SPSS - Analysis Flashcards
SPSS - Frequency
Analyse - Descriptives - Frequencies - Statistics (pick what you want to see) - Chart (Histograms + normal curve)
SPSS - Scale score
Transform - Compute Variable - Look up Mean in the list / MEAN (put in variables)
SPSS - Inter-item reliability
Analyse - Scale - Reliability
SPSS - Visual Distribution
Descreptive - Score - Select variable - Plots - Normal plots
SPSS - Skewness and Kurtosis
Analyze- Descriptive - Options - Skewness and Kurtosis
SPSS - Collinearity
Analyze - Regression - Linear regression - Statistics - Collinearity diagnostics
SPSS - Missing data
Analyze - Descreptives - All variables except ID
SPSS - Reverse coding
Transform - Recode into different variables - Select variables we want to recode - Rename it - Change - Old and new values
SPSS - Related t-test
Analyse - Compare means - Paired t-test - Select variable
SPSS - Independent t-test
Analyse - Compare means - Independent t-test - Select variable (IV and DV) - Define groups
SPSS - One-way ANOVA
Analyze → Compare means → One way ANOVA → Dependent variable→ Factor(grouping variable)→ Options(descriptive, sd for each group) → Homogeneity test→ Brown and Welsh(only of the assumption is violated)
SPSS - Post-hoc
Analyze - Compare means - One-way ANOVA - Post hoc - Tukey
SPSS - Factorial ANOVA
Analyze - General linear model - Univariate (one dependent) - Put in variables (IVs to fixed factor) - Options for effect size, homogeneity and descriptive
SPSS - Repeated measure ANOVA*
Analyze - General linear model . Repeated measure - Factor 1 (just a label) - Number of levels (times of assessment - Add - Define (which of the variable is the different assessments, click to correct times)
SPSS - Principal axis factoring
Analyze - Dimension reduction - Factor - Descriptive - KMO and Barlett’s test - Rotation - Varimax
SPSS - Correlation
Analyze - Correlate - Bivariate (two variables) - Add them
SPSS - Partial correlation
Analyze → Correlate → Partial → Add variables and control variable(you can add as many as you want but need theoretical framework)
SPSS - Corrected item-scale correlation
Analyze → Scale → reliability analysis → statistics → item → scale if item deleted
SPSS - Normality data
Analyze → descriptives → explore → statistics → outliers + plots → normality plots with tests
SPSS - Linear Regression
Analyze→ regression → linear regression → (can do plots), (collinearity d)
SPSS - Outliers *
Analyze → regression → linear → save → standardized (under residuals) → run the analysis. This will give you a new variable. This variable we trwor into descriptives → explore and check for outliers