. For example, you can wrap an object that operates in meters and kilometers with an adapter that converts all of the data to imperial units such as feet and miles.

Adapters can not only convert data into various formats but can also help objects with different interfaces collaborate. Here’s how it works:

The adapter gets an interface, compatible with one of the existing objects.
Using this interface, the existing object can safely call the adapter’s methods.
Upon receiving a call, the adapter passes the request to the second object, but in a format and order that the second object expects.
Sometimes it’s even possible to create a two-way adapter that can convert the calls in both directions.

Let’s get back to our stock market app. To solve the dilemma of incompatible formats, you can create XML-to-JSON adapters for every class of the analytics library that your code works with directly. Then you adjust your code to communicate with the library only via these adapters. When an adapter receives a call, it translates the incoming XML data into a JSON structure and passes the call to the appropriate methods of a wrapped analytics object.

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Adapter applicability


Use the Adapter class when you want to use some existing class, but its interface isn’t compatible with the rest of your code.

The Adapter pattern lets you create a middle-layer class that serves as a translator between your code and a legacy class, a 3rd-party class or any other class with a weird interface.

Use the pattern when you want to reuse several existing subclasses that lack some common functionality that can’t be added to the superclass.

You could extend each subclass and put the missing functionality into new child classes. However, you’ll need to duplicate the code across all of these new classes, which smells really bad.

The much more elegant solution would be to put the missing functionality into an adapter class. Then you would wrap objects with missing features inside the adapter, gaining needed features dynamically. For this to work, the target classes must have a common interface, and the adapter’s field should follow that interface. This approach looks very similar to the Decorator pattern.

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Adapter how to implement


Make sure that you have at least two classes with incompatible interfaces:

A useful service class, which you can’t change (often 3rd-party, legacy or with lots of existing dependencies).
One or several client classes that would benefit from using the service class.
Declare the client interface and describe how clients communicate with the service.

Create the adapter class and make it follow the client interface. Leave all the methods empty for now.

Add a field to the adapter class to store a reference to the service object. The common practice is to initialize this field via the constructor, but sometimes it’s more convenient to pass it to the adapter when calling its methods.

One by one, implement all methods of the client interface in the adapter class. The adapter should delegate most of the real work to the service object, handling only the interface or data format conversion.

Clients should use the adapter via the client interface. This will let you change or extend the adapters without affecting the client code.

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Adapter Pros


Single Responsibility Principle. You can separate the interface or data conversion code from the primary business logic of the program.
Open/Closed Principle. You can introduce new types of adapters into the program without breaking the existing client code, as long as they work with the adapters through the client interface.

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Adapter cons


The overall complexity of the code increases because you need to introduce a set of new interfaces and classes. Sometimes it’s simpler just to change the service class so that it matches the rest of your code.

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Adapter Relations with Other Patterns


Bridge is usually designed up-front, letting you develop parts of an application independently of each other. On the other hand, Adapter is commonly used with an existing app to make some otherwise-incompatible classes work together nicely.

Adapter provides a completely different interface for accessing an existing object. On the other hand, with the Decorator pattern the interface either stays the same or gets extended. In addition, Decorator supports recursive composition, which isn’t possible when you use Adapter.

With Adapter you access an existing object via different interface. With Proxy, the interface stays the same. With Decorator you access the object via an enhanced interface.

Facade defines a new interface for existing objects, whereas Adapter tries to make the existing interface usable. Adapter usually wraps just one object, while Facade works with an entire subsystem of objects.

Bridge, State, Strategy (and to some degree Adapter) have very similar structures. Indeed, all of these patterns are based on composition, which is delegating work to other objects. However, they all solve different problems. A pattern isn’t just a recipe for structuring your code in a specific way. It can also communicate to other developers the problem the pattern solves.

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Bridge is a structural design pattern that lets you split a large class or a set of closely related classes into two separate hierarchies—abstraction and implementation—which can be developed independently of each other.

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Bridge Problem


Abstraction? Implementation? Sound scary? Stay calm and let’s consider a simple example.

Say you have a geometric Shape class with a pair of subclasses: Circle and Square. You want to extend this class hierarchy to incorporate colors, so you plan to create Red and Blue shape subclasses. However, since you already have two subclasses, you’ll need to create four class combinations such as BlueCircle and RedSquare.

Adding new shape types and colors to the hierarchy will grow it exponentially. For example, to add a triangle shape you’d need to introduce two subclasses, one for each color. And after that, adding a new color would require creating three subclasses, one for each shape type. The further we go, the worse it becomes.

