Sport And Psychology Kroll And Crenshaw Flashcards
What is the definition of personality?
Our individual differences in patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour.
What we’re the two trait theory of personality measures?
Eysenck’s 3 factor model: extroversion, neuroticism, psychotism
And Cattells 16PF for example: unintelligent/intelligent, relaxed/tense
What was the aim of Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
Aim of study was to compare the personalities of elite athletes in 4 different sports. They used Cattell’s 16 traits for footballers, rugby players, gymnasts and karate.
What was the sample used in Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
387 males. Football- 139, wrestlers- 94, karate- 71, gymnasts- 141
What was the design used in Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
Quasi experiment. Self rating 16PF - 200 statements. Also a 15item lie scale.
Participants who scored 7 or more on lie scale were removed from the study.
What we’re the results found in Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
Wrestlers and footballers had similar personalities. Very distinct from karate and gymnasts. The major difference between footballers and karate was group dependence. Karate was most self sufficient. Gymnasts more shy than football and wrestlers. Biggest difference was between footballers and gymnasts.
What we’re the conclusions drawn from Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
The 16PF correctly predicted choice of sport 50.6% of the time. The most distinct group was gymnastics. Most similar was footballers and wrestlers. The shy-venturesome and groupdependent- selfsufficient were the most important traits in distinguishing between athletes from different sports.
What was the applications used in Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
If we can predict someone’s sporting success or choice by knowing their traits, this may match the ‘right’ sport for the athlete. It may be possible to modify aspects of an athletes personality to adapt them to their chosen sport. Both have potential to motivate and reduce anxiety.
What application titles are for Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
Matching athlete and sport. Identifying and preparing potential elite athletes. Modifying personality to fit with the demands of sport.
What was the usefulness of research of Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
Only few of the researches have applications to the real world. However, we can tweak aspects of personality - working with the athlete to identify responses they would like to modify.
How does the individual situational debate link to Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
Personality is all about individual differences. Although, people may be influenced by availability of good clubs, role models, films etc. there’s are situational factors.
What are methodological issues of Kroll and Crenshaw’s study?
Pp chosen using opp sampling: unrepresentative. Lack of elite status for karate was a confounding variable. Study also limited by validity and reliability factors of the personality measure used. A strength was their use of the lie scale - eliminated pps who were unsuitable for research involving my self rating. This improved validity.