Spreadsheets [Small Data] Flashcards
A set of instructions that performs a specific calculation. A formula in a spreadsheet always begins with a = symbol.
A symbol that names the type of operation or calculation to be performed. Examples include + for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication and / for division.
In a spreadsheet an expression or calculation always starts with a = sign.
Cell Reference
A cell or range of cells in a worksheet that can be used in a formula. Cell references contain the letter of the column and the number of the row where the data is. Cell references are automatically updated when a formula is copied to a new cell.
A collection of two or more cells.
Value Grouping
To group values in a formula uses parentheses ().
Absolute Referencing
Absolute references marked by a $ sign before and/or after the cell values being referenced mean that the formula will not change relatively when copied to a different cell. The cell being referenced is always the same.
Data Range
Clicking a formula will show the coloured ranges of the cells being used in your spreadsheet. There are different colours for each unique range in your formula. In a lot of spreadsheet applications pressing the “F2” on a selected formula will highlight the data referenced in said formula.
This is a formula and a function. This means that the function runs based on the criteria set by the formula. COUNT is the formula that will be executed IF the conditions you create are true.
This error occurs when a formula is trying to divide a value in a cell by 0 or by an empty cell. A resolution to this error is to use the formula (example reference cells); =IFERROR(B4/A4, “Not applicable”) and pressing enter. The cells are relative to your formula. This error checking formula can also be copied to other cells to check for errors.
ERROR! (Google Sheets only)
A formula can’t be interpreted as input (also known as a parsing error). A “delimiter” such as a comma can be placed where needed to fix this error.
Data in a formula can’t be found by a spreadsheet. Generally, this means the data doesn’t exist.
A formula or function name isn’t recognised or understood. Correcting the typo will fix the error.
A formula or function calculation can’t be performed as specified by the data.
A general error that could indicate a problem with a formula or referenced cells.
A formula is referencing a cell that is no longer valid or has been deleted.
Conditional Formatting
Applicable to both MS Excel and Google Sheets, conditional formatting allows the user to highlight in different colours based on their contents. Using conditional formatting, you can for example, highlight in yellow all the cells that contain an error, and then work to fix them.