Sports Flashcards
When the arm is adducted, what limited inferior translation and external rotation?
What angle does the MGHL come into play?
45 degrees
What serves as the primary restraint to anterior, posterior, and inferior glenohumeral translation from 45-90 degrees of elevation?
Inferior glenohumeral ligament (IGHL)
In throwing, what are the two phases of maximal torque?
Maximal ER in later cocking
Just after ball release in deceleration
What phase of throwing is associated with a SLAP tear?
Late cocking phase
What is the name for the test for resisted pronation with 90 degrees of forward flexion of the shoulder?
Jobe test
SS lesion
12 mm distal to the 6 o clock position of the glenoid, the axillary nerve has what 4 branches?
Teres minor branch, lateral cutaneous innervation branch, posterior deltoid, anterior deltoid
Which one likely needs surgery instead of rehab: TUBS or AMBRI?
TUBS Traumtic unilateral bankhart lesion
What percentage of glenoid less is associated with recurrence if you just do primary repair of a bankart lesion?
Where does a hill sachs lesion typically occur?
Posterior superior humeral head
An intact medial scapular periosteum is seen in what lesion?
Perthes lesion of the shoulder
Treatment for chronic dislocations with humeral reticular deficiency greater than 40%?
Allograft for younger and hemi for older
When can I do a latissimus Doris transfer for RCT?
Supraspinatus and infraspinatus tear in patient <65 with no glenohumeral arthritis
What is the distance and clock face for the supraglenoid tubercle?
6.6 mm from the glenoid and 12 o clock position
What is a type V ac joint separation?
Cora clavicular distance is 100% greater than the contralateral side
The tibia externally rotates 5 degrees in the final 15 degrees of what?
What is the femoral attachment of the ACL?
Posterior Medial Aspect of the lateral femoral condyle
Where is the tibial attachment of the ACL?
Just medial to the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus
The pivot shift evaluated what bundle of the ACL?
Posterolateral bundle
What is the length and diameter of the ACL?
30 mm long and 11 mm diameter
What blood vessel supples the ACL and PCL
The middle genicular artery
What is the length and diameter of the PCL?
38 mm length and 13 mm diameter
Originates basically at the junction of the posterior femoral cortex and blumensaats line
posterior fibers of the superficial MCL tighten when?
During extension
What are the 4 important components of the posteromedial corner?
Capsular thickenings, posterior horn medial meniscus, posterior oblique ligament, oblique popliteal ligament
What is the primary stabilizer against internal rotation and valgus between 0 and 30 of knee flexion?
Posterior oblique ligament (this is in the medial knee)
What originates slightly anterior to the posterior femora cortex and immediately posterior to the most posterior aspect of the blumensaat line?
What is the pimary restraint to lateral patellar translation at 0-30 degrees of flexion?
What is the most anteriors structure that inserts onto the femoral head?
Tight in extension
Primary restraint to varus stress in all degrees
Opening Tavares or Vegas stress testing at only 30° of knee flexion indicates injury to what?
An isolated collateral injury
Acute ACL tears associated with which meniscal tear?
The lateral meniscus
What is the mechanism of injury for an ACL tear?
Vous load with internal rotation
An isolated PLC injury is a dial test at what degree?
30 only
Where is OCD mostly commonly found?
Lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle
Where is bipartite patella usually located?
Superolateral patella