Spine Flashcards
What do spinal nerves do
innervate different regions of the body below the head
emerge in pairs from between the vertebrae that make up the spinal column from superior to inferior
what are the areas of the spinal column (from superior to inferior)
cervical region
thoracic region
lumbar region
sacral region
Where do nerve fibers leave from in the spinal column
the ventral and dorsal aspects of the spinal column
where does sensory information come from
dorsal aspect of the spinal column
dorsal root fibers = afferent
where does motor information come from
ventral aspect of the spinal column
ventral foot fibers = efferent
what are dermatomes
regions of the body that are served or innervated by a specific spinal nerve
represent the arrangement of cutaneous innervation zones or skin bands innervated by spinal afferents
what cranial nerve carries sensory information from the face?
CN V: trigeminal
What are the three synapses that make up the pathway to reach the somatosensory cortex
cuneate nucleus, thalamus, primary somatosensory cortex
How does sensory information travel to the brainstem and then the cortices? (write the path)
Mechanoreceptor in the hand → Travel along the dorsal column of the spinal cord (traveling ipsilaterally) to enter the spinal column → travels along the tract until the first synapse towards the cuneate nucleus where they will synapse on a new set of cell bodies (medial lemniscus) → the axons of the cell bodies leave the cuneate nucleus and crossover/desscuate (contralateral representation of somatosensory information) → travel up to the thalamus where they will synapse on a new set of cell bodies (internal capsule) → new cluster of cell bodies sends their axons to primary somatosensory cortex
Mechanoreceptor in the foot → causes an action potential to travel along the sensory part of the spinal nerve → axons enter the dorsal root of the spinal column and travel up the dorsal columns of the spinal column (gracile fasciculus) → axons synapse on a new set of cell bodies in the gracile fasciculus (ipsilateral) → their axons leave the cell bodies of the gracile nucleus and crossover/decussate and travel up along the medial lemniscus to synapse on the thalamus → their axons leave and travel along the internal capsule to synapse on new cell bodies in the primary somatosensory cortex