Spinal cord and nerves Flashcards
What is a complete spinal cord injury? What is the consequence
occur when the spinal cord is fully compressed or severed. A complete injury will result in a complete loss of sensory and motor information below the level of the lesion.
What is an incomplete spinal cord injury?
occur when the spinal cord is compressed or injured, but the brain’s ability to send signals below the site of the injury is not completely removed.
What is brown-sequard?
A partial spinal cord injury on one half of the spinal cord- paralysis and loss ofproprioception/ vibration/discriminative touchon the ipsilateral side as the injury.
Loss of pain and temperature sensation on the opposite (or contralateral) side as the lesion
How does the proportion of white matter to grey matter differ as you go down the spinal cord?
As you go down the spinal cord the amount of white matter increases and the amount of greasy matter decreases
What is a dermatone
area of skin which receives its sensory supply from a single spinal nerve
Where is a lumber puncture and epidural given?
Below the level of L3 to avoid damage to spinal cord
describe the blood supply to the spinal cord?
Anterior and posterior spinal arteries Radiculospinal arteries (arteries from the body wall)
What is the difference between a motor and sensory neurone?
Motor neurone- multipolar, has many dedrites coming from the cell body
Sensory- cell body found in axon (spinal or cranial nerve ganglion), it is unipolar. Only 1 process on cell body