Sraith Pictiúr 5 - Phrases Flashcards
He seeks the students opinions about a school tour
Lorgaíonn sé tuarimí na dáltaí i dtaobh turas scoile
One student wants to go to Rome, another to Paris and yet another student wants to go skiing at Christmas
Ba mhaith le dalta amháín dul go dtí an Róimh, dalta eile go dtí Páras agus ba mhaith le dalta eile fós dul ag sciáil um Nollaig
The teacher thinks that it will be expensive to go abroas
Ceapann an múinteoir go mbeidh sé costasach dul thar lear
If they stay in Ireland they will be helping the countrys economy
Má fhanann siad in Éirinn beidh siad ag cabhrú le heacnamaíocht na tíre
He recommends that they go to an adventure camp
Molann sé dóibh dul go dtí campa eachtraíochta
There is one hostel for boys and another one for girls
Tá brú amháin ann do na buachaillí agus ceann eile ann do na cailíní
They are taking part in water sports. One boy is crossing the river
Tá siad ag glacadh páirte i spóirt usice. Tá buachaill amháin ag trasnú abhann
The students returned from the adventure camp
Tá na dáltaí taghta thar n-ais ón gcampa eachtraíochta
They are getting off the bus
Tá siad ag tuirling den bhus
They thank the teachers
Gabhann siad buíchas leis na múinteoirí