Sport In Post-Industrial Britain Flashcards
When was this era?
Post 1850
What happened to class?
2 classes —> 3 classes
Middle class growth
What happened to location?
What happened to wealth?
Increased for some
Economic movement?
Industrial economy
What was social class like?
Middle class copied upper class kids went to school
Middle class = amateurism/professionalism, sport in the image of God
Exclusion clause had to have certain esteem, money, job to compete
What was gender like?
Decreased opportunity for women’s participation
Victorian ethics -> Victorian lady -> feminine, dainty and pretty etc.
Real tennis allowed
What was law and order like?
Banning of traditional pursuits = police force
Loss of rights for working class to attend in sport
Civilising process
What was education like?
Philistine schools
Middle class copy of an elitist school
More school attendance = middle class = literacy
State education 1870 forced act
NGB —> codification —> due to increase in literacy —> mass media
What was transport like?
National distances = regular fixtures = rivalry = greater quantity
FA CUP 1863
Ashes England vs Australia (steam ship)
What was money like?
Wages low, Went up at the end of 19th century
Cost of access went down
Football stadia built
1penny bath —> hot, cold water available
What was time like?
12 hour days 6 days a week
Machine time
Factory Acts —> half day on a Saturday and Wednesday (Sheffield Wednesday)
Day trips to seaside