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Bridge Solution


This problem occurs because we’re trying to extend the shape classes in two independent dimensions: by form and by color. That’s a very common issue with class inheritance.

The Bridge pattern attempts to solve this problem by switching from inheritance to the object composition. What this means is that you extract one of the dimensions into a separate class hierarchy, so that the original classes will reference an object of the new hierarchy, instead of having all of its state and behaviors within one class.

Following this approach, we can extract the color-related code into its own class with two subclasses: Red and Blue. The Shape class then gets a reference field pointing to one of the color objects. Now the shape can delegate any color-related work to the linked color object. That reference will act as a bridge between the Shape and Color classes. From now on, adding new colors won’t require changing the shape hierarchy, and vice versa.

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Bridge Abstraction and Implementation


The GoF book introduces the terms Abstraction and Implementation as part of the Bridge definition. In my opinion, the terms sound too academic and make the pattern seem more complicated than it really is. Having read the simple example with shapes and colors, let’s decipher the meaning behind the GoF book’s scary words.

Abstraction (also called interface) is a high-level control layer for some entity. This layer isn’t supposed to do any real work on its own. It should delegate the work to the implementation layer (also called platform).

Note that we’re not talking about interfaces or abstract classes from your programming language. These aren’t the same things.

When talking about real applications, the abstraction can be represented by a graphical user interface (GUI), and the implementation could be the underlying operating system code (API) which the GUI layer calls in response to user interactions.

Generally speaking, you can extend such an app in two independent directions:

Have several different GUIs (for instance, tailored for regular customers or admins).
Support several different APIs (for example, to be able to launch the app under Windows, Linux, and macOS).
In a worst-case scenario, this app might look like a giant spaghetti bowl, where hundreds of conditionals connect different types of GUI with various APIs all over the code.

You can bring order to this chaos by extracting the code related to specific interface-platform combinations into separate classes. However, soon you’ll discover that there are lots of these classes. The class hierarchy will grow exponentially because adding a new GUI or supporting a different API would require creating more and more classes.

Let’s try to solve this issue with the Bridge pattern. It suggests that we divide the classes into two hierarchies:

Abstraction: the GUI layer of the app.
Implementation: the operating systems’ APIs.

The abstraction object controls the appearance of the app, delegating the actual work to the linked implementation object. Different implementations are interchangeable as long as they follow a common interface, enabling the same GUI to work under Windows and Linux.

As a result, you can change the GUI classes without touching the API-related classes. Moreover, adding support for another operating system only requires creating a subclass in the implementation hierarchy.

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Bridge Applicability


Use the Bridge pattern when you want to divide and organize a monolithic class that has several variants of some functionality (for example, if the class can work with various database servers).

The bigger a class becomes, the harder it is to figure out how it works, and the longer it takes to make a change. The changes made to one of the variations of functionality may require making changes across the whole class, which often results in making errors or not addressing some critical side effects.

The Bridge pattern lets you split the monolithic class into several class hierarchies. After this, you can change the classes in each hierarchy independently of the classes in the others. This approach simplifies code maintenance and minimizes the risk of breaking existing code.

Use the pattern when you need to extend a class in several orthogonal (independent) dimensions.

The Bridge suggests that you extract a separate class hierarchy for each of the dimensions. The original class delegates the related work to the objects belonging to those hierarchies instead of doing everything on its own.

Use the Bridge if you need to be able to switch implementations at runtime.

Although it’s optional, the Bridge pattern lets you replace the implementation object inside the abstraction. It’s as easy as assigning a new value to a field.

By the way, this last item is the main reason why so many people confuse the Bridge with the Strategy pattern. Remember that a pattern is more than just a certain way to structure your classes. It may also communicate intent and a problem being addressed.

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Bridge how to implement


How to Implement
Identify the orthogonal dimensions in your classes. These independent concepts could be: abstraction/platform, domain/infrastructure, front-end/back-end, or interface/implementation.

See what operations the client needs and define them in the base abstraction class.

Determine the operations available on all platforms. Declare the ones that the abstraction needs in the general implementation interface.

For all platforms in your domain create concrete implementation classes, but make sure they all follow the implementation interface.

Inside the abstraction class, add a reference field for the implementation type. The abstraction delegates most of the work to the implementation object that’s referenced in that field.

If you have several variants of high-level logic, create refined abstractions for each variant by extending the base abstraction class.

The client code should pass an implementation object to the abstraction’s constructor to associate one with the other. After that, the client can forget about the implementation and work only with the abstraction object.

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Bridge Pros


You can create platform-independent classes and apps.
The client code works with high-level abstractions. It isn’t exposed to the platform details.
Open/Closed Principle. You can introduce new abstractions and implementations independently from each other.
Single Responsibility Principle. You can focus on high-level logic in the abstraction and on platform details in the implementation.

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Bridge Cons


You might make the code more complicated by applying the pattern to a highly cohesive class.

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Bridge Relations with Other Patterns


Bridge is usually designed up-front, letting you develop parts of an application independently of each other. On the other hand, Adapter is commonly used with an existing app to make some otherwise-incompatible classes work together nicely.

Bridge, State, Strategy (and to some degree Adapter) have very similar structures. Indeed, all of these patterns are based on composition, which is delegating work to other objects. However, they all solve different problems. A pattern isn’t just a recipe for structuring your code in a specific way. It can also communicate to other developers the problem the pattern solves.

You can use Abstract Factory along with Bridge. This pairing is useful when some abstractions defined by Bridge can only work with specific implementations. In this case, Abstract Factory can encapsulate these relations and hide the complexity from the client code.

You can combine Builder with Bridge: the director class plays the role of the abstraction, while different builders act as implementations.

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is a structural design pattern that lets you compose objects into tree structures and then work with these structures as if they were individual objects.

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Composite problem


Using the Composite pattern makes sense only when the core model of your app can be represented as a tree.

For example, imagine that you have two types of objects: Products and Boxes. A Box can contain several Products as well as a number of smaller Boxes. These little Boxes can also hold some Products or even smaller Boxes, and so on.

Say you decide to create an ordering system that uses these classes. Orders could contain simple products without any wrapping, as well as boxes stuffed with products…and other boxes. How would you determine the total price of such an order?

You could try the direct approach: unwrap all the boxes, go over all the products and then calculate the total. That would be doable in the real world; but in a program, it’s not as simple as running a loop. You have to know the classes of Products and Boxes you’re going through, the nesting level of the boxes and other nasty details beforehand. All of this makes the direct approach either too awkward or even impossible.

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Composite Solution


The Composite pattern suggests that you work with Products and Boxes through a common interface which declares a method for calculating the total price.

How would this method work? For a product, it’d simply return the product’s price. For a box, it’d go over each item the box contains, ask its price and then return a total for this box. If one of these items were a smaller box, that box would also start going over its contents and so on, until the prices of all inner components were calculated. A box could even add some extra cost to the final price, such as packaging cost.

The greatest benefit of this approach is that you don’t need to care about the concrete classes of objects that compose the tree. You don’t need to know whether an object is a simple product or a sophisticated box. You can treat them all the same via the common interface. When you call a method, the objects themselves pass the request down the tree.

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Composite Real-World Analogy


Armies of most countries are structured as hierarchies. An army consists of several divisions; a division is a set of brigades, and a brigade consists of platoons, which can be broken down into squads. Finally, a squad is a small group of real soldiers. Orders are given at the top of the hierarchy and passed down onto each level until every soldier knows what needs to be done.

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composite application


Use the Composite pattern when you have to implement a tree-like object structure.

The Composite pattern provides you with two basic element types that share a common interface: simple leaves and complex containers. A container can be composed of both leaves and other containers. This lets you construct a nested recursive object structure that resembles a tree.

Use the pattern when you want the client code to treat both simple and complex elements uniformly.

All elements defined by the Composite pattern share a common interface. Using this interface, the client doesn’t have to worry about the concrete class of the objects it works with.

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Composite how to implement


Make sure that the core model of your app can be represented as a tree structure. Try to break it down into simple elements and containers. Remember that containers must be able to contain both simple elements and other containers.

Declare the component interface with a list of methods that make sense for both simple and complex components.

Create a leaf class to represent simple elements. A program may have multiple different leaf classes.

Create a container class to represent complex elements. In this class, provide an array field for storing references to sub-elements. The array must be able to store both leaves and containers, so make sure it’s declared with the component interface type.

While implementing the methods of the component interface, remember that a container is supposed to be delegating most of the work to sub-elements.

Finally, define the methods for adding and removal of child elements in the container.

Keep in mind that these operations can be declared in the component interface. This would violate the Interface Segregation Principle because the methods will be empty in the leaf class. However, the client will be able to treat all the elements equally, even when composing the tree.

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Composite pros


You can work with complex tree structures more conveniently: use polymorphism and recursion to your advantage.
Open/Closed Principle. You can introduce new element types into the app without breaking the existing code, which now works with the object tree.

