Relfex Flashcards
basic functional unit
reflex arc
simple neuronal pathways-sensory neurons synapse directly with motor neurons
monosynaptic reflex
complex pathways and integrative centers-one or more interneurons
polysynaptic reflex
muscles contract in response to a stretching force applied
stretch reflex
muscle spindle
sensory receptor (specialized skeletal muscle fibers)
motor neurons-innervate fibers (small axon)
gamma motor neurons
motor neurons in spinal cord synapse with sensory neurons (large axon)
alpha motor neurons
Golgi tendon reflex
prevents contracting muscles from applying excessive tension on tendons
Golgi tendon organs
encapsulated nerve endings- located near muscle-tendon junction
withdrawal reflex
flexor reflex- to remove a limb or other body part from a painful stimulus
reinforces the efficiency of the withdrawal reflex
reciprocal innervation
crossed extensor reflex
shifts weight of body to prevent falls