Idioms - Animal Flashcards
ants in one’s pants
unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement
cat’s got one’s tongue
said about someone who doesn’t speak (usually due to shyness)
It looks like thecat’s got your tongue,Lucy. Are you always this quiet?
clam up
become quiet suddenly
Arthurclammed upwhen I asked him about his family.
dog days
very hot days
I sleep in the basement during thedog daysof August.
dropping like flies
dying/giving up quickly
My roses aredropping like fliesin this early frost.
eager beaver
a person who is excited about doing certain work/ a person who is always willing to volunteer or do extra work.
odd, suspicious
have a cow
get extremely upset (often over something minor)
My teacherhad a cowwhen she realized nobody had done the homework.
hold your horses
wait and be patient
Hold your horses! I’ll be done in the washroom in a minute.
horse around
play roughly
If you’re going tohorse around, please go outside.
get the lion’s share
get the greatest percentage
My auntgot the lion’s shareof the inheritance.
kitty corner
diagonal direction
The gas station iskitty cornerto the library.
let the cat out of the bag
reveal a secret
make a beeline
go straight for something ตรงดิ่งไปยัง
monkey see, monkey do
silly/unintelligent people tend to copy each other’s actions
“Our one-year-old is saying bad words now. I told my husband,”“Monkey see, monkey do!”””
rat race
fierce, competitive struggle for power, position etc
I’m ready to leave thisrat raceand retire in Mexico.
smell a rat
begin to suspect trickery etc
I asked my brothers not to tell my parents that I went out, but I couldsmell a ratas soon as I opened the door.
straight from the horse’s mouth
directly from the original source
I know Jenny is pregnant, because I heard itstraight from the horse’s mouth.
take the bull by the horns
face a challenge or danger boldly กล้าเผชิญหน้าสิ่งท้าทาย
until the cows come home
for a very long time
I could eat pizza and ice-creamuntil the cows come home.
Let sleeping dogs lie
his Bark is worse than his bite
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