Spiritual care Flashcards
Assessment tools
FICA (faith and belief, Importance, Community, Address care issues)
Functional assessment of chronic illness therapy- spiritual well being (FACIT-Sp)
Brief multidimensional measure of religiousness/spirituality (BMMRS)
Systems of belief inventory
Use regardless of pt system of beliefs
Faith and belief, Importance, Community, Address care issues
Functional assessment of chronic illness therapy- spiritual well being (FACIT-Sp)
12 item scale
**good for pts who describe no religious or spiritual affiliation or beliefs
Brief multidimensional measure of religiousness/spirituality (BMMRS)
12 dimensions of general spirituality and religious practices
Systems belief inventory
15 item scale
measures religious behaviors and spiritual aspects of coping with life threatening illness
**can be used for atheists or people with strong religious orientation
Type/sacred text/leaders: Judaism
Job, Rabbi
Type/sacred text/leaders: Christianity, catholicism
Jesus, priests, clergy
Type/sacred text/leaders: Islam
Allah, Muhammed, Imam
Type/sacred text/leaders: Hinduism
Brahman: the ultimate reality in universe
Vedas: four main sacred texts
Type/sacred text/leaders: Buddhism
Bodhisattva, spiritual teachers
Core principle: Judaism
One omnipresent god
Hebrews are God’s chosen people
Sanctity of life and body
Core principle: Christianity/Catholicism
Jesus Christ is Savior
Salvation through faith or good deeds
Humans are sinful
Sanctity of life
Core principle: Islam
Submission to the will of God
5 pillars: confession, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage
Sanctity of life
Core principle: Hinduism
Samsara: reincarnation until one reaches nirvana
Karma: deeds of prior lives affect future
Dukkha: suffering/pain are part of life
Moksha: release from samsara resulting in enlightenment
Core principle: Buddhism
Goal is to end the cycle of suffering
Three marks of existence: pain, impermanence, egolessness
Four noble truths and eightfold path provide framework to live and end suffering
Potential treatment issues: Judaism
Possible aggressive care (sanctity of life)
May avoid interventions that scar body (sanctity of body)
Potential treatment issues: Christianity/Catholicism
belief in miracles and sanctity of life may prolong aggressive care
Potential treatment issues: Islam
Belief in sanctity of life may prolong aggressive care
Preference for same gender clinicians
Keep patient body covered as much as possible
Potential treatment issues: Hinduism
Face death with a clear mind to focus on Brahman and advance to higher state
Possible concerns about use of opioids, benzos and disease states such as delirium and dementia that may cloud the mind at death
Potential treatment issues: Buddhism
Face death with clarity of mind to stay present and aware for the transition to next life
Possible concerns about opioids, benzos, and disease states such as delirium and dementia that may cloud the mind
Afterlife/Rituals/Burial: Judaism
Rabbinical debate about afterlife
Guilt, sin, absolution, forgiveness impact afterlife
Olam Ha-Ba (world to come), Sheol (bottomless pit)
Prayers/psalms important
Cremation for Reform only
Afterlife/Rituals/Burial: Christianity/Catholicism
Heaven and hell
Sacraments, rituals and prayer important at death
Burial or cremation allowed
Afterlife/Rituals/Burial: Islam
Heaven and hell
Only same gender can wash or shroud body
Prayers from Quran important WHILE dying
Head turned towards Mecca
No cremation or internment- Burial soon after death
Afterlife/Rituals/Burial: Hinduism
Reincarnation- possible fear of rebirth to lower order due to bad karma or altered mental state at death
Prayers, sacred hymns, chants and family/friend support important while dying
Turn head to face south at death
Cremation of body
Afterlife/Rituals/Burial: Buddhism
Reincarnation: possible fear of soul getting lost in transition from present life to next esp if delirium or dementia present
Prayers, rituals and chants while dying
Cremation of body
Five functions of spirituality for coping with life limiting illness
Comfort and security
Social support
Which culture tends to not want to discuss death and dying