Spinal Correlates Flashcards
What is being tested for hyoid bone?
What is being tested for at thyroid cartilage?
What is being tested at the first cricoid ring?
What is being tested at the carotid tubercle?
0/5 Muscles?
1/5 Muscles?
Flicker, trace contraction. No joint motion or palpable muscle contraction
2/5 Muscles?
Muscle motion only with no gravity or resistance
3/5 Muscles?
Muscle motion with gravity, but not resistance
4/5 Muscles?
Muscle motion with gravity, and mild resistance. But the examiner can push through it.
5/5 Muscles?
Muscle motion with gravity, and maximal resistance
How to test myotome C5?
Flex bicep
How to test myotome C6?
Extend wrist (extensor carpi radialis)
How to test myotome C7?
Extend tricep
How to test myotome C8?
Flex distal finger with flexor digitorium profundus
How to test myotome T1?
Abduct pinky with abductor digiti minini