Spinal Exam 2 study guide Quiz Questions Flashcards
What muscle attaches to the anterior arch of C1?
the longus colli muscle
What is the morphology of the superior articular facet of C1?
they are elliptical, closer together in front and often demonstrate an elevation subdividng the facet surface into two separate surfaces
What is the orientation of the inferior articular facet of C1?
backward, medial, downward (BMD)
What is the joint classification of the atlanto-axial zygopophysis?
diarthrosis arthrodia
What is the name of the rounded elevation on the medial aspect of the lateral mass of C1?
tubercle for the transverse atlanta ligament
What muscles attach to the lateral mass of C1?
levator scapula, splenius cervicis, and rectus capitis anterior
What is the distance from the posterior tubercle of the posterior arch to the skin in each gender?
males: about fifty millimeters; females: about thirty-seven millimeters
What attaches to the posterior tubercle of the posterior arch of C1?
rectus capitis posterior minor muscle and ligamentum nuchae
What superior surface modifications of the posterior arch of C1 are present?
groove/sulcus for the vertebral artery and arcuate rim
What attaches to the arcuate rim of C1?
the posterior atlanto-occipital ligament
With regard to ossification of the posterior atlanto-occipital ligament, what is the gender bias, bone classification, amount of ossification, and general percent in the population?
male, accessory bone, complete ponticulus posticus, fifteen percent; female, accessory bone, partial ponticulus posticus, twenty-six percent
What is observed on the undersurface of the posterior arch of C1?
“inferior vertebral notch” and an attachment site for the posterior atlanto-axial ligament
What is the location of the “zygapophysis” relative to the atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial intervertebral foramina?
it forms part of the anterior boundary of the intervertebral foramen in both cases
What muscles attach to the transverse process of C1?
rectus capitis anterior, rectus capitis lateralis, middle scalene, levator scapula, splenius cervicis, obliquus capitis superior, obliquus capitis inferior, and intertransversarii muscles
What is observed in the transverse foramen of C1?
vertebral artery, vertebral venous plexus, postganglionic sympathetic motor nerve fibers
What is the gender variation for measurements of the transverse diameter of C1?
males: 78 millimeters and females: 72 millimeters
What is the distance from the posterior tubercle of the transverse process of C1 to the skin for each gender?
a little over 30 millimeters for both males and females
What joint classifications are observed at C1?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis, diarthrosis ellipsoidal, diarthrosis trochoid, diarthrosis arthrodia
What synovial joint surfaces are observed at C1?
two superior articular faces, two inferior articular faces, and the fovea dentis
What names are given to C2?
axis or epistropheus
What is the name given to the odontoid process when the facet for the fovea dentis lies above the groove for the transverse atlantal ligament and the attachment sites for the apical-dental and alar ligaments appear to be directed posterior?
lordotic dens
What is the name given to the odontoid process when the facet for the fovea dentis lies below the groove for the transverse atlantal ligament and the attachment sites for the apical-dental and alar ligaments appear to be directed anterior?
kyphotic dens
What joint classifications are present at the vertebral body of C2?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis, diarthrosis trochoid, modified diarthrosis sellar, and amphiarthrosis symphysis
What ligaments attach posteriorly to the inferior epiphyseal rim of C2?
membrana tectoria and the posterior longitudinal ligament
What ligament forms the anterior boundary for the spinal canal above C2?
membrana tectoria
What ligament forms the anterior boundary for the spinal canal below C2?
posterior longitudinal ligament
What attaches to the lamina of C2?
obliquus capitis inferior muscle, posterior atlanto-axial ligament, ligamentum flavum
What muscle attaches to the lamina of C2?
obliquus capitis inferior
What is the facet orientation of the superior articular facet of C2?
backward, upward, and lateral
What is the orientation of the inferior articular facets of C2?
forward, lateral, and down
What muscle attaches to teh articular processes of C2?
longissimus cervisis
What is the gender variation for the transverse diameter of C2?
males: fifty-seven millimeters and females: about fifty millimeters
What muscles attach to the transverse process at C2?
levator scapulae, middle scalene, splenius cervicis, longissimus cervicis, and intertransversarii
Anterior and posterior intertransversarii are first observed at what vertebral couple?
What muscles attach to the spinous process of C2?
rectus capitis posterior major, obliquus capitis inferior, spinalis cervicis, semispinalis cervicis, multifidis, rotators, interspinalis mucles