Spine & Thorax Flashcards
Erector Spinae Group
(Spinalis, Longissimus, Iliocostalis)
O: common tendon (thoracolumbar fascia) that attaches to posterior surface of sacrum, iliac crest, SPs of lumbar and last two thoracic vertebrae
I: various attachments at posterior ribs, SPs and TVPs of thoracic and cervical vertebrae, mastoid process
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral lateral flex spine
bilaterally: extend spine
N: spinal
O: sacrum, TVPs of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
I: SPs of lumbar through C2 vertebrae (span 2-4 vertebrae)
A: unilaterally: contralateral rotation spine
bilaterally: extend spine
N: spinal
O: TVPs of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
I: SPs of lumbar through C2 vertebrae (span 1-2 vertebrae)
A: unilaterally: contralateral rotation spine
bilaterally: extend spine
N: spinal
Semispinalis Capitis
O: TVPs of C4-T5
I: between superior and inferior nuchal lines of occuput
A: extend spine and head
N: cervical
Splenius Capitis
O: inferior half of ligamentum nuchae and SPs of C7-T4
I: mastoid process and lateral portion of superior nuchal line
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral rotation neck, ipsilateral lateral flex neck
bilaterally: extend neck
N: cervical
Splenius Cervicis
O: SPs of T3-T6
I: TVPs of C1-C3
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral rotation neck, ipsilateral lateral flex neck
bilaterally: extend neck
N: cervical
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
O: SP of C2
I: inferior nuchal line of occiput
A: rock and tilt head back into extension ipsilateral rotation head
N: suboccipital
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
O: tubercle of posterior arch of C1
I: inferior nuchal line of occiput
A: rock and tilt head back into extension
N: suboccipital
Oblique Capitis Superior
O: TVP of C1
I: between the nuchal lines of occiput
A: rock and tilt head back into extension, ipsilateral laterally flex head
N: suboccipital
Oblique Capitis Inferior
O: SP of C2
I: TVP of C1
A: ipsilateral rotation head, ipsilateral lateral flex head
N: suboccipital
Quadratus Lumborum
O: posterior iliac crest
I: 12th rib, TVPs of L1-L4
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral hip hiking, ipsilateral lateral flex thorax
bilaterally: fix 12th rib during forced inhalation and exhalation, assist extend spine
N: lumbar plexus T12, L1, 2, 3
Rectus Abdominis
O: pubic crest, pubic symphysis
I: cartilage of ribs 5, 6, 7, xiphoid process
A: flex spine, anterior tilt pelvis
N: T5, 6, T7-11, T12, ventral rami
External Oblique
O: external surface of ribs 5-12
I: anterior part of iliac crest, rectus sheath to linea alba
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral laterally flex spine, contralateral rotation spine
bilaterally: flex spine, compress abdominal contents
N: (T5, 6), T7-11, T12
Internal Oblique
O: lateral inguinal ligament, iliax crest, thoracolumbar fascia
I: internal surface of lower 3 ribs, rectus sheath to linea alba
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral laterally flex spine, ipsilateral rotation spine
bilaterally: flex spine, compress abdominal contents
N: T7, 8, T9-12, L1, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal, ventral rami
Transverse Abdominis
O: lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, interal surface of lower 6 ribs
I: rectus sheath to linea alba
A: compress abdominal contents
N: T7-12, L1, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal, ventral divisions
O: costal attachment: inner surface of lower 6 ribs
lumbar attachment: upper two or three lumbar vertebrae
sternal attachment: inner part of xiphoid process
I: central tendon
A: draw down central tendon, inhalation
N: phrenic C3, 4, 5
External Intercostals
O: inferior border of rib above
I: superior border of rib below
A: draw ribs superiorly for inhalation
N: thoracic
Internal Intercostals
O: inferior border of rib above
I: superior border of rib below
A: draw ribs inferiorly for exhalation
N: thoracic
Serratus Posterior Superior
O: SPs of C7-T3
I: posterior surface of ribs 2-5
A: elevate ribs during inhalation
N: T1, 2, 3, 4
Serratus Posterior Inferior
O: SPs of T12-L3
I: posterior surface of ribs 9-12
A: depress runs during exhalation
N: T9, 10, 11, (12)
O & I: cervical: spanning TVPs of C2-C7
lumbar: spanning TVPs of L1-L5
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral laterally flex spine
bilaterally: extend spine
N: spinal
O & I: cervical:: spanning SPs of C2-T3
lumbar: spanning SPs of T12-L5
A: unilaterally: ipsilateral laterally flex spine
bilaterally: extend spine
N: spinal
O: public symphysis
I: linea alba
A: tenses linea alba
N: 12th thoracic nerve