Goal and cues
Spine Stretch foreward
Goals and Cues
Goal: Stretch the Lower Spine and Hamstrings. Teaches how to sit up and out of the hips.
Cue. Sit tall. legs out in front of you. Slightly wider than your shoulders. knees facing the ceiling. arms straight out. Parallel to the floor. palms down. sit up and out and on top of your hips. flex feet.
exhale: bring head through arms. chin to chest. nose to navel. and crown to the mat. rounding up and over. reach through your heels and fingertips. stretch.
inhale: roll up through your lower spine. middle spine. and upper spine. pulling abs in and up as you stack your vertebrae. Return to sitting.
image. lift up and over like a candy cane.
Open Rocker number 2
goals and cues
Goal: improve balance and control.
Cue: balance on sit bones, hold your ankles with your arms between the knees. knees in line with shoulders, feet softly pointed. keep c curve. chest open.
Breath naturally. reach one leg up, knee aligned with shoulder, reaching long. bend and change.
Straighten opposite leg, lifting spine higher. bend
Straighten both legs, be light, with eyes on the horizon and your chest lifting higher than knees
Cork screw level 1 number 3
Goals and Cues
Goal: strengthen abs and lengthen thighs. teaches separation of the legs and pelvis.
cue. lie on back. legs together and up to the ceiling in a Pilates stance. arms long at your sides with palms down. anchor the back of your arms, head, shoulder blades, rib cage and pelvis.
Inhale reach legs across the body in line with your shoulders. keep opposite hip anchored.
exhale: circle legs away, to the center, to the other shoulder and home.
image: draw a perfect circle on the ceiling