Sport Idiom Flashcards
down to the wire
right at the end
It’s comingdown to the wireto get these done on time.
give something or someone a fair shake
try for a while before giving up
You shouldgive Nadine a fair shakebefore you decide she isn’t good enough for the job.
give one a run for one’s money
try one’s hardest to defeat another person
I know the other team is expected to win, but let’sgive them a run for their moneytonight.
go to bat for someone
defend someone
Andy is asking for a salary increase, and I’m going togo to bat for himif the boss says no.
hit a snag
come up against a problem
The renovations were going along great until wehit a snagwith the carpet installation.
hold all the aces
expected to win or succeed
The childrenhold all the aceswhen it comes to the father-son baseball tournament.
thehome stretch
almost the end
I think Alice’s pregnancy is inthe home stretch.
jump the gun
start too early
I guess Ijumped the gunby buying Pam and Steve a wedding gift. They called off the engagement.
keep one’s head above water
try not to fall behind in work or other duties
We are so busy during the tourist season I can barelykeep my head above water.
learn the ropes
understand new things
The first week on the job you will just belearning the ropes.
let her rip
Go ahead
Okay, here are the keys to your new car.Let her rip!
A level playing field
everyone has an equal chance
The spelling bee is alevel playing fieldbecause all of the kids are in grade nine.
not playing with a full deck (of cards)
not having full brain capacity
I think Jerry was still drunk at work on Sunday because hewasn’t playing with a full deck.
to beoff base
not making a fair or true remark ไม่ยุติธรรม
You were wayoff basewhen you said Bill needed to lose weight.
. out in left field
strange, very unconventional; completely wrong แปลก
All of the students laughed when Joe gave an answer that wasout in left field.
par for the course
an expected circumstance เดาได้
Waiting in line ispar for the courseat Christmas time.
settle a score with someone
get even with a person after a previous battle เอาคืน
My brother wants tosettle the scorewith that guy who stole my wallet.
skate on thin ice
do something risky, take a chance เสี่ยง
. You’reskating on thin iceby not sending in your college application before now.
start the ball rolling
begin something
step up to the plate
do the honourable thing, take responsibility รับผิดชอบ
It’s time youstepped up to the plateand apologized for your mistake.
take the bull by the horns
accept the challenge and try your hardest กล้าและพยายาม to
take the wind out of one’s sails
make someone feel deflated
two strikes against
you only have one chance remaining
Nancy is going to be fired in no time. She already hastwo strikes againsther for coming in late.
win hands down
easy victory
The other team was missing half of its players. Wewon hands down.
Take her for a ride
To deceive or cheat someone
Trim one’s sail to to the wind
To change your behavior to deal with a difficult situation
Sail with the wind
Be on the verge of doing something illegal or improper