Spinal Orthotic Biomechanics Flashcards
A 20 year old male has sustained an L1 burst fracture - What do you recommend?
TLSO: Triplanar control
Which orthosis would be indicated for a T9, 2-column compression fracture?
TLSO: sagittal/coronal control
Which orthosis would you recommend to manage an anterior compression fracture at T12?
TLSO: sagittal control
A patient presents with disruption of the supraspinous ligament, posterior longitudinal ligament and the ligamentun flavum. What is most likely the mechanism of injury?
When the anterior longitudinal ligament is involved, what is the most common mechanism of injury?
The correct anterior pin placement for a HALO is:
10mm superior to the eyebrow and placed above the lateral 1/3 of eyebrow
An adolescent female with scoliosis presents in your facility. Because she is being recommended for orthotic treatment, what presentation would you expect to see?
Risser sign of +1-2, Cobb angle of 25-40 degrees
Orthotic management of a T1 fracture should be treated with:
What is the correct posterior trim line for a thermoplastic TLSO?
10 mm distal to spine of the scapula
10 mm above the seat with hips flexed to 90 degrees
Which biomechanical principle would be the most effective in unloading an intervertebral disc?
Increased intra-cavitary pressure
List, in order from least to most effective, the following cervical orthoses: SOMI, 4-poster CTO, Miami J, HALO and soft collar
Soft collar, Miami J, SOMI, 4 poster CTO and HALO
Which condition should be positioned in sagittal flexion for orthotic treatment?
Spondylolisthesis, Spondylolysis and Spinal Stenosis
When is it acceptable to have the aterior apron on a conventional LSO to be shorter than the desired height?
Spondylolysis, Spondylolisthesis, or any condition that you treat with sagittal flexion
Unilateral contracture of the sternocleidomastoid that is indicative of torticollis would cause the patient to present with:
Lateral head flexion to ipsolateral side and rotation to the contralateral side
Placement of a thoracic band on a conventional LSO should be:
10mm distal to inferior angle of the scapula