Spot diagnosis Flashcards
What else are you going to look for on exam?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Picture illustrates Boutonniere deformity, ulnar deviation and Z-shaped thumb.
Look for: subluxation of the MCP joints and ulna at the carpal joint, nail infarcts, palmar erythema, wasting of the small muscles of the hand, carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow nodules, disease activity.
Look at: functional ability, other joints.
Other features to look for: anaemia, Felty syndrome, pulmonary manifestations (effusions, nodules, fibrosis, Caplan syndrome), ocular features (epi/scleritis, scleromalacia, keratoconjunctivitis sicca), atlanto-axial subluxation.
Arthritis mutilans
- Characterised by widespread digital deformity, the presence of flail digits, telescoping of the digits with redundant folds of skin.
Associated with either severe rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthropathy.
Digital rheumatoid nodule
Arthritis mutilans
Picture illustrates: widespread digital deformity, the presence of flail digits, telescoping of the digits with redundant folds of skin in a patient with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Look for other features of RA.
Boutonniere deformities.
Look for: other features, i.e. ulnar deviation, Z-shaped thumb, subluxation of the MCP joints and ulna at the carpal joint, nail infarcts, palmar erythema, wasting of the small muscles of the hand, carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow nodules, disease activity.
Look at: functional ability, other joints.
Other RA features to look for: anaemia, Felty syndrome, pulmonary conditions.
Marfan’s syndrome (high-arched palate)
Look at: arm span exceeding height, hands (arachnodactyly, hypermobile joints), eyes (upward dislocation of lenses (may have thick glasses, blue sclera), ‘long- head’ (frontal bossing + prominent supraorbital ridges), skin (Miescher’s elastoma (small papules on neck)), pectus excavatum, cystic lung disease, heart (mitral valve prolapse, aortic regurgitation, prone to aortic aneurysms), spinal scoliosis and kyphosis.
Ask about: autosomal dominant family history.
Differential diagnosis: Homocystinuria (similar skeletal features).
Common causes
wasting of the small muscles of this patient’s hand.
Genarlised muscle wasting of the body may be phygsiological in the elderly.
Common pathological causes include motor neurone disease rheumatoid arthritis poliomyelitis and thoracic inlet syndrome
Other causes include brachial plexus involvemetn, trauma, median or ulner nerve palsies, cervical rib, leprosy and syphillis.
Retinitis pigmentosa
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic proliferative retinopathy
Branch retinal vein oclusion