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Composite cons


It might be difficult to provide a common interface for classes whose functionality differs too much. In certain scenarios, you’d need to overgeneralize the component interface, making it harder to comprehend.


composite relations


You can use Builder when creating complex Composite trees because you can program its construction steps to work recursively.

Chain of Responsibility is often used in conjunction with Composite. In this case, when a leaf component gets a request, it may pass it through the chain of all of the parent components down to the root of the object tree.

You can use Iterators to traverse Composite trees.

You can use Visitor to execute an operation over an entire Composite tree.

You can implement shared leaf nodes of the Composite tree as Flyweights to save some RAM.

Composite and Decorator have similar structure diagrams since both rely on recursive composition to organize an open-ended number of objects.

A Decorator is like a Composite but only has one child component. There’s another significant difference: Decorator adds additional responsibilities to the wrapped object, while Composite just “sums up” its children’s results.

However, the patterns can also cooperate: you can use Decorator to extend the behavior of a specific object in the Composite tree.

Designs that make heavy use of Composite and Decorator can often benefit from using Prototype. Applying the pattern lets you clone complex structures instead of re-constructing them from scratch.




is a structural design pattern that lets you attach new behaviors to objects by placing these objects inside special wrapper objects that contain the behaviors.


Decorator Problem


Imagine that you’re working on a notification library which lets other programs notify their users about important events.
The initial version of the library was based on the Notifier class that had only a few fields, a constructor and a single send method. The method could accept a message argument from a client and send the message to a list of emails that were passed to the notifier via its constructor. A third-party app which acted as a client was supposed to create and configure the notifier object once, and then use it each time something important happened.
At some point, you realize that users of the library expect more than just email notifications. Many of them would like to receive an SMS about critical issues. Others would like to be notified on Facebook and, of course, the corporate users would love to get Slack notifications.
How hard can that be? You extended the Notifier class and put the additional notification methods into new subclasses. Now the client was supposed to instantiate the desired notification class and use it for all further notifications.

But then someone reasonably asked you, “Why can’t you use several notification types at once? If your house is on fire, you’d probably want to be informed through every channel.”

You tried to address that problem by creating special subclasses which combined several notification methods within one class. However, it quickly became apparent that this approach would bloat the code immensely, not only the library code but the client code as well. You have to find some other way to structure notifications classes so that their number won’t accidentally break some Guinness record.


Decorator Solution


Extending a class is the first thing that comes to mind when you need to alter an object’s behavior. However, inheritance has several serious caveats that you need to be aware of.

Inheritance is static. You can’t alter the behavior of an existing object at runtime. You can only replace the whole object with another one that’s created from a different subclass.
Subclasses can have just one parent class. In most languages, inheritance doesn’t let a class inherit behaviors of multiple classes at the same time.
One of the ways to overcome these caveats is by using Aggregation or Composition instead of Inheritance. Both of the alternatives work almost the same way: one object has a reference to another and delegates it some work, whereas with inheritance, the object itself is able to do that work, inheriting the behavior from its superclass.

With this new approach you can easily substitute the linked “helper” object with another, changing the behavior of the container at runtime. An object can use the behavior of various classes, having references to multiple objects and delegating them all kinds of work. Aggregation/composition is the key principle behind many design patterns, including Decorator. On that note, let’s return to the pattern discussion.

“Wrapper” is the alternative nickname for the Decorator pattern that clearly expresses the main idea of the pattern. A wrapper is an object that can be linked with some target object. The wrapper contains the same set of methods as the target and delegates to it all requests it receives. However, the wrapper may alter the result by doing something either before or after it passes the request to the target.

When does a simple wrapper become the real decorator? As I mentioned, the wrapper implements the same interface as the wrapped object. That’s why from the client’s perspective these objects are identical. Make the wrapper’s reference field accept any object that follows that interface. This will let you cover an object in multiple wrappers, adding the combined behavior of all the wrappers to it.

In our notifications example, let’s leave the simple email notification behavior inside the base Notifier class, but turn all other notification methods into decorators.

The client code would need to wrap a basic notifier object into a set of decorators that match the client’s preferences. The resulting objects will be structured as a stack.

The last decorator in the stack would be the object that the client actually works with. Since all decorators implement the same interface as the base notifier, the rest of the client code won’t care whether it works with the “pure” notifier object or the decorated one.

We could apply the same approach to other behaviors such as formatting messages or composing the recipient list. The client can decorate the object with any custom decorators, as long as they follow the same interface as the others.


