Sports Nutrition Flashcards
What is ATP?
Adenosine Triphosphate
What are five areas of physical fitness?
Cardio respiratory Fitness Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Body Composition Flexibility
What is CP in ATP-CP?
Creatine Phosphate
How long does ATP-CP fuel your body?
3-15 Seconds Maximal Effort
What does the Lactic Acid Energy System do?
Breakdown glucose into lactic acid (lactate)
What does Lactic Acid do to your blood PH levels?
Makes it more acidic
Does the Lactic Acid Energy System require oxygen?
What does the Oxygen Energy System Do?
Breakdown Carbs and Fats for Energy
Is the Oxygen Energy System faster or slower at creating ATP?
Slower, and requires oxygen
What does Endurance training do?
Decrease reliance on anaerobic systems
Extends availability of glycogen
What are slow twitch muscle fibers suited towards?
What are fast twitch fibers suited towards?
How much carbs should an athlete be consuming daily?
How much protein should an athlete be consuming?
1.2-1.7 g/kg
How many calories from fat should athletes be consuming?
20-30% total calories