SOLID principles Flashcards


Software design is


the process of envisioning and defining
software solutions to one or more sets of problems.
Software design is a process to transform user requirements into
some suitable form, which helps the programmer in software
coding and implementation.
Software design is basically a mechanism of preparing a plan, a
layout for structuring the code of your software application.

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The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)


The idea behind the SRP is that every class, module, or function in a program should have one responsibility/purpose in a program. As a commonly used definition, “every class should have only one reason to change”.

Consider the example below:

public class Student {

 public void registerStudent() {
     // some logic

 public void calculate_Student_Results() {
     // some logic

 public void sendEmail() {
     // some logic


The class above violates the single responsibility principle. Why?

This Student class has three responsibilities – registering students, calculating their results, and sending out emails to students.

The code above will work perfectly but will lead to some challenges. We cannot make this code reusable for other classes or objects. The class has a whole lot of logic interconnected that we would have a hard time fixing errors. And as the codebase grows, so does the logic, making it even harder to understand what is going on.

Imagine a new developer joining a team with this sort of logic with a codebase of about two thousand lines of code all congested into one class.

Now let’s fix this!

public class StudentRegister {
public void registerStudent() {
// some logic

public class StudentResult {
public void calculate_Student_Result() {
// some logic

public class StudentEmails {
public void sendEmail() {
// some logic

Now we’ve separated each functionality in our program. We can call the classes anywhere we want to use them in our code.

The examples we used use just showed each class having one method – this is mainly for simplicity. You can have as many methods as you want but they should be linked to the responsibility of the class.

Now that we have separated the logic, our code is easier to understand as each core functionality has its own class. We can test for errors more efficiently.

The code is now reusable. Before, we could only use these functionalities inside one class but now they can be used in any class.

The code is also easily maintainable and scalable because instead of reading interconnected lines of code, we have separated concerns so we can focus on the features we want to work on.

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Open–Closed Principle (OCP)


The open-closed principle states that software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

This implies that such entities – classes, functions, and so on – should be created in a way that their core functionalities can be extended to other entities without altering the initial entity’s source code.

In the example below, we’re going to write the code for calculating the body mass index (BMI) of a person:

public class Human {

 public int height;
 public int weight;


We’ve created the Human class which provides the height and width properties of the class. Now, let’s calculate the first person’s BMI.

public class CalculateBMI {

 public int CALCULATE_JOHN_BMI(Human John) {   
     return John.height/John.weight;
 } }

We’ve calculate the BMI of a person named John. We’ll go on and calculate the BMI for a person named Jane.

public class CalculateBMI {

 public int CALCULATE_JOHN_BMI(Human John) {   
     return John.height/John.weight;
 public int CALCULATE_JANE_BMI(Human Jane) {   
     return Jane.height/Jane.weight;
 } }

The problem with this is that we keep modifying the code every time we need to calculate the BMI of another person.

This also violates the SRP because the class now has more than one reason to change.

Although the code above may work perfectly, it’s not efficient. We modify the code constantly which may lead to bugs. And the code only has provision for humans. What if we have to calculate for an animal or an object?

Let’s fix the problem using the open-closed principle.

public interface Entity {

 public int CalculateBMI();


// John entity
public class John implements Entity {

 int height;
 int weight;

 public double CalculateBMI() {

       return John.height/John.weight;
 } }

// Jane entity
public class Jane implements Entity {

 int height;
 int weight;

 public double CalculateBMI() {

       return Jane.height/Jane.weight;
 } }

// Dog entity
public class Dog implements Entity {

 int height;
 int weight;

 public double CalculateBMI() {

       return Dog.height/Dog.weight;
 } }

In the code above, we have created an interface called Entity with a CalculateBMI() method.

Each entity – John, Jane and Dog – extends the functionality of the Entity interface.

Now we no longer have to modify existing code when we create a new entity - we just extend the functionality we need and apply it to the new entity.

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Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)


According to Barbara Liskov and Jeannette Wing, the Liskov substitution principle states that:

Let Φ(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then Φ(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T. (Source: Wikipedia)

Don’t worry if you find that confusing, it will all make sense soon. Let’s simplify this principle below:

The Liskov substitution principle simply implies that when an instance of a class is passed/extended to another class, the inheriting class should have a use case for all the properties and behavior of the inherited class.

Let’s say we have a class called Amphibian for animals that can live on both land and water. This class has two methods to show the features of an amphibian – swim() and walk().

public class Amphibian {

public void swim();
public void walk();


The Amphibian class can extend to a Frog class because frogs are amphibians, so they can inherit the properties of the Amphibian class without altering the logic and purpose of the class.

public class Frog extends Amphibian {
public void swim() {
System.out.println(“The frog is swimming”);

public void walk() {
    System.out.println("The frog is walking on land");
} }

But we cannot extend the Amphibian class to a Dolphin class because dolphins only live in water which implies that the walk() method would be irrelevant to the Dolphin class.

So, when you extend a class, if some of the properties of the initial class are not useful for the new class, the Liskov substitution principle has been violated.

The solution to this is simple: create interfaces that match the needs of the inheriting class.

In summary, if a class inherits another, it should do so in a manner that all the properties of the inherited class would remain relevant to its functionality.

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Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)


The interface segregation principle states that the interface of a program should be split in a way that the user/client would only have access to the necessary methods related to their needs.

To understand this better, we’ll first look at an example that violates the ISP:

public interface Teacher {

void English();

void Biology();

void Chemistry();

void Mathematics();


We’ve created an interface called Teacher which has various subjects as its methods. Let’s extend this interface to our first teacher.

public class Jane implements Teacher {

public void English() {
    System.out.println("Jane is teaching the students English language.");

public void Biology() {

public void Chemistry() {

public void Mathematics() {
} }

From the code above, you can tell that Jane is an English teacher who has no business with the other subjects. But these other methods are extended by default with the Teacher interface.

Do not confuse the Liskov substitution principle and the interface segregation principle. They may seem similar but they are not entirely the same.

Liskov substitution principle gives us the idea that when a new class has the need to inherit an existing class, it should do so because this new class has a need for the methods the existing class has.

On the other hand, the interface segregation principle makes us understand that it is unnecessary and unreasonable to create an interface with a lot of methods as some of these methods may be irrelevant to the needs of a particular user when extended.

Now let’s fix the code in the last example.

public interface Teacher {

void Teach();


The Teacher interface now has only one method. Let’s go on and extend this interface to support the different subjects.

// English teacher interface

public interface EnglishTeacher extends Teacher {

void English();


// Biology teacher interface

public interface BiologyTeacher extends Teacher {

void Bilogy();


// Chemistry teacher interface

public interface ChemistryTeacher extends Teacher {

void Chemistry();


// Mathematics teacher interface

public interface MathematicsTeacher extends Teacher {

void Mathematics();


We have created different interfaces for every subject. Now Jane can teach English without carrying the other methods with them. Here is an example:

public class Jane implements EnglishTeacher {

public void Teach() {
    System.out.println("Jane has started teaching.");

public void English() {
    System.out.println("Jane is teaching the students English language.");


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Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)


The dependency inversion principle states:

High-level modules should not import anything from low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions (e.g., interfaces). (Source: Wikipedia).


Abstractions should not depend on details. Details (concrete implementations) should depend on abstractions. (Source: Wikipedia).

Let’s use a real-life example before writing some code.

Imagine taking a one minute walk to the bank every time you had to withdraw money over the counter. It then takes an extra thirty seconds for you get your money. This is quite efficient because very little time is wasted. We’ll assume you’re the high-level module and the bank is the low-level module.

But what happens when the bank is closed for a holiday or an emergency? You have absolutely no access to your funds. If you move further away from the bank, it becomes a bigger problem because you’d spend more time getting there.

To solve this problem, an interface is introduced – an automated teller machine (ATM) or a mobile banking app. Even though you have a relationship with the bank, you are no longer required to interact with them physically to be served.

This example is similar to the dependency inversion principle. We should make our classes rely on properties in our interfaces instead of relying on each other.

The implications of violating this principle would result in a rigid system where testing blocks of code independently would be very difficult, reusability of code would be near impossible, and the addition or removal of code would lead to further complexity of the system and introduce bugs.

Here is a code example that violates this principle:

public class Bank {

    // some logic
} }

public class Customer {
private Bank myBank = new Bank();

public void withdraw() {
} }

From the code examples above, we can see that the Customer class imports and relies on a method in the Bank class. This reliance on a low-level class is against the DIP.

Like in our real-life example, we’ll solve this problem by introducing an interface that both classes can interact with.

Here’s the ATM interface that our Bank and Customer class will interact with:

public interface ATM {

Here’s the Bank class which uses a method in the ATM interface to add money to the ATM:

public class Bank implements ATM {
// code to add money to ATM and increase the ATM balance

Lastly, the Customer class which uses the same interface to withdraw money:

public class Customer implements ATM {

    // code to withdraw money from ATM and decrease the ATM balance
} }
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What Is Object Oriented Design?


Object oriented design is a design methodology for building object-based systems and applications. This enables us to build systems with a collection of objects where each object has its own properties and methods.

Take the computer system as an example. Its hardware is made up of different parts that comprise the whole system.

Here are some of the general terms associated with object oriented design:

Objects: Each separate unit that makes up the system is an object. Objects can have properties and methods.
Classes: Classes act as a general description for objects. So an object is an instance of a class.
Encapsulation: this aids in bundling all the relevant data of an object in one unit. This also helps in restricting access to specific data and methods which should only be found in one object.
Inheritance: Inheritance makes it easier for us to extend the functionality of a class to other classes.  This way, we do not repeat the process of creating these functionalities over and over again.
Abstraction: This means showing only important attributes and hiding the irrelevant ones.
Polymorphism: This is the existence of an interface in various forms. The ability to extend an object/interface but with different or addition attributes.
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What is Composition?


Composition is a method of wrapping the simple objects or data types into a single unit. It is a type of association used to represent the relationship between two classes.

Composition is considered as a strong association type. This is because, in composition, the parent owns the child entity, so the child entity cannot exist without its parent entity. Thus, in composition, the child entity does not have its own life cycle. We cannot directly or independently access a child entity. In the UML diagram, composition is denoted by a filled diamond.

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What is Aggregation?


Aggregation is another type of association that is used to represent the relationship between two classes. Aggregation is different from an ordinary composition because it gives information about a collection, and not about a mixture.

Aggregation does not imply any ownership on the child entity. In aggregation, the parent and the child entities maintain ‘Has-A’ relationship but both can also exist independently. We can use the parent and child entities independently. Any modification in the parent entity will not impact the child entity or vice versa.

In the UML diagram, aggregation is denoted by an empty diamond, which shows their obvious difference in terms of strength of the relationship.

Now, let us discuss the important differences between composition and aggregation in detail.

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