Spinal Exam 1 study guide Q and A Flashcards
Which mammals do not have seven cervical vertebrae?
the two toed sloth, the manatee, the ant bear, and the three toed sloth
Differences in the number and morphology of vertebrae within the population based on age or developmental variation is identified as which type of variation?
ontogenetic variation
Which variations account for the disparity in number and morphology of vertebrae within the population?
gender variation or sexual dimorphism, ontogenetic variation, geographic or population based variation, and idiosyncratic variation.
What is the length of a typical male spinal column?
about 70 centimeters or 28 inches
What is the length of the male cervical region (both measurements)?
about 12 centimeters or 5 inches
What is the length of the male thoracic region (both measurements)?
about 28 centimeters or 11 inches
Based on the numbers for individual regions of the vertebral column, what is the length of the male spine (both measurements)?
about 58 centimeters or 23 inches
Distinguish between motion and locomotion.
motion is movement without travel; locomotion is movement to a new site/location
What organ(s) are specifically associated with the horizontal axis of the skull?
The eye and the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear.
What is the general shape of the vertebral body at each region of the spine?
cervical- rectangular
thoracic- triangular
lumbar- reniform
What is the name given to the cartilage found at the superior and inferior surface of a developing vertebral body?
superior epiphyseal plate, inferior epiphyseal plate
What are the ages of appearance and the events occurring at each step in the formation of bone at the superior and inferior surface of the vertebral body?
ages 7-9, appearance of epiphyseal plate centers of ossification
age 12 years, formation of the epiphyseal ring
age 15 years, formation of the epiphyseal rim
What is the generic orientation of the pedicle at each region of the spine?
cervical- posterolateral
thoracic- posterior, slight lateral
lumbar- posterior
What is the name given to abnormal bone at the attachment site of the ligamentum flavum?
para-articular process
What is the name given to the overlap of laminae seen on x-ray?
What is the name given to the lamina- pedicle junction at each region of the spine?
cervical- articular pillar
thoracic and lumbar- pars interarticularis
What is the generic orientation of the transverse process or transverse apophysis at each region of the spine?
cervical- anterolateral
thoracic- posterolateral
lumbar- lateral
What will cause the transverse process/ transverse apophysis to alter its initial direction in the cervical region?
cervical spinal nerves are pulled forward to form the cervical and brachial nerve plexuses thus remodeling the transverse process to accommodate their new position
What will cause the transverse process/ transverse apophysis to alter its initial direction in the thoracic region?
the growth of the lungs remodel the shape of the ribs which in turn push the transverse processes backward
What is the name given to the joint formed by the articular facets of a vertebral couple?
the zygapophysis
What will form the posterior boundary of a typical intervertebral foramen?
the inferior articular process/ post-zygapophysis, the superior articular process/ pre-zygopophysis, the capsular ligament, and the ligamentum flavum
What will form the superior boundary of a typical intervertebral foramen?
the inferior vertebral notch or inferior vertebral incisure
What will form the anterior boundary of a typical intervertebral foramen?
the vertebral body of the segment above, the vertebral body of the segment below, the intervertebral disc, and the posterior longitudinal ligament.
What is the name given to the normal overlap of spinous processes or spinous apophyses as seen on X-ray?
What is the orientation of the spinous process/spinous apophysis at each region of the spine?
cervical- slight angle inferiorly
thoracic- noticeable angle inferiorly
lumbar-no inferior angle
What is the name given to the union of all vertebral foramina into an apparent vertical cylinder?
the vertebral canal or spinal canal
What neural structures will occupy the vertebral foramen until the level of L2?
the spinal cord/spinal medulla/ medulla spinalis, the proximal part of the peripheral nerve system, the meninges
What is the typical shape/ outline of the vertebral foramen at each region of the spinal column/vertebral column?
Identify the meninges of the spinal cord/ spinal medulla/ medulla spinalis and the commonly accepted meaning of each.
dur mater-tough mother
arachnoid mater- spider mother
pia mater- tender or delicate mother
Name and locate each space formed between hte osseous vertebral foramen and the spinal cord/ spinal medulla/ medulla spinalis.
epidural space- between the vertebral foramen and the dura mater
subdural space- between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater
subarachnoid space- between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater
Which of the contents of the epidural space will be found near the vertebral body?
.anterior spinal canal artery and plexus
.anterior internal vertebral venous plexus
.basivertebral vein
.recurrent meningeal/sinu-vertebral-sinus vertebral nerve
.Hoffmann ligaments
.posterior longitudinal ligament
What are the branches of the spinal artery?
.osseous arteries .anterior spinal canal artery .posterior spinal canal artery .anterior medullary feeder arteries .posterior medullar feeder arteries .neural artery
What forms the arterial vasa corona below C6?
a median anterior spinal artery, right and left posterior spinal arteries, and 3 communicating arteries
Which vessel will supply the dorsal/posterior nerve root ganglion?
posterior distal radicular artery
What arterial vasa corona branches supply gray matter and most of the spinal cord?
ventral/centra/sulcal perforating arteries
The continuation of pia mater below the conus medullaris is called?
filum terminale internum
What are the spinal cord enlargement locations and the name given to each?
C3-T1, the cervical enlargement
T9-T12, the lumbar/lumbosacral enlargement
What is a generic cord level origin-vertebral level combination for the lumbar/lumbosacral enlargement?
L1, L2 cord levels in T9 vertebra;
L3, L4 cord levels in T10 vertebra;
L5, S1 cord levels in T11 vertebra;
S2, S3 cord levels in T12 vertebra
What spinal nerves originate from the conus medullaris?
typically, S4, S5, and Co1
What is the name given to the caudal attachment of the meninges?
coccygeal medullary vestige
What is the name given to the condition where the conus medullaris is located below L1 and the filum terminale is thickened?
tethered cord syndrome
What is the relationship between spinal nerve number, rib number, and vertebral number in a thoracic intervertebral foramen?
The spinal nerve number relates to the upper segment number in the vertebral couple. The rib number relates to the lower segment number in the vertebral couple. ex: T3 nerve exits the intervertebral foramen formed by T3/T4, rib 4 joints with this same vertebral couple
What is the appearance of the typical cervical vertebral body from the lateral view?
posterior height is greater than anterior height by a few millimeters.
What is the joint classification for the posterior lip-posterior articulation?
amhiarthrosis syndesmosis
What is the joint classification for the uncinate process-lateral groove articulation?
modified diarthrosis sellar
What is the joint classification for the spongy bone-intervertebral disc articulation?
amphiarthrosis symphysis