Spoken Discourse Features Flashcards
Pointing words
e.g. that,here,this,there
Discourse marker
Announces shift in topic
e.g. so, right, okay, but
Shows attention and agreement
e.g. yeah, mmh, OK
Avoids being direct
e.g. kind of, sort of
2nd speaker starts before 1st finishes
e.g. Where is my hat?– Over there
2nd speaker violates 1st speakers turn
e.g. Are you eating that– What time is it now?
Omission of words
e.g. don’t, wanna
Tag questions
Speaker support/ uncertainty/ clarifies
e.g. You’re 16, aren’t you?
Pauses, can show uncertainty
e.g. er, umm
Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF)
I - “How are you?”
R - “Fine thanks. You?”
F - “Yeah, alright thanks.”
Insertion sequence
Turns that intervene an adjacency pair before it is complete
e.g. I - “How are you?”
R - “Fine thanks. You? You know, yesterday…”
Adjacency pairs
Turn taking exchange
e.g. Thank you– You’re welcome
Transition Relevance Point
When talk passes to the next speaker
e.g. What do you think? / Any comments?
Skip Connectors
Return to previous topic
e.g. Anyway, what i was saying was
Fixed expressions
Colloquial/Routine phrase
e.g. Basically/All in all
Vague expressions
Deliberately non-committal
e.g. thing, something
Non-fluency features
Non-verbal utterances
e.g. laughter, coughing
Phatic speech
Small talk/Social
e.g. Have a nice day