Decorator Real-World Analogy


Wearing clothes is an example of using decorators. When you’re cold, you wrap yourself in a sweater. If you’re still cold with a sweater, you can wear a jacket on top. If it’s raining, you can put on a raincoat. All of these garments “extend” your basic behavior but aren’t part of you, and you can easily take off any piece of clothing whenever you don’t need it.


Decorator Applicability


Use the Decorator pattern when you need to be able to assign extra behaviors to objects at runtime without breaking the code that uses these objects.

The Decorator lets you structure your business logic into layers, create a decorator for each layer and compose objects with various combinations of this logic at runtime. The client code can treat all these objects in the same way, since they all follow a common interface.

Use the pattern when it’s awkward or not possible to extend an object’s behavior using inheritance.

Many programming languages have the final keyword that can be used to prevent further extension of a class. For a final class, the only way to reuse the existing behavior would be to wrap the class with your own wrapper, using the Decorator pattern.


How to Implement Decorator


Make sure your business domain can be represented as a primary component with multiple optional layers over it.

Figure out what methods are common to both the primary component and the optional layers. Create a component interface and declare those methods there.

Create a concrete component class and define the base behavior in it.

Create a base decorator class. It should have a field for storing a reference to a wrapped object. The field should be declared with the component interface type to allow linking to concrete components as well as decorators. The base decorator must delegate all work to the wrapped object.

Make sure all classes implement the component interface.

Create concrete decorators by extending them from the base decorator. A concrete decorator must execute its behavior before or after the call to the parent method (which always delegates to the wrapped object).

The client code must be responsible for creating decorators and composing them in the way the client needs.


Decorator Pros


You can extend an object’s behavior without making a new subclass.
You can add or remove responsibilities from an object at runtime.
You can combine several behaviors by wrapping an object into multiple decorators.
Single Responsibility Principle. You can divide a monolithic class that implements many possible variants of behavior into several smaller classes.


Decorator Cons


It’s hard to remove a specific wrapper from the wrappers stack.
It’s hard to implement a decorator in such a way that its behavior doesn’t depend on the order in the decorators stack.
The initial configuration code of layers might look pretty ugly.


Decorators Relations with Other Patterns


Adapter provides a completely different interface for accessing an existing object. On the other hand, with the Decorator pattern the interface either stays the same or gets extended. In addition, Decorator supports recursive composition, which isn’t possible when you use Adapter.

With Adapter you access an existing object via different interface. With Proxy, the interface stays the same. With Decorator you access the object via an enhanced interface.

Chain of Responsibility and Decorator have very similar class structures. Both patterns rely on recursive composition to pass the execution through a series of objects. However, there are several crucial differences.

The CoR handlers can execute arbitrary operations independently of each other. They can also stop passing the request further at any point. On the other hand, various Decorators can extend the object’s behavior while keeping it consistent with the base interface. In addition, decorators aren’t allowed to break the flow of the request.

Composite and Decorator have similar structure diagrams since both rely on recursive composition to organize an open-ended number of objects.

A Decorator is like a Composite but only has one child component. There’s another significant difference: Decorator adds additional responsibilities to the wrapped object, while Composite just “sums up” its children’s results.

However, the patterns can also cooperate: you can use Decorator to extend the behavior of a specific object in the Composite tree.

Designs that make heavy use of Composite and Decorator can often benefit from using Prototype. Applying the pattern lets you clone complex structures instead of re-constructing them from scratch.

Decorator lets you change the skin of an object, while Strategy lets you change the guts.

Decorator and Proxy have similar structures, but very different intents. Both patterns are built on the composition principle, where one object is supposed to delegate some of the work to another. The difference is that a Proxy usually manages the life cycle of its service object on its own, whereas the composition of Decorators is always controlled by the client.




is a structural design pattern that provides a simplified interface to a library, a framework, or any other complex set of classes.


Facade Problem


Imagine that you must make your code work with a broad set of objects that belong to a sophisticated library or framework. Ordinarily, you’d need to initialize all of those objects, keep track of dependencies, execute methods in the correct order, and so on.

As a result, the business logic of your classes would become tightly coupled to the implementation details of 3rd-party classes, making it hard to comprehend and maintain.


Facade Solution


A facade is a class that provides a simple interface to a complex subsystem which contains lots of moving parts. A facade might provide limited functionality in comparison to working with the subsystem directly. However, it includes only those features that clients really care about.

