Spleen Flashcards
Spleen 1
Yin Bai - Hidden White
On the medial side of the big toe, 1 fen proximal and medial to the corner of the nail.
Jing Well Point
Wood Point
Point of Entry
Root of Tai Yin
Receives Qi from the Stomach meridian
Point of Departure of the Spleen Tendino muscular meridian
Has an influence on the Spleen Divergent Meridian
Regulates Blood
Spleen 2
Da Du - Great Capital
On the medial side of the big toe, distal and inferior to the first metatarso-phalangeal joint where the skin changes texture
Ying Spring Point
Fire Point therefore Tonification Point
Increases Spleen-Yang
Spleen 3
Tai Bai - Supreme White
On the medial side of the foot, proximal and inferior to the head of the first metatarsal bone, where the skin changes texture.
Shu Stream Point
Earth Point therefore Horary Point
Yuan Source Point therefore receives a vessel from ST-40
Useful point for the after effects of shock
Spleen 4
Gong Sun - Grandfather Grandson Yellow Emperor
In a depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone, where the skin changes texture. (Beware of finding the joint itself - feel up from SP-3 to the first protuberance = the base of the first metatarsal bone)
Luo Point therefore sends a vessel to ST-42 (a vessel ascends to the abdomen and connects with the intestines and stomach)
Master Point of Chong Mai
Couple point of Yin Wei Mai
Spleen 5
Shang Qiu - Merchant Mound / Shang Hill
At the crossing of the lines obtained by projecting along the anterior and inferior borders of the medial malleolus. (Find a depression and articulate)
Jing River Point
Metal Point therefore Sedation Point
Spleen 6
San Yin Jiao - Three Yin Crossing
3 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, in a depression posterior to the medial border of the tibia. (Lift heel feel between the bone and muscle for a gap)
Group-Luo Point of the Three Leg Yin
Spleen 7
Lou Gu - Leaking Valley
6 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, posterior to the medial border of the tibia, on a line joining SP-6 - SP-9
No Functions
Spleen 8
DiJi - Earth Pivot
10 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, posterior to the medial border of the tibia, on the line joining SP-6 to SP-9
Xi Cleft Point therefore regulates Qi and Blood in the Spleen meridian
Spleen 9
Yin Ling Quan - Yin Mound Spring
In the depression anterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia.
He Sea Point
Water Point
Point of Departure of the Spleen Divergent Meridian
Increases Spleen Yin
Spleen 10
Xue Hai - Sea of Blood (Chong Mai)
4 cun superior to the knee crease (i.e. 2 cun superior to the patella) on a line superior to SP-9, in the hollow of vastus medialis muscle.
Receives a vessel from Chong Mai
Works on Heart (Fire Qi)
Spleen 11
Ji Men - Winnower Gate
10 cun superior to the knee crease on a curving line from SP-10 to SP-12
Spleen 12
Chong Men - Rushing Gate
Approximately 3.5 cun lateral to the midline, level with the superior border of the symphysis pubis, just lateral to the femoral artery
Meets the Liver Meridian
Meets the Spleen Divergent Meridian
Has a strong effect on the Yuan Qi
Spleen 13
Fu She - Abode Of The Fu
4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, 0.7 cun superior to SP-12
Point of Yin Wei Mai.
Meets the Liver Meridian
Meridian continues to SP-14 via Ren-3 and Ren-4
Spleen 14
Fu Jie - Abdomen Knot
4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, 1.3 cun inferior to SP-
Spleen 15
Da Heng - Big Horizontal
4 cun lateral to Ren-8
Point of Yin Wei Mai
Branch via Ren-10 to SP-16
Spleen 16
Fu Ai - Abdomen Sorrow
4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, level with Ren-11, 3 cun superior to SP-15 (notch below rib)
Point of Yin Wei Mai
Branch via GB-24 and LV-14 to SP-17 therefore influences the Wood element
Spleen 17
Shi Dou - Food Cavity
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, in the 5th intercostal space.
Spleen 18
Tian Xi - Celestial Ravine
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, in the 4th intercostal space
Spleen 19
Xiong Xiang - Chest Village
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, in the 3rd intercostal space
Spleen 20
Zhou Rong - Complete Nourishing / Construction
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, in the 2nd intercostal space
A vessel goes to LU-1 to reunite Tai Yin
Meeting Point of Pre-natal and Post-Natal Qi
Spleen 21
Da Bao - Big Wrapping
On the mid-axillary line, in the 7th intercostal space. (Some sources place this point in the 6th intercostal space others midway between the axillae and the tip of the eleventh rib)
Great Luo Point of the Spleen (spreads through the chest and lateral costal region)
Point of Exit (Goes to HT-1)