Spine and Thorax Flashcards
What is the origin of the Spinalis?
Spinous processes of the upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae (thorasis)
Ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C-7 (cervicis)
What is the insertion of the Spinalis?
Spinous processes of upper thoracic (thoracis)
Spinous processes of cervicals, except C-1 (cervicis)
What is the origin of the Longinssimus?
Common tendon (thoracis)
Transverse processes of upper 5 thoracic vertebrae* (cervicis and capitis)
*(also part of insertion of the thoracis section)
What is the insertion of the Longissimus?
Lower 9 ribs and transverse processes of thoacic vertebrae* (thoracis)
Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae (cervicis)
Mastoid process of temporal bone (capitis)
*(also part of origin of the cervicis and capitis sections)
What is the origin of the Iliocostalis?
Common tendon (lumborum)
Posterior surface of ribs (1-12) (thoracis and cervicis)
What is the insertion of the Iliocostalis?
Transeverse processes of lumbar verebrae 1-3 and posterior surface of ribs 6-12 (lumborum)
Posterior surface of ribs 1-6 (thoracis)
Transverse processes of lower cervicals (cervicis)
What is the origin of the multifidi?
Sacrum and transverse processes of of lumbar through cervical verebrae
What is the insertion of the Multifidi?
Spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae through 2nd cervical vertebrae (spaning 2-4 vertebrae)
What is the insertion of the Rotatores?
Spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae through second cervical vertebra (spaning from 1-2 vertebrae)

What is the origin of the Rotatores?
Transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae

What is the origin of the Semispinalis Capitis?
Transverse processes of C4-T-5
What is the insertion of the Semispinalis Capitis?
Between the superior and inferior nuchal lines of the occiput
What is the origin of the Splenius Capitis?
Inferior 1/2 of ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of C-7 to T-4
What is the insertion of the Splenius Capitis?
Mastoid process and lateral portion of superior nuchal line
What is the origin of the Splenius Cervicis?
Spinous processes of T-3 to T-6
What is the insertion of Splenius Cervicis?
Transverse processes of C-1 to C-3
What is the origin of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major?
Spinous process of the axis (C-2)

What is the insertion of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major?
Inferior nuchal line of the occiput

What is the origin of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor?
Tubercle of the posterior arch of the atlas (C-1)

What is the insertion of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor?
Inferior nuchal lineof the occiput

What is the origin of Oblique Capitis Superior?
Transverse process of the atlas (C-1)

What is the insertion of the Oblique Capitis Superior?
Between the nuchal lines of the occiput

What is the origin of the Oblique Capitis Inferior?
Spinous process of the axis (C-2)

What is the insertion of the Oblique Capitis Inferior?
Transverse process of the atlas (C-1)