Squadron SOP Flashcards
A. Aircrewman SHALL be embarked on all evaluation/check flights, night flights, and all scheduled IMC. This requirement is not intended to preclude pilots from accepting an IFR clearance when they encounter poor weather conditions. Cases requiring flights to be conducted without an aircrewman SHALL be approved by the CO.
B. The minimum crew for engaged turns SHALL be a H2P and a qualified observer. The qualified observer SHALL read the checklist, guard the collective, and the qualified observer SHALL have operable ICS. The H2P SHALL occupy the right seat.
C. Dedicated Night TACFORM events SHOULD have 2 NVD qualified aircrewmen. If an aircrewmen is receiving a night TACFORM grade sheet, the event SHALL be flown with a NSI aircrewman. Pilots may be substituted for aircrewmen with CO/OIC approval. This requirement is intended for use during NVD TACFORM maneuver training and is not to preclude NVD tactical flights in section (Dual Dip/GUNEX).
D. The minimum crew for CAL training or unprepared training sites SHOULD be 2 aircrew in the cabin.
E. FCF training SHALL only be conducted when the HAC is a designated FCP.
F. New check-ins SHALL complete a check-in syllabus.
G. All HSM-35 personnel SHALL receive fall protection training prior to conducting operations on top of aircraft.
A. In addition to minimum proficiency requirements outlined in references (a) through (d), any aircrew who has not flown in 45 days SHALL fly a BITS flight with a current aircrew.
B. ACTC LVL I aircrewmen SHOULD not dip without another dip current LVL II or greater aircrewman.
C. Aircrewmen Dipping Currency:
-ACTC LVL II & below: 2 dips (dome entering water) within 90 days
-ACTC LVL III & above: 2 dips within 180 days
-Recurrency: 2 dips with a current aircrewman
NOTE: Aircrewman dipping currency/recurrency may be achieved in an approved simulator. Aircrewman recurrency in a simulator SHALL include normal and emergency procedures administered by a current aircrewman. If currency is regained in the simulator, the next currency SHOULD be performed in the aircraft.
D. Pilots returning from deployment exceeding 90 days SHALL complete the following prior to assuming normal flight duties:
(1) NZY/NRS/NFG/East County Area course rules briefs.
(2) Course rules and Wing/Squadron SOP exam.
(3) One EP Operation Flight Trainer
(4) One day general FAM flight. A pilot SHALL not be scheduled for day flights until complete with the day FAM.
(5) One night FAM flight. A pilot SHALL not be scheduled for night flights until complete with the night FAM.
E. Prior to standing SAR duty, pilots SHALL be night, coupled approach, and SAR current per references (b) and (d).
F. Currency for LSF training SHALL align with reference (h). Rebase SHOULD occur with a current HAC.
Pilots SHALL not be scheduled for a flight the day following SDO. Aircrewmen SHALL not be scheduled for a flight on the same day they stood any watch between 0000-0800.
A. Except for operational requirements, use of active SONAR is approved only in authorized ASW training areas. The PIC SHALL adhere to current marine mammal mitigation procedures and ensure a SPORTS report is completed.
B. Before commencing dipping operations, the crew SHALL review local bottom topography.
C. In order to conduct dipping sonar operations, the flight schedule SHALL be annotated.
D. To better improve CRM while troubleshooting ALFS malfunctions, pilots SHALL ensure a minimum of 2 aircrew PCLs are in the aircraft for all events utilizing the dipping sonar. Pilots SHALL be familiar with procedures outlined in SONAR TROUBLESHOOTING checklist on Pg 9-1-1 through 9-1-3 of the Aircrew PCL.
E. Actual dipping operations within the W-291 are limited to a max dome depth in accordance with C3F restrictions (90’) as shown in the HSM35 Read & Initial. Dipping operations in the IB Charlie dip area are authorized with a max dome depth of 250’. Dipping ops in the IB Alpha, Bravo, and Delta dip areas are prohibited. Dome depth of the final dip of the cycle SHALL be equal to or greater than the deepest depth in the cycle.
At a minimum, all flight events SHALL brief the following performance calculations: Single-Engine Airspeed, Dual-Engine Continuous Torque, Single-Engine C-Power Torque, HIGE Torque, HOGE Torque, Fly Away Torque, and Blade Stall for anticipated flight regimes.
Crews SHOULD brief face to face to the max extent practicable. Briefing SHALL be conducted in accordance with reference (e). This is not intended to preclude join-ups between embarked aircraft (i.e. recovery operations around the CVN/LHD), assisting squadrons unfamiliar with the local area, or during emergencies.
The first crew of the day SHOULD complete the Mission System Grooming card and turn it in to the SDO following the flight. Incomplete items SHOULD be turned over to follow on crews, and discrepancies SHALL be documented in a MAF.
The off-going HAC SHALL include status of exceedances, last max power check, HIT checks (if not previously recorded in ADB), and any other aircraft degradations in their turnover with the oncoming HAC.
Max has an eating disorder (MHED)
In the shipboard environment, the off-going H2P and aircrewman SHOULD conduct a post-flight integrity check with particular emphasis on popped fasteners with the best available light source prior to hot refueling. Missing, broken, or unfastened corner fasteners SHOULD be corrected as soon as practicable.