Having a facade is handy when you need to integrate your app with a sophisticated library that has dozens of features, but you just need a tiny bit of its functionality.

For instance, an app that uploads short funny videos with cats to social media could potentially use a professional video conversion library. However, all that it really needs is a class with the single method encode(filename, format). After creating such a class and connecting it with the video conversion library, you’ll have your first facade.


Facade Applicability


Use the Facade pattern when you need to have a limited but straightforward interface to a complex subsystem.

Often, subsystems get more complex over time. Even applying design patterns typically leads to creating more classes. A subsystem may become more flexible and easier to reuse in various contexts, but the amount of configuration and boilerplate code it demands from a client grows ever larger. The Facade attempts to fix this problem by providing a shortcut to the most-used features of the subsystem which fit most client requirements.

Use the Facade when you want to structure a subsystem into layers.

Create facades to define entry points to each level of a subsystem. You can reduce coupling between multiple subsystems by requiring them to communicate only through facades.

For example, let’s return to our video conversion framework. It can be broken down into two layers: video- and audio-related. For each layer, you can create a facade and then make the classes of each layer communicate with each other via those facades. This approach looks very similar to the Mediator pattern.


Facade How to Implement


Check whether it’s possible to provide a simpler interface than what an existing subsystem already provides. You’re on the right track if this interface makes the client code independent from many of the subsystem’s classes.

Declare and implement this interface in a new facade class. The facade should redirect the calls from the client code to appropriate objects of the subsystem. The facade should be responsible for initializing the subsystem and managing its further life cycle unless the client code already does this.

To get the full benefit from the pattern, make all the client code communicate with the subsystem only via the facade. Now the client code is protected from any changes in the subsystem code. For example, when a subsystem gets upgraded to a new version, you will only need to modify the code in the facade.

If the facade becomes too big, consider extracting part of its behavior to a new, refined facade class.


Facade Pros


You can isolate your code from the complexity of a subsystem.


Facade Cons


A facade can become a god object coupled to all classes of an app.


Facade Relations with Other Patterns


Facade defines a new interface for existing objects, whereas Adapter tries to make the existing interface usable. Adapter usually wraps just one object, while Facade works with an entire subsystem of objects.

Abstract Factory can serve as an alternative to Facade when you only want to hide the way the subsystem objects are created from the client code.

Flyweight shows how to make lots of little objects, whereas Facade shows how to make a single object that represents an entire subsystem.

Facade and Mediator have similar jobs: they try to organize collaboration between lots of tightly coupled classes.

Facade defines a simplified interface to a subsystem of objects, but it doesn’t introduce any new functionality. The subsystem itself is unaware of the facade. Objects within the subsystem can communicate directly.
Mediator centralizes communication between components of the system. The components only know about the mediator object and don’t communicate directly.
A Facade class can often be transformed into a Singleton since a single facade object is sufficient in most cases.

Facade is similar to Proxy in that both buffer a complex entity and initialize it on its own. Unlike Facade, Proxy has the same interface as its service object, which makes them interchangeable.




is a structural design pattern that lets you fit more objects into the available amount of RAM by sharing common parts of state between multiple objects instead of keeping all of the data in each object.


Flyweight Problem


To have some fun after long working hours, you decided to create a simple video game: players would be moving around a map and shooting each other. You chose to implement a realistic particle system and make it a distinctive feature of the game. Vast quantities of bullets, missiles, and shrapnel from explosions should fly all over the map and deliver a thrilling experience to the player.

Upon its completion, you pushed the last commit, built the game and sent it to your friend for a test drive. Although the game was running flawlessly on your machine, your friend wasn’t able to play for long. On his computer, the game kept crashing after a few minutes of gameplay. After spending several hours digging through debug logs, you discovered that the game crashed because of an insufficient amount of RAM. It turned out that your friend’s rig was much less powerful than your own computer, and that’s why the problem emerged so quickly on his machine.

The actual problem was related to your particle system. Each particle, such as a bullet, a missile or a piece of shrapnel was represented by a separate object containing plenty of data. At some point, when the carnage on a player’s screen reached its climax, newly created particles no longer fit into the remaining RAM, so the program crashed.


Flyweight Solution


On closer inspection of the Particle class, you may notice that the color and sprite fields consume a lot more memory than other fields. What’s worse is that these two fields store almost identical data across all particles. For example, all bullets have the same color and sprite.
Other parts of a particle’s state, such as coordinates, movement vector and speed, are unique to each particle. After all, the values of these fields change over time. This data represents the always changing context in which the particle exists, while the color and sprite remain constant for each particle.

This constant data of an object is usually called the intrinsic state. It lives within the object; other objects can only read it, not change it. The rest of the object’s state, often altered “from the outside” by other objects, is called the extrinsic state.

The Flyweight pattern suggests that you stop storing the extrinsic state inside the object. Instead, you should pass this state to specific methods which rely on it. Only the intrinsic state stays within the object, letting you reuse it in different contexts. As a result, you’d need fewer of these objects since they only differ in the intrinsic state, which has much fewer variations than the extrinsic.

Let’s return to our game. Assuming that we had extracted the extrinsic state from our particle class, only three different objects would suffice to represent all particles in the game: a bullet, a missile, and a piece of shrapnel. As you’ve probably guessed by now, an object that only stores the intrinsic state is called a flyweight.


Flyweight Extrinsic state storage


Where does the extrinsic state move to? Some class should still store it, right? In most cases, it gets moved to the container object, which aggregates objects before we apply the pattern.

In our case, that’s the main Game object that stores all particles in the particles field. To move the extrinsic state into this class, you need to create several array fields for storing coordinates, vectors, and speed of each individual particle. But that’s not all. You need another array for storing references to a specific flyweight that represents a particle. These arrays must be in sync so that you can access all data of a particle using the same index.

A more elegant solution is to create a separate context class that would store the extrinsic state along with reference to the flyweight object. This approach would require having just a single array in the container class.

Wait a second! Won’t we need to have as many of these contextual objects as we had at the very beginning? Technically, yes. But the thing is, these objects are much smaller than before. The most memory-consuming fields have been moved to just a few flyweight objects. Now, a thousand small contextual objects can reuse a single heavy flyweight object instead of storing a thousand copies of its data.


Flyweight and immutability


Since the same flyweight object can be used in different contexts, you have to make sure that its state can’t be modified. A flyweight should initialize its state just once, via constructor parameters. It shouldn’t expose any setters or public fields to other objects.


Flyweight factory


For more convenient access to various flyweights, you can create a factory method that manages a pool of existing flyweight objects. The method accepts the intrinsic state of the desired flyweight from a client, looks for an existing flyweight object matching this state, and returns it if it was found. If not, it creates a new flyweight and adds it to the pool.

There are several options where this method could be placed. The most obvious place is a flyweight container. Alternatively, you could create a new factory class. Or you could make the factory method static and put it inside an actual flyweight class.


Flyweight Applicability


Use the Flyweight pattern only when your program must support a huge number of objects which barely fit into available RAM.

The benefit of applying the pattern depends heavily on how and where it’s used. It’s most useful when:

an application needs to spawn a huge number of similar objects
this drains all available RAM on a target device
the objects contain duplicate states which can be extracted and shared between multiple objects


Flyweight How to implement


Divide fields of a class that will become a flyweight into two parts:

the intrinsic state: the fields that contain unchanging data duplicated across many objects
the extrinsic state: the fields that contain contextual data unique to each object
Leave the fields that represent the intrinsic state in the class, but make sure they’re immutable. They should take their initial values only inside the constructor.

Go over methods that use fields of the extrinsic state. For each field used in the method, introduce a new parameter and use it instead of the field.

Optionally, create a factory class to manage the pool of flyweights. It should check for an existing flyweight before creating a new one. Once the factory is in place, clients must only request flyweights through it. They should describe the desired flyweight by passing its intrinsic state to the factory.

The client must store or calculate values of the extrinsic state (context) to be able to call methods of flyweight objects. For the sake of convenience, the extrinsic state along with the flyweight-referencing field may be moved to a separate context class.


Flyweight Pros


You can save lots of RAM, assuming your program has tons of similar objects.


Flyweight Cons


You might be trading RAM over CPU cycles when some of the context data needs to be recalculated each time somebody calls a flyweight method.
The code becomes much more complicated. New team members will always be wondering why the state of an entity was separated in such a way.


Flyweight Relations with Other Patterns


You can implement shared leaf nodes of the Composite tree as Flyweights to save some RAM.

Flyweight shows how to make lots of little objects, whereas Facade shows how to make a single object that represents an entire subsystem.

Flyweight would resemble Singleton if you somehow managed to reduce all shared states of the objects to just one flyweight object. But there are two fundamental differences between these patterns:

There should be only one Singleton instance, whereas a Flyweight class can have multiple instances with different intrinsic states.
The Singleton object can be mutable. Flyweight objects are immutable.




is a structural design pattern that lets you provide a substitute or placeholder for another object. A proxy controls access to the original object, allowing you to perform something either before or after the request gets through to the original object.


