Spine Flashcards
Number of cervical vertebra
number of thoracic vertebra
number of lumbar vertebra
tell about atlanto-occipital joint
condylloid joint
2 degrees of freedom
head flexion/extension and side bending
Atlanto-axial joint
pivot joint
50% happens at this joint
cardiac and respiratory centers located here
facet joints
synonvial gliding
each vertebra has four facets
each group has five articulations
what plane are cervical facets in in
horizontal plane, mostly rotation
what plane are thoracic vertebra in
frontal plane, for side bending
What plane are lumbar vertebra in
transverse plane
SI joint
plane/synovial gliding
lots of movement here when women are pregnant
rectus capitus innervation
C1-C2 nerve supply
longus capitus innervation
C1-C3 nerve supply
longus capitus motions
assists with neck flexion, prime action is to STABLIZE cervical vertebrae
longus colli motion and innervation
assists with neck flexion, prime action is to STABLIZE cervical vertebrae, C2-C6 nerve supply
anterior scalene motion and innervation
flexes the neck and also side bends to same side and rotates neck to the same side, C5-C6 nerve supply
sternocleidomastoid action and innervation
flexion, ispsi. Flexion and contra. Rotation, spinal accessory nerve X
rectus capitus posterior
extension with both muscles, subocciptal nerve
-major and minor
oblique capitus innervation and actions
superior and inferior: extension of upper cervical vertebra
Suboccipital N.
interpsinals action and innervation
neck extension
dorsal primary rami N.
intertransversals action and innervation
between the transverse processes, ipsi. Lateral flexion, contract on both sides, just stabilizes the spine
dorsal Primary Rami N.