Limits Flashcards
Start Cycle (defn)
Starter initiation, acceleration in Ng, and starter dropout/disengagement. A 60 sec delay between start attempts is required any time a start is aborted, except during emergencies.
Crossbleed starts
The receiving engine shall be at or above 24% Ng prior to advancing PCL to idle.
Engine start with main rotor blades or tail rotor pylon folded is…
Start TGT limit
851°C until idle speed is attained.
Engine operation with gust lock engaged is…
Minimum planned fuel on landing shall be
no less than 600 pounds.
APU is not intended for _____. Operation of the APU in flight shall be limited to ________ ________ only. Acceptable in flight use includes:
routine in flight use
essential operations
- EPs
- Single-engine training
- Practice autos
- Powering ECS during extreme temp ops
Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT)
0-810°C - continuous - green
810-851°C - 30 min - yellow
851-878°C - 10 min - red
878-903°C - 2.5 min - red
903-949°C - 12 sec - red
949°C - max - red
Power Turbine Speed (Np)
<96% - avoid - red
96-105% - continuous - green (yellow above 101%)
105-117% - 20 sec - yellow
117-120% - 12 sec - yellow
120% - max - red
CAUTION: During engagement, extended operations in the 20-40% and 60-75% range may cause engine damage.
Main Rotor Speed (Nr)
<96% - avoid
96-101% - continuous - green
101-120% - precautionary - yellow
120% - max - red
123% - max for FCF only - red
127% - overspeed latch - red
Dual-Engine Torque (<80 KIAS)
0-120% - continuous - green
120-144% - 10 sec - yellow
144% - max - red
Dual-Engine Torque (>80 KIAS)
0-106% - continuous - green
106-127% - 10 sec - yellow
127% - max - red
NOTE: Dual engine torque limits apply when both engines > 65% torque.
Single-Engine Torque
0-135% - continuous - green
135-144% - 10 sec - red
144% - max - red
Gas Generator Speed (Ng)
0-102.2% - continuous - green
>102.2-106% - 2.5 min - yellow
>106-107% - 12 sec - red
107% - max - red
Transmission Oil Temperature
-50-105°C - continuous - green
105-120°C - precautionary - yellow
120°C - max - red
Transmission Oil Pressure
20 psi - minimum - red
20-30 psi - precautionary - yellow
30-65 psi (45-60psi in level flight) - continuous - green
65-130 psi - precautionary - yellow
130 psi - max - red
Engine Oil Temperature
-50-135°C - continuous - green
135-150°C - 30 min - yellow
150°C - max - red
Engine Oil Pressure
22 psi - minimum - red
22-26 psi - precautionary - yellow
26-100 psi - continuous - green
100-120 psi - precautionary - yellow
120 psi - max - red
Engine Start Limits
1st cycle - 60 sec
2nd cycle - 60 sec
3rd cycle - 60 sec
4th cycle - 30 min
1st cycle - 60 sec
2nd cycle - 30 min
Engine Motor (ignition OFF)
Any temperature:
2 min on - 5 min off
2 min on - 30 min off
NOTE: Times for motoring are cumulative within a 5-minute period
Engine torques over ____ are displayed as red “XXX”.
Transmission Oil Temp Limits (paragraph 1)
During any operating condition, no maintenance action is required if transmission oil temp is in the precautionary range continuously for 5 min or less.
Transmission Oil Temp Limits (paragraph 2)
Prolonged hovering in hot weather, 86°F (30°C), may cause transmission oil temp to rise into the precautionary range. Operation in the precautionary range for less than 30 min during any one flight under this condition is acceptable and no mx action is required.
Transmission Oil Pressure Limits (paragraph 1)
During steady-state level pitch attitudes (i.e., level flight) the transmission oil pressure should be 45-60 psi. The following conditions do not constitute an immediate emergency situation, but may be indicative of a degraded lubrication system. Any discrepancy shall be documented on a MAF.
1. Steady px outside of 45-60 psi, but within the normal limits of 30-65 psi.
2. Fluctuations not to exceed 10 psi, within the normal limits of 30-65 psi.
Transmission Oil Pressure Limits (paragraph 2)
During transient pitch or steady-state nose-high pitch attitudes (i.e., autorotations, downwind hovering, rearward flight, slope-up landings, etc.) transmission oil pressure fluctuations (including momentary fluctuations below 30 psi and transient drops below 20 psi for up to one second) are acceptable. Operating with pressure fluctuations below 30 psi shall be limited to 30 min.
Transmission Oil Pressure Limits (paragraph 3)
During rotor engagement, a zero oil px indication may indicate a no-oil-flow condition through the oil lubrication system. Operating with a no oil pressure indication shall be limited to less than 1 minute and shall be documented on a MAF.
Rotor Engagement/Disengagement Limits
Maximum wind velocity for rotor engagement/disengagement is 45 knots from any direction.
Airspeed Limits
Max (Vne) - 180 KIAS
Sideward/rearward - 35 knots
Auto - 100 KIAS
Boost off - 140 KIAS
SAS 1 and SAS 2 inoperative in IMC - 125 KIAS
Either PRI SERVO PRESS caution - 125 KIAS
Searchlight in fixed position other than stowed - 160 KIAS
Searchlight in transition - 100 KIAS
Dome at or above trail (cable extended 10’, dome ~6’ below aircraft) - 70 KIAS / 45° AOB
Dome below trail - 70 KIAS / 15° AOB
Cabin door opening/closing - 60 KIAS
Rescue hoist load ROD
1000 fpm
External Load Limits
Max AOB (40-90 KIAS)- 20°
Hovering Limits
- Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering should be avoided to prevent accumulation of exhaust fumes in the helicopter and heat damage to the window on an open cabin door.
- Hovering turns at a rate in excess of 30°/sec.
- Dipping sonar operations at altitudes other than 70 feet.
NOTE: Deviation of aircraft hover altitude from 70’ while TA is entering or entering the water may result in damage to the dipping sonar equipment due to ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE. - Do not tow the transducer in the water above 8 KGS with array folded and 4 KGS with array unfolded.
CAUTION: Exceeding 8 KGS with array folded or 4 KGS with array unfolded may cause TA cable separation.
NOTE: Towing is defined as the cable contacting the funnel. Aircraft ground speed may be greater than values above provided the cable in not in contact with the funnel.
AOB limitations
Normal ops - 45°
Ops above 10,000’ DA - 30°
Either PRI SERVO PRESS caution - 30°
Boost off flight - 30°
Altitude Limit
Max operating DA - 13000’
Prohibited Maneuvers
- Aerobatic flight
- Practice full-auto landings
- Intentional approaches into or inducement of retreating blade stall
Rotor Brake Operating Limits
Max rotor speed for rotor brake application is 76% Nr.
Routine rotor brake stops shall be made between 30-50% Nr.
Routine rotor brake stops shall be limited to 180 psi to extend service life.
Blade, Pylon, Stab Fold and Spread Limits
Max wind velocity for blade fold and spread is 45 knots from any direction. Following a complete blade fold and spread cycle, allow a 10 minute cooling period before commencing another blade fold and spread evolution.
Max wind velocity for tail pylon or stab fold/spread operations is 45 knots from any direction.
Landing Limits
- Max ROD for level terrain shall not exceed 720 fpm for GW < 19,500# and 480 fpm for GW > 19,500#.
- Max ROD for sloped terrain shall not exceed 360 fpm.
- Maximum touchdown speed shall not exceed 75 KGS with tailwheel locked and 20 KGS with tailwheel unlocked.
- Maximum ground taxi speed is 40 KGS. If the shimmy damper is not installed or inoperative, maximum ground taxi speed is 20 KGS.
- Slope landings:
-9° nose-up slope
-12° cross-slope
-6° nose-down slope
NOTE: A low-frequency oscillation may occur when landing nose-down on a slope with the cyclic near the aft stop. - Downwind landings should be avoided.
Windows shall not be installed or removed in flight, except during actual aircraft emergencies.
Aircraft Operating GW Limits
Max operating GW is 23,500#. The max launch and recovery GW for aviation ships and amphibious assault ships is 23,500#. The maximum launch and recovery GW for air-capable ships is 22,500#.
Internal Load Weight Limits
The maximum cargo floor loading is 300#/square foot.
External Load Weight Limits
The maximum weight that may be suspended from the cargo hook is 6,000#. The maximum weight that may be suspended from the rescue hoist is 600#.
Minimum Equipment for Night Flight Over Water
- Altitude hold (RAD ALT or BAR ALT)
Minimum Equipment for Flights into Icing
Icing conditions: ambient temps of 5°C or below in visible moisture
- Flight into known icing conditions without de-ice is prohibited.
- Flight into forecasted or known moderate or severe icing conditions is prohibited.
Minimum Equipment for Pax
Except in emergency situations, helo emergency egress lighting system (ADHEELS and IHEELS) shall be operational for all overwater flights requiring passengers/non-aircrew in the cabin.
Temperature Limits
-40-60°C / -40-140°F
Backup Hyd Pump Limits
Rotor System STATIC
OAT 33-38°C - 24 min ON - 72 min OFF
OAT 39-60°C - 16 min ON - 48 min OFF
prevents hyd fluid from overheating
APU Operating Limits
APU operation at ambient temperature of 43°C and above with engine and rotor operating is limited to 30 min.
With engine and rotor not operating, APU may be operated continuously up to an ambient temperature of 51°C.