Sport England Flashcards
Sport England
Campaign used to promote sport from grassroots to elite
Sport England and local partners aim to increase participation in underrepresented groups through…. (5)
- County Sports Partnerships
- English Federation of Disability Sport
- Sporting Equals
- Women in sport
- Street Games
County Sports Partnerships
National networks of local agencies working together to increase numbers in sport and physical activity
English federation of disability sport
A national charity dedicated to increasing participation in sport and physical activity among disabled people
Sporting equals
An organisation which exists to actively promote greater involvement by disadvantaged communities and particularly black and ethnic minority
Women in sport
The new name for the WSFF which aims to make being active more attractive to women and teen girls by trying to breakdown the barriers which exist are putting women off.
Street games
A national charity dedicated to developing sport with disadvantaged communities, making it accessible to all, regardless of social circumstances
Sport England and local partners aim to increase participation in Disabled people
Get equipped programme
How does the Get equipped scheme increase participation in disabled people
Funding scheme aimed at providing disabled performers with the specialist equipment required to engage in sporting activity.
Sport England and local partners aim to increase participation in women (5)
- I will if you will
- Active Women Projects
- Breeze
- Back to Netball
- This Girl Can
I will if you will
A yearlong behavioural change pilot in the local authority of Bury to get more women playing sport
Active Women Projects
Projects across local authorities aimed at disadvantaged women with young children to be more active and tackle the gender gap in sport
Large scale project to get more women bike riding for fun
Back to Netball
Programme throughout England to help women re engage in netball
This Girl Can
Campaign designed to overcome barriers to increase participation in sports among women and girls