SPR L16 Infections in the Immunocompromised Host Flashcards
Learning Outcomes
- Host defence overview
- Factors that make a host compromised
- Microbes that infect the compromised host
Define the following…
- Pathogen
- Primary Pathogen
- Opportunisitc Pathogen
- a micro-organism causing disease
- common cause of disease in healthy non-immune hosts e.g. S. aureus, S. pneumoniae
- rare cause of disease in healthy individuals, causes serious disease in compromised hosts e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pneumocystis jirovecii,
Source of infection
Outline the following sources
- Endogenous
- Exogenous
- Micro-organisms originating from the patient’s own body which cause harm when they move to another body site
- Micro-organisms originating from an external source (e.g. other human) which are transmitted by a variety of possible mechanisms to the host, eg. Direct contact, airborne route etc.
Define a ‘compromised person’
A compromised person is one whose normal defenses against infection are defective
What can compromised patients be
infected with?
Pathogens capable of infecting immunocompetent individuals AND Opportunist pathogens
Host defence overview
What do the following involve?
- Innate immunity
- Adaptive immunity
- Defences against entry into the body→ physical & chemical factors & normal bacterial flora
Defenses once the microorganism penetrates the body - Soluble factors: lyzozymes- complement- acute phase proteins- IFN AND Cells of innate immunity: phagocytes- NK cells
- Antibody
What may immunodeficiency involve?
The immunodeficiency may involve the innate or adaptive systems and may be primary or secondary
Primary immunodeficiencies
(defects in innate immunity)
Give examples
- Phagocytic cells defects eg. Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) & Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (LAD) → recurrent bacterial & fungal infections
- Complement deficiencies => Deficiencies of terminal complement components => severe Neisseria infections
Primary immunodeficiencies
(defects in adaptive immunity)
Generally, outline the following
- T cell defects
- B cell defects
- Combined T & B cells deficiency (SCID)
- viral , fungal & protozoal infections
- pyogenic infections (pus forming)
- all kinds of infections
Secondary immunodeficiencies
(defects in innate immunity)
How can these arise?
Disruption of mechanical barriers
- Burns (Damage to mechanical barriers of the body, Abnormalities in neutrophil function, Highly nutritious surface for organisms)
- Trauma
- Major surgery
- Devices or procedures
- Foreign bodies
- Obstruction → interference with clearance mechanisms → infection
- inadequate cell-mediated response
- Infections – immunosuppressive viruses (HIV→ AIDS), measles and many others
- Neoplasia → reduced immunoreactivity
- Splenectomy => phagocytosis of antibody coated bacteria
- Cytotoxic agents
- Corticosteroids & antibiotics–Radiation therapy
Secondary immunodeficiencies
(defects in innate immunity)
What are the important pathogens involved?
- P aeruginosa : particular problem in these patients
- Staph aureus
- Fungi
- Others
Secondary immunodeficiency-
physical factors
Define how the following bring about immunodeficiency
- Traumatic injury & surgical wound infections
- In situ devices (prosthetic valves and joints, pacemakers)
- Compromised clearance mechanism
- Destroy integrity of body – make it vulnerable to infections, staph. aureus commonest cause of surgical wound infection
- Gain access during surgery or subsequent bacteremia. Staph. epidermidis is an important pathogen.
- Ciliary escalator damage, Obstruction of urine flow.
Secondary immunodeficiency-
physical factors
- What are these patients susceptible to?
- What actions need to be taken?
- capsulate bacteria
- Prevention of infection
- vaccination (preferably before splenectomy)
- Prophylactic antibiotics against Streptococcus pneumoniae
Secondary immunodeficiency-
physical factors
- What are the causes?
- Major problem infections with neutropenia are…?
- What is important to remember?
See picture - where pt drops and levels is unpredictable: important to monitor - daily white cell counts
- Iatrogenic (Post chemotherapy, Post BMT) Aplastic anaemia
- Bacterial : gram negative rods & gram positive
Fungal: if neutropenia > 21 days
infection or suspicion of infection in a neutropenic patient is an absolute clinical emergency
- Instead of source isolation, protective isolation
Secondary immunodeficiency
AIDS infections
- What does the clinical definition of AIDS include?
- What has led to a decline in the incidence of these infections in HIV-positive patients?
- the presence of one or more opportunistic infections
- The arrival of highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART