SR-20 G6 Flashcards
What is the Cirrus Recurrent Training Program Schedule?
1) Initial Cirrus Training
2) 90 Days Operational Experience
3) 90 Day Refresher Course (normal ops, maneuvers, special procedures)
4) 6-month Recurrent Check - Schedule A (normal ops, instrument procedures, abnormal ops, SRM)
5) 6-month Recurrent Check - Schedule B (normal ops, maneuvers, special procedures, SRM)
Vne - Never Exceed Speed
201 KIAS
Vno - Max Structural Cruising Speed
164 KIAS
Vo - Operating Maneuvering Speed
133 KIAS (remember: affected by weight)
Vfe - Max Flaps Extend Speed
150 KIAS - 50% flaps
110 KIAS - 100% flaps
What engine does the SR20 G6 have?
Lycoming IO-390-C3B6
What temperature is the oil modulated at?
Generally, around 180 degrees F
What four items contribute to the % power?
RPM, Manifold Pressure, Fuel Flow, OAT
Are the fuel tanks in the SR20 wet wings or bladder type tanks?
Wet wings - there is not bladder. The fuel is stored in a structure of the inner wing.
What is the fuel tank configuration in the SR20?
Left wing tank, left wing collector; right wing tank, right wing collector. They sorta straddle the wheel and a line connects the two on each wing. There is a sump at each of the four tanks.
What is the SR20 usable fuel? What is Tabs?
56 gallons (28 each side)
26 gallons (13 per side)
What is the fuel flow process in the SR20?
Left tank - left fuel flapper valve - left wing collector - fuel selector valve (in cockpit) - electrical aux pump (boost pump) - gascolator - engine driven fuel pump - fuel servo - flow divider over engine - injectors
Describe the boost pump on the SR20.
On or Off function (no prime). Controls the electrical aux pump and raises fuel line pressure to 23psi. Used for priming and fuel vapor suppression.
What is the difference between the Mixture Control and the Power Lever?
Mixture - controls ratio of fuel : air (connected to fuel servo)
Power Lever - Controls total volume of fuel/air mixture
What is the maximum allowable fuel imbalance in a SR20?
7.5 gallons between tanks.
What is the voltage of the system and what are the sources?
28 volts
(2) batteries
(2) alternators
(1) source of external power
Describe the alternators on the SR20.
Alt 1: 28 volt, 100 amp
Alt 2: 28.75 volts, 70 amps
- both internally rectified from AC to DC and feed the MCU.
Alt 1 and Alt 2 are belt driven off the engine in the SR20.
Describe the batteries in the SR20.
Bat 2: located aft of the baggage area below the parachute, 24 volt, 7 amps. Two 12 volt batteries wired in series and mounted in a container.
Bat 1: 24 volt, 10 amp-hour, mounted on forward firewall.
What does the MCU (main control unit) do?
Distributes all electrical energy in the system. Comprised of Main Distribution Bus 1, Main Distribution Bus 2 and Essential Distribution Bus.
What are the oxygen requirements for flight?
O2 recommended: 10,000 feet
O2 required: 12,500 feet - 14,000 for greater than 30 minutes
O2 required: above 14,000 feet anytime for flight crew
O2 required: above 15,000 feet all passengers
note: make your standard to use O2 for both you and passengers anytime above 10,000 feet.
note: always ensure pure aviator’s oxygen is used
note: cannula good up to 18,000 feet MSL
mask good up to 25,000 feet MSL
When does the ESP (electric stability and protection system) and Yaw Damper activate?
They activate automatically at 200’ AGL in Perspective+
What equipment makes up the Perspective+ system?
Flight Management System Panel (FMS Panel)
GMC 707 (AFCS - Automatic Flight Control System)
GMA 350 Audio Panel (GMA 350c has bluetooth)
What 3 modes make up the GMC 707 AFCS?