Proxy problem


Why would you want to control access to an object? Here is an example: you have a massive object that consumes a vast amount of system resources. You need it from time to time, but not always.
You could implement lazy initialization: create this object only when it’s actually needed. All of the object’s clients would need to execute some deferred initialization code. Unfortunately, this would probably cause a lot of code duplication.

In an ideal world, we’d want to put this code directly into our object’s class, but that isn’t always possible. For instance, the class may be part of a closed 3rd-party library.


Proxy Solution


The Proxy pattern suggests that you create a new proxy class with the same interface as an original service object. Then you update your app so that it passes the proxy object to all of the original object’s clients. Upon receiving a request from a client, the proxy creates a real service object and delegates all the work to it.
But what’s the benefit? If you need to execute something either before or after the primary logic of the class, the proxy lets you do this without changing that class. Since the proxy implements the same interface as the original class, it can be passed to any client that expects a real service object.


Proxy example


A credit card is a proxy for a bank account, which is a proxy for a bundle of cash. Both implement the same interface: they can be used for making a payment. A consumer feels great because there’s no need to carry loads of cash around. A shop owner is also happy since the income from a transaction gets added electronically to the shop’s bank account without the risk of losing the deposit or getting robbed on the way to the bank.


Proxy Applicability


There are dozens of ways to utilize the Proxy pattern. Let’s go over the most popular uses.

Lazy initialization (virtual proxy). This is when you have a heavyweight service object that wastes system resources by being always up, even though you only need it from time to time.

Instead of creating the object when the app launches, you can delay the object’s initialization to a time when it’s really needed.

Access control (protection proxy). This is when you want only specific clients to be able to use the service object; for instance, when your objects are crucial parts of an operating system and clients are various launched applications (including malicious ones).

The proxy can pass the request to the service object only if the client’s credentials match some criteria.

Local execution of a remote service (remote proxy). This is when the service object is located on a remote server.

In this case, the proxy passes the client request over the network, handling all of the nasty details of working with the network.

Logging requests (logging proxy). This is when you want to keep a history of requests to the service object.

The proxy can log each request before passing it to the service.

Caching request results (caching proxy). This is when you need to cache results of client requests and manage the life cycle of this cache, especially if results are quite large.

The proxy can implement caching for recurring requests that always yield the same results. The proxy may use the parameters of requests as the cache keys.

Smart reference. This is when you need to be able to dismiss a heavyweight object once there are no clients that use it.

The proxy can keep track of clients that obtained a reference to the service object or its results. From time to time, the proxy may go over the clients and check whether they are still active. If the client list gets empty, the proxy might dismiss the service object and free the underlying system resources.

The proxy can also track whether the client had modified the service object. Then the unchanged objects may be reused by other clients.

How to Implement
If there’s no pre-existing service interface, create one to make proxy and service objects interchangeable. Extracting the interface from the service class isn’t always possible, because you’d need to change all of the service’s clients to use that interface. Plan B is to make the proxy a subclass of the service class, and this way it’ll inherit the interface of the service.

Create the proxy class. It should have a field for storing a reference to the service. Usually, proxies create and manage the whole life cycle of their services. On rare occasions, a service is passed to the proxy via a constructor by the client.

Implement the proxy methods according to their purposes. In most cases, after doing some work, the proxy should delegate the work to the service object.

Consider introducing a creation method that decides whether the client gets a proxy or a real service. This can be a simple static method in the proxy class or a full-blown factory method.

Consider implementing lazy initialization for the service object.


Proxy Pros


You can control the service object without clients knowing about it.
You can manage the lifecycle of the service object when clients don’t care about it.
The proxy works even if the service object isn’t ready or is not available.
Open/Closed Principle. You can introduce new proxies without changing the service or clients.


Proxy Cons


The code may become more complicated since you need to introduce a lot of new classes.
The response from the service might get delayed.


Proxy relations


With Adapter you access an existing object via different interface. With Proxy, the interface stays the same. With Decorator you access the object via an enhanced interface.

Facade is similar to Proxy in that both buffer a complex entity and initialize it on its own. Unlike Facade, Proxy has the same interface as its service object, which makes them interchangeable.

Decorator and Proxy have similar structures, but very different intents. Both patterns are built on the composition principle, where one object is supposed to delegate some of the work to another. The difference is that a Proxy usually manages the life cycle of its service object on its own, whereas the composition of Decorators is always controlled by the client.