SPR L6 Climate Change and Sustainability Flashcards
Climate Change and Sustainability
Learning Outcomes for General Perusal
LO1 - Define Climate Change and know it’s broader effects, main categories of cause, contributions to our individual carbon footprint, and the types of mitigation required.
LO2 - Know the main health effects anticipated from global warming
LO3 - Understand the rationale for climate change mitigation and sustainable development
LO4 - Understand the precautionary principle and the priority areas for action
LO5 - Describe the things that the NHS and that you can do for a sustainable future
L01 & L02
Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC)
- When was the group established?
- What was their role?
- in 1988 with their role
- to assess the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis for human-induced climate change risk, its potential impacts, and options for adaptation and mitigation.
L01 & L02
Climate Change
- What is it?
- Outline what the UN Framework Conventionon Climate Change (UNFCCC) says about climate change?
- What does WHO say about climate change?
- statistically significant variation in either the mean state of the climate or in its variability, persisting for an extended period.
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”.
- “Climate change will be the defining issue for health systems in the 21st century. Health professionals have the knowledge, cultural authority and responsibility to protect health from climate change”
L01 & L02
- Climate change is a global problem, with global causes and effects. How can impacts be felt locally/regionally
- What are the causes?
- energy, water, pub. health, tourism, transportation, agriculture etc.
- Greenhouse gas emissions: water vapour, CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone. Feedback: e.g. methane from peat bogs and cattle
L01 & L02
What are the Environmental and Health hazards associated with transport policies?
- Urban air pollution
- Road traffic injuries
- Physical inactivity
- Inequalities – access, social Support Networks
L01 & L02
What are the NI Climate change predictions?
- rise of 1-2 degrees Celsius in annual mean temperatures
- milder, wetter winters
- warmer, drier summers
- more frequent extreme weather events (including floods and storms)
LO3 - Understand the rationale for climate change mitigation and sustainable development
Climate change – mitigation
- What is mitigation involved with?
- What does this approach look like?
- primary prevention i.e. reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Multi-faceted approach which includes:
- reducing demand for emission-intensive goods and services
- increased efficiency (which can save money and emissions)
- action on non-energy emissions, such as avoiding deforestation while switching to lower-carbon technologies for power, heat and transport.
LO3 - Understand the rationale for climate change mitigation and sustainable development
Climate Change - Sustainable development
- What does development need to do?
- What are the UK priorities?
- meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs - Balancing economic, social and environmental goals.
- Sustainable Consumption and Production
- Climate Change and Energy
- Natural Resource Protection
- Environmental Enhancement
- Sustainable Communities
LO4 - Understand the precautionary principle and the priority areas for action
When does the ‘precautionary principle’ apply?
- where scientific evidence is insufficient, inconclusive or uncertain
- and preliminary scientific evaluation indicates that there are reasonable grounds for concern that the potentially dangerous effects on the environment, human, animal or plant health may be inconsistent with the high level of protection chosen by the EU. [EU Commission (2000)]
LO4 - Understand the precautionary principle and the priority areas for action
Strategy for NI
What is the strategy for NI?
- Living Within Environmental Limits
- Ensuring a Strong, Healthy & Just Society
- Achieving a Sustainable Economy
- Promoting Good Governance
- Using Sound Science Responsibly
- Promoting Opportunity & Innovation
LO4 - Understand the precautionary principle and the priority areas for action
Saving carbon, Improving Health – learning with the NHS Sustainable Development Unit
What are the 10 parts to this?
- Energy and carbon management
- Procurement and food
- Low carbon travel, transport and access
- Water and Waste
- Designing the built environment
- Organisational and workforce development
- Role of partnership and networks
- Governance
- Finance
- Visions of the future
LO5 - Describe the things that the NHS and that you can do for a sustainable future
Give examples of what we can do to ensure a sustainable future
- Inform ourselves
- Use less energy ourselves
- Drive the car less
- Influence food menus
- Advocate locally
- Advocate for personal carbon entitlements
- Advocate to stabilise population
- Be a champion
- Gear up your own influence