Spring Test Flashcards
What is the difference between unit and integration testing?
Unit testing is the testing of the smallest units of code in isolation. Dependencies are often mocked
Integration testing is the testing of units of code working together. Dependencies are rarely mocked
True or False
The Spring TestContext creates an ApplicationContext for your tests
True or False
The Spring TestContext caches an ApplicationContext between @Test methods by default
What is a test suite?
In the context of Spring, a test suite is a test class
True or False
The TestContext rolls back a transaction for each @Test method by default
What bean must be defined in the test’s ApplicationContext to provide transactional support?
Which annotation can be used to persist database transactions performed by @Test methods?
Which annotation can be used to specify a properties resource location for test classes?
Which annotation can be used to create a new ApplicationContext after a @Test method executes?
True or False
Although field injection is discouraged in production code, field injection is actually quite natural in test code
The rationale for the difference is that you will never instantiate your test class directly
Method-level lifecycle methods — for example, methods annotated with JUnit Jupiter’s @BeforeEach or @AfterEach — are run within a test-managed transaction. On the other hand, suite-level and class-level lifecycle methods — for example, methods annotated with JUnit Jupiter’s @BeforeAll or @AfterAll and methods annotated with TestNG’s @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeClass, or @AfterClass — are not run within a test-managed transaction.
@BeforeTransaction and @AfterTransaction
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {
@RepeatedTest(10) void placeOrderRepeatedly(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo, @Autowired OrderService orderService) { // use orderService from the test's ApplicationContext // and repetitionInfo from JUnit Jupiter } }
Which annotation can be used to repeat an arbitrary amount of test methods?
This annotation should replace @Test when used
True or False
@WebMvcTest autoconfigures MockMvc
When should you use @Mock or @MockBean?
@Mock should be used when no ApplicationContext is loaded. @MockBean should be used when an ApplicationContext is loaded
The underlying component scan configuration of @SpringBootApplication defines exclude filters that are used to make sure slicing works as expected
By default, @SpringBootTest will not call your main method, and instead the class itself is used directly to create the ApplicationContext
Which Spring Boot starter is required to be on the classpath to test Spring MVC with WebTestClient
Spring Boot Webflux
What is the purpose of @ContextConfiguration
To load and configure an ApplicationContext
for tests
What 2 annotations make up @SpringJunitConfig