Spine/thorax questions Flashcards
How Many Processes are there on a Spinal Vertebre?
Seven Processes, 1 Spinous Process, 2 transverse process, 4 Articulating Facets (2 Superior and 2 Inferior, one left and one right on each side)
What Spinal Curve does the Cervical Spine have?
Lordosis (Convex)
What Spinal Curve does the Thoracic Spine Have?
Kyphosis (Concave)
What Spinal Curve does the Lumbar have?
Lordosis (Convex)
How many articular surfaces does a Thoracic Spine have?
10 articular surfaces
What Spinal Curve does the Sacrum have?
Kyphosis (Concave)
What level (or vertebrae) of the Spine does the Spinal Cord end?
The Spinal Cord ends at L2,
What is the name for the space beneath the 12th rib?
The subcostal Space
What is the anatomical name for the place that the Spinal Cord ends? (Hint, it’s not the vertebral level)
Conus Medullaris
What is the anatomical name for the Spinal cord once it passes through the end of the spinal cord?
Cauda Equina (since it looks like a horse’s tail)
What is the name for the nerve that runs through the subcostal space?
The Anterior Ramus of T12 the Subcostal Nerve
The intercostal space of T5 is between which two ribs?
T5 and T6 (The space is named for the rib that forms its superior border)
What does the Anterior root of the spinal cord do?
Motor control
What does the Posterior root of the spinal cord do?
Sensory information
Anterior Longitudinal Ligament function
resists Excessive Extension
Anterior Longitudinal Ligament Distal Points of Attachment
Anterior Tubercle of C1 to Pelvic Surface of the Sacrum
Supraspinaous Ligament Points of attachment
Tips of Spinous Process of c7-sacrum
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Function
resists excessive Flexion
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Distal Points of attachments
Posterior aspect of Vertebral bodies to Pelvic Surface of the Sacrum
Intertransverse Longitudinal Ligament points of attachment
Attaches the transverse processes together
Intertransverse Longitudinal Ligament f
resists excessive Contralateral side-bend
Supraspinaous Ligament f
Prevents Excessive Flexion
Interspinaous Ligament Points of Attachments
Every spinous process from c2 to the base of the sacrum
What two structures make up the Costochondral Joint?
The rib and the costal cartilage
Interspinaous Ligament f
prevents excessive flexion
What structures make up the interchondral Joint?
The “false ribs”, ribs 8-10, whose costal cartilages conjoin together to insert just above and at the xiphoid process
What structures make up the Sternochondral Joint?
Sternum and the Costal Cartilage
What structures make up the Costovertebral Joint?
he rib and the Inferior and Superior vertebral bodies
Which rib’s costal cartilage inserts at the Sternal Angle?
Rib 3
What structures make up the Costotransverse Joint
The rib and the transverse processes
What structures make up at the Superior Thoracic Apeture?
Posterior: T1 Lateral: Rib 1 Anterior: Manubrium
What structures make up the Inferior Thoracic Apeture?
Posterior: T12 Posterior Lateral: 11-12 ribs Anterior Lateral: Costal Cartilage or 7-10 Anterior: Xiphoid Process
What Cavity is the Lungs in?
The Thoracic Cavity