In addition to conducting the “Qualified Observer Checklist” in the PCL, orientees SHALL complete training on the following prior to an orientation flight in the cockpit:
A. Cyclic/collective trim switches and usage.
B. Attitude gyro/airspeed/altitude indicator location and usage
C. PCL location and usage during EPs.
D. ICS switch location and usage.
E. Collective retraction.
F. Egress procedures.
G. Rotor brake.
Aircrewmen SHALL carry a pilot PCL on orientation flights.
The following are prohibited without a fully operable radar altimeter:
A. Training flights at night
B. Coupled hovers
C. Practice CAL/LZ landing
A. Chocks SHALL be removed prior to resetting the struts or conducting high power evolutions.
B. Chocks SHOULD be utilized on all cross-country and OUT/IN flights.
Maintenance launch and recovery team and line PCs SHALL have hydraulic bay cover (“doghouse”) straps available anytime HSM 35 aircraft are undergoing maintenance or conducting ground operations in the line. Hydraulic bay cover straps are required to be utilized during V-22 concurrent ground operations or any time the hydraulic bay cover is open for an extended period of time.
An operable tailwheel lock pin is required for shipboard evolutions. The following maneuvers SHOULD not be attempted during training flights with an inoperable tailwheel lock pin:
LANDINGS TO AN UNPREPARED SURFACE. All other maneuvers SHALL be thoroughly briefed by the crew to include an ORM assessment of the impact of degraded equipment.
A. Unless otherwise directed, all aircraft SHALL be taxied through the wash rack after the last flight of the day and after over-water hovering, shipboard operations, or anytime the cleanliness of the aircraft degrades visibility. (LOSC)
B. Prior to taxiing through the wash rack, ensure SB cover, transmission drip pan, and CH cover are installed and all scuppers are closed. The HAC SHALL minimize direct water spray into the MTS and RADALT antennas. (STCS / MR)
C. Do not taxi through the wash rack with the following ordnance installed: M299 launcher, torpedo, sonobuoys, chaff/flare buckets.
In high humidity environments, ECS blower/vents SHOULD be positioned as required to prevent damage to RMCU and trackballs at all stations due to water intrusion.
While ashore, Magicians SHOULD NOT be scheduled for more than 12 hours and SHALL NOT exceed 14 hours of continuous work, to include watch. The CO may waive these provisions during emergencies or advanced readiness periods, and remains the final approval authority for exceeding the 14-hour limit. The MO should be notified if home guard maintenance shifts will exceed 11 hours. The CO SHALL be notified if shift length will exceed 12 hours.
Blade De-Ice panel (if installed) SHOULD be checked OFF and AUTO during pre-start checklist and each time maintenance is performed in the aircraft tunnel.
The SO window may be removed on deck at the aircrew’s discretion to aid the aircrewmen in clearing the aircraft of obstacles for landing during CAL/LZ flights. The window SHALL be re-installed by authorized maintenance personnel. Qualified aircrewman may temporarily re-install the SO window for the purposes of utilizing the hot pits and/or wash rack.
Upon completion of major ALFS maintenance necessitating first dip per IETMs, a maintenance dip SHOULD be conducted in daylight hours whenever operational requirements allow in compliance with reference (c). In the shipboard environment, ORM SHOULD be conducted by the OIC with emphasis on sea state, divert options, and reference to a visible horizon.
Detachment fly-offs and fly-one SHOULD utilities the Detachment Aircraft Fly-On Checklist (enclosure (2)) for loading of cargo inside the aircraft.
On the first flight of the day, crews SHOULD enter HELLFIRE sim mode on deck prior to performing PIU Power-Off procedures to ensure sim mode functionality.
In order to conduct CAL/LZ training to unprepared surfaces, the flight schedule SHALL annotate “CAL/LZ”.
A. The APU shall be turned on for practice autos and single-engine training.
B. Non-emergency use of the backup/emergency raise modes of the ALFS is prohibited.
C. While in the shipboard environment (takeoff, departure, approach, landing), simulated aircraft emergencies or intentional degradations are prohibited.
Minimum number of embarked days/deck landings for HAC designation should be 100/100. Requirements may be waived by the CO.
Max GW for single engine HOGE training with PCL manipulation SHALL be 19,500#. The PCL of the engine with the lower ETF value SHALL not be retarded past the 6 o’clock position and SHOULD be restored to just aft of the fly detent within 2 seconds. Any delay in returning the PCL forward may cause ground impact or overtorque.
Aircraft GW SHOULD be less than 19,500# for autorotation training. Crews should consider winds, DA, crew proficiency, recovery altitude and warmup maneuvers prior to initiating practice autorotation training, particularly in a known heavy aircraft or light wind environment.
In addition to HSMWSP VOR/ILS MOU training requirements, pilots SHALL conduct a minimum of 2 VOR/ILS approaches in the simulator. In order to be considered complete with the in-flight training, pilots SHALL conduct the minimum of 2 simulated VOR/ILS approaches in the aircraft.
Loss of Visual Contact (Blind)
Standard altitude blocks will be:
Overwater: Lead 150’ AGL / Wing 300’ AGL
Overland: Lead 500-700’ AGL / Wing 900-1100’ AGL
Lead calls base heading, MSA, airspeed, and altimeter setting. Wing calls turning away with direction and turn for base heading + 170° calling “passing the 90” at which point Lead commences 10° AOB turn in opposite direction and reports every 30°. Lead maintains 90 KIAS and climb to MSA + 500’. Wing slows to 70 KIAS and climbs to MSA + 1000’. If either aircraft encounters VMC; maintain VMC and coordinate join-up.