spleen and thymus Flashcards
red pulp
traversed by numerous thin walled sinusoids separated by cords of billroth
endothelium lining sinusoids discontinuous
contain labyrinth of macros loosley connected vi along dendritic processes
physical and functional barrier
open circulation
thru capillaries into cords -> sinusoids
only small percentage, but over course of the day filters entire blood volume
closed circuit
blood passes rapidly and directly from capillaries into splenic vv
white pulp follciles
artery w/eccentric collar of T cells -> periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
at intervals the sheath expands to from lymphoid nodules of B cells which can create germinal centers
functions of spleen
phagocytosis of blood cells and particulate matter
Ab production
sequestration of formed blood elements
phagocytosis of blood and partciulates
red cells that get stuck are phagocytosed by macros
pitting of RBC
process by which splenic macros excise inclusions to remove particles such as bacteria from blood
Ab production
DCs in periarterial lymph sheath trap Ags present to T cells which activate B cells which mature to Ab producing plasma cells in red pulp
compensatory extramedullary
sequestration of formed blood elements
splenomegaly can cause an increase in WBCs stored in spleen -> thrombocytopenia, leukopenia
aplenic suscpeitble to
S. pneumoniae
H. influenza
non specific acute splenitis
blood borne infection
due to microbes themselves and cytokines
non specific acute splenitis morphology
200-400gm and soft
acute congested red pulp, may encroach and efface lymph follicles
neutrophils, plasma cells, and eos may be in white and red pulp
white pulp may undergo necorsis
rarely abscesses form
congestive splenomegaly
due to chornic venus outflow obstruction
systemic or central venous congestion
cardiac decompensation (right) spleen rarely exceeds 500gm
cirrhosis of liver
main cause of massive congestive splenomegaly
schistosomiasis causes pipe-stem massive fibrosis
diffuse cirrhosis of alcoholics and pigment cirrhosis also cause profound enlargement