Spinal Cord Flashcards
Inferior cervical region of spinal cord…
cervical enlargement
Inferior thoracic, lumber, and superior sacral regions
lumbosacral enlargement
Inferior end of lumbosacral enlargement
conus medullaris
inferior roots of conus medullaris
cauda equine
connective tissue surrounding spinal cord and brain
most superficial and thickest membrane
dura mater
middle membrane- thin and wispy
arachnoid mater
deepest membrane- bound tightly to spinal cord
pia mater
deep clefts partially separating two halves of the spinal cord
- anterior median fissure
- posterior median sulcus
white matter
contains dorsal (posterior) column, ventral (anterior) column, and lateral column
gray matter
contains posterior (dorsal) horn, anterior (ventral) horn, and lateral horn
located in center of gray commissure-circulates CSF
central canal
ventral roots
contain motor neurons
dorsal root
contains sensory axons- joins with ventral root to form spinal nerve
portion consisting of myelinated axons (form nerve tracts)
white matter