Left to Right:
Lateral Modes - on left
Engagement Modes - in center
Vertical Modes - on right
*NOTE: These correspond to the AFCS Status Box on the PFD (the scoreboard)
What are the limitations for the AFCS?
Activate: 80 - 185 KIAS
Takeoff/climb - 400’
Enroute/descent - 1000’ AGL
Approach - precision - 200AGL or DA/DH
non-precision - 400 AGL or MDA
Yaw Damper - 200’
What is USP?
Underspeed Protection System - discourages flight below certain minimum airspeeds. Flight director modes will transfer from ACTIVE to ARMED and a yellow MINSPD annunciation appears above the airspeed tape. The AFCS will abandon it’s FD and AP modes and sacrifice a little altitude to regain airspeed by commanding the wing level and pitching down to regain airspeed.
What is ESP?
Electronic Stability and Protection.
Describe the Hypoxia Recognition/Auto Descent Mode
This system monitors interaction with the system. If AP is active and above 14,500’, the system will begin asking for prompts after a certain time has elapsed with no interaction with the system. If these prompts are not acknowledged, the AP will begin an EDM (emergency descent, first to 14,000’, then to 12,000’ to allow you to regain consciousness.
What feature on the GMA 350c allows you to hear a missed ATC transmission?
When the audio panel is powered up, it immediately begins recording the last 2.5 mins of aircraft audio into radio transmission block. Use the PLAY function will replay the most recent audio transmission while pressing it again toggle backwards through the blocks.
How is the backup Attitude Indicator powered?
Electrically powered. Supplied by both Batt 1 and Batt 2.
What is the CAPS demonstrated deployment speed?
Vpd = 133 KIAS
What is the maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity?
20 kts for both takeoff and landing
What are the “Big Four” for TOLD (takeoff and landing distance)?
1) Weight - more weight = longer, less weight = shorter
2) Wind - tailwind = longer, headwind = shorter
3) *Air Pressure = low pressure = longer, high pressure = shorter
4) *Air Temperature - high temp = longer, low temp = shorter
*Both Pressure and Temp combine for Density Altitude
Low Density Altitude = shorter
High Density Altitude = longer
What are the secondary factors affecting TOLD (takeoff and landing distance)?
1) Runway slope
2) Runway condition
3) Surface type
What are the proper wake turbulence procedures?
Landing: stay high on the approach, land past the preceding heavier plane’s touchdown, if you can approach from the upwind side. Be ready to go around. Or, land before the takeoff point if the heavier airplane is taking off.
Takeoff: rotate prior to the preceding aircraft’s takeoff point, or after their touchdown point, make a slight turn upwind after rotation.
*Remember: the more time between you and them, the better.
How should you handle gusty winds?
Add 1/2 the gust factor to your approach speed. If approach becomes unstable with an unexpected gust, go around.
When should you expect wind shear?
Any altitude, but more dangerous at low altitude:
1) Thunderstorms
2) Strong wings aloft
3) Temp inversion
4) Frontal passage
Cockpit cues:
1) Unusual power setting
2) Significant airspeed fluctuations
3) Unusual pitch attitude
4) Significant change in vertical speed
Describe the Go Around steps.
1) Power Up - smoothly apply power, right rudder, TOGA button, A/P disconnected
2) Pitch Up - Pitch to arrest descent
3) Clean Up - Flaps to 50%, continue pitching for Vx or Vy
4) Call Up - CAPS and radio
Faulty Approach - What are the Energy Management Errors?
1) Low Final
2) High Final
3) Slow
4) Fast
5) Low and slow
6) High and fast
7) Float
Faulty Approach - What are the Visual Cue Errors?
1) High round out
2) Balloon
3) Late/rapid round out
4) Bounce
5) Porpoise
6) Hard landing
Faulty Approach - What are the Technique Errors?
1) Wheel barrow
2) Touchdown in drift
3) Wing rise
What is the Maximum Takeoff Power mixture setting for the Lycoming SR20?
Mixture back to top of the green arc on Fuel Flow Indicator.