Spring Boot Flashcards
What are the 3 annotations that make up @SpringBootApplication?
- @SpringBootConfiguration
- @ComponentScan
- @EnableAutoConfiguration
Which annotation can you use to scan for components defined outside of the main package?
What are the 2 steps necessary to load profile-specific application.properties?
What are the 4 ways to disable auto-configuration?
- Define your own beans
- application.properties
True or False
Spring related properties should be defined in application.properties and non-spring related properties should be defined elsewhere
What does SpringApplication.run()
ConfigurableApplicationContext which is a subtype of ApplicationContext
How can you change the logging level of a Spring Boot application?
INFO is the default logging level
Does Spring Boot autoconfigure a datasource if an embedded database is used?
Yes. For example, when HSQLDB is used, Spring boot will autoconfigure a datasource
Is application.properties loaded before other property files?
What is the command to build a Spring Boot executable with Maven?
./mvnw package
Which file will always load?
- application-local.properties
- application-cloud.properties
- application.properties
What is the syntax for adding command line properties to a Spring Boot application?
True or False
If you define a set of configuration keys for your own components, we recommend you group them in a POJO annotated with @ConfigurationProperties
True or False
overrides existing properties when used
True or False
When Jackson is on the classpath an ObjectMapper bean is automatically configured
True or False
Unlike a nested @Configuration class, which would be used instead of your application’s primary configuration, a nested @TestConfiguration class is used in addition to your application’s primary configuration.
True or False
Regardless of your classpath, meter registries, except the in-memory backed, are not auto-configured when using @SpringBootTest.
If you need to export metrics to a different backend as part of an integration test, annotate it with @AutoConfigureObservability
True or False
It is possible to include multiple slices in a test class
True or False
Make sure to not use the regular @Import annotation to import auto-configurations as they are handled in a specific way by Spring Boot
Use @ImportAutoConfiguration
Since your @SpringBootApplication
class is used by default as the configuration for your tests, it is important not to litter the application’s main class with configuration settings that are specific to a particular area of its functionality
For example:
@SpringBootApplication @EnableMongoAuditing public class MyApplication { // ... }
should be moved to its